Synapse. Antjie Krog

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Synapse - Antjie Krog

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      ill the murdered the raped and the heartbroken ones

      I know my country was fabricated

      once from hope – it stays with me

      it’s incomparableness stays with me

      immoderate is my feeling for this land

      dumbfounded we listen to the hairdryer sounds

      of our leaders arid-air scorchings of nothingness

      I do not believe in miracles

      but the peaceful liberation of my land

      was a miracle – astonishing and filled with elation

      I have no other land than this one

      we have become the prey of ourselves caught up

      in ethnic avarice and a total incapacity for vision

      it is as if we have no idea any more of how to live without

      being violent anguished and brutal towards one another

      I belong to this land

      it made me

      immoderate is my feeling for this land

      gnarled and tough but unambiguous

      I have no other land

      than this one

      I do not believe in miracles

      but the peaceful liberation of my land

      was a miracle – astonishing and filled with elation

      it stays with me its incomparableness stays with me

      (after David Grossman)

      Lady Justice blindfolded


      the pants are unbuttoned, the erection thrusts,

      Lady Justice lies on the floor pinned down

      by men who dig around stubbornly in the squalid loam

      of their consciences trying to verbalise

      that she was looking for it, yes she provoked them:

      thus lust pushes justifiably

      through the President’s doublekeeled

      swindlehead. but behind this tableau lies of course

      another: one foot firmly planted on gold, the other

      athwart the land while one hand takes

      the other claws from the unbuttoned fly

      dangle Baron Boerdick, Viscount Saltdick

      and their mate the Duke of Acorndick

      in this tableau the worst has already happened: blood stains

      under the thighs of Lady Justice her eyes glazed

      nobody helps her up – between Lady Justice’s

      silence here on the floor and Lady Justice’s

      blindness lingers more than the injustice of three centuries

      and the recipe works like this:


      one does not know who one is one

      feels in a constant state of

      restlessness of nervous distress one

      feels forever weighed and found wanting

      one feels too insignificant to be

      worthy the reason for this one does not know

      therefore one feels how even less human

      worth is added to one’s dehumanisation

      after a time one adopts bravado and

      avoidance because wherever one turns

      that White Eye watches that White Eye

      judges that one is so nothing, so nobody’s

      somewhere in one’s deepest trampled self

      only scrapings of one’s hopeless

      hurtlessness and spacious fury move

      unquenchably one thirsts for a purifying deed:

      something bulletclean-freesinging something un-

      touchably cuttingloose something so

      ravishingly violent that the white-jabbering

      Eye can only shit out its fear

      if one beats with an iron pipe until

      blood spatters the roof one will

      call the police oneself: look, I

      have dealt with the Number One Boer myself


      between Lady Justice and Lady Justice’s historical

      blindness the Men of Great Nations play

      (corrupt of head rapaciously pituitary aflame

      with self-seeking covetous power neuroses: pornographically

      staking claims to everything) to keep what they’ve

      stolen while reminding themselves to steal again

      from those places they’ve sucked dry before

      between Lady Justice and Lady Justice’s silence

      row the Russian kleptocracy, the netherworld of

      the Ukraine the carefree historical virus of German

      corruption and an American president completely at

      ease with his stolen election handcuffing the rest of us

      with monopolies exploitation consumerism

      wars and spy-systems for the day of vengeance


      the lack of moral imagination


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