Synapse. Antjie Krog

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Synapse - Antjie Krog

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in the midst of their structural

      violence they set up courts and give

      shocked interviews about the South’s

      sloth, impunity, their Law

      and Disorder, Profit and Plunder

      their Casino Capitalism

      their Bogus Democracies

      their False Labels Fetish

      the Typecasting Politics of Phantom

      States the Bulging Bellied

      Dictators with their

      Queen Elizabeth-cloned

      Fake Dreams men who have never

      even planted a seed in the earth

      race around insolently with heavy weapons

      ray-bans and rotten cocks


      let’s use the pronoun ‘we’ for a change, become part

      of the world’s negating vocabulary for us because you are also

      us, us with the ethnic testicles and unemployed youth trekking like

      a plague of locusts it’s our representatives who leave behind rusted railway lines

      crumbling roads and the ruined infrastructure of towns yes we vote

      for the ones with the international salaries national syndicates but who can’t

      audit a foyer pot plant correctly or draw up a balance sheet


      how does one breathe in the midst of all this violence

      killing corruption rape the open and outward

      festering of hate in this country

      the searing and tearing apart of children – in-

      human the poverty the poverty the dehumanisation

      of it the grandmothers with their pensions

      and sparkle of children the phalanxes of youth

      bored and scabrous fed with ancestral

      sacrifices who hold up absurdities as tradition

      how does one live amongst this how does one live

      in honourable balance how do you keep your

      integrity amidst so much daily violation?


      between Lady Justice and Lady Justice First World

      attention is constantly diverted from

      the true locus of our deformed world:

      Lady Justice has long since stopped focusing on justice

      and turned instead to the law while poverty is not a given

      but the blemish of deliberate un-

      equalising through the systematic deprivation of others

      the law sleeps unwillingly in the beds of

      the poor. all our pants are unbuttoned

      all our erections are visible Lady Justice lies

      with her loamy locks on the mazista floor

      it suits us that she’s a woman because now it’s

      her word against ours: reconciliation is the celebration

      of injustice, being kept inferior feeds the hate


      academics claim that the single vertically

      integrated dominance of the West

      has been replaced nowadays by the nervous

      somewhat xenophobically tainted concept of

      dissimilarity and heterodoxy

      all according to Fanon’s logical template

      therefore all one can do is post-colonially

      sigh, smile and shrug one’s shoulders


      but how do we hold each other’s blood in safekeeping other than

      to fervently commit ourselves to our shared sky and the sanctity

      of all bodies so that the heartless the merciless the brutal

      the cruel the vicious are not what we wear

      facing each other. in the end, wherever you are, the

      foundations on which everything rests remain corruption and complicity

      but the most dangerous of them all are the clean hands

      Based on texts by JM Coetzee, John and Jean Comaroff,

       Frantz Fanon and Carl Jung.

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