Divine Visits. Josie Varga

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Divine Visits - Josie Varga

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Was Not Alone

       An Encounter with Archangel Michael

       Meeting My Master Spirit Guide

       The Angel Paintings

       An Angel on Route 13

       My Final Goodbye

       God Works in Mysterious Ways

       Your Grandpa Is Going to Be Fine

       The Voice behind Me

       Yet Again, I Survived

       The $20 Tip

       My Present from God

       The Angels Are Singing to You

       A Once-in-a-Lifetime Experience

       A Close Encounter of a Heavenly Kind

       Padre Pio: The Mystery of the Stigmata

       Vera's Trip to Italy

       A Miracle at Christmas

       A Ray of Hope

       I'm Bringing You Back

       Messengers Sent by God

       Miracle Babies

       A Cure for Cancer

       A Lump on My Breast

       An Angel Named Ray

       An Angel Goes Home

       We Are Never Alone

       A Grandmother's Love

       A Helping Hand from Heaven

       Final Thoughts

       About the Author


      Everything happens for a reason and nothing is without purpose. Although I had no plans to write this book, here I am today writing these heartfelt words of acknowledgment to all of you. When I first heard Toni DiBernardo's story about how a divine intervention rid her body of pancreatic cancer, I was hard at work on another book with no intention of stopping. But her story eventually led me on a quest to find other divine encounters or what I call divine visits. The rest, as they say, is history.

      Toni and I met when I was writing my book Visits from Heaven about evidential afterlife communication. We got to know each other, and I am proud to now count her among my friends. Her story touched my heart more than words could ever express. For not only was it an affirmation of just how powerful prayer is, but it also proved to me that God and heaven are always within our reach.

      Poet James Russell Lowell once said, “All God's angels come to us disguised.” I must disagree here because while some angels do come to us in disguise, others do not. As you will see in this book, some most certainly make their presence known to us.

      Toni helped me find stories about divine and angelic encounters for this book. For this, I will forever be grateful. Thank you, Toni, for your love and support. You are an angel here on earth.

      I would also like to acknowledge all the wonderful contributors. Obviously, without them, there would be no book. Thank you all so much. Your stories of divine love will change lives by helping others realize that they have access to the angelic and divine realm at all times.

      Some time ago, a contributor to my book Visits from Heaven put me in touch with Cassie McQuagge of A.R.E. Press in order for me to obtain reprint permission. I felt an instant connection to Cassie and knew in my heart that I was meant to go with A.R.E. This book is my fourth title with them, and I am extremely grateful for their continued faith in me.

      Thank you to my editor, Stephanie Pope. Her support, expertise, and friendship have been invaluable to me. To Jennie Taylor Martin, Alison Ray, and the rest of the A.R.E. crew, thank you for believing in me. I would especially like to thank A.R.E.'s CEO and Executive Director Kevin Todeschi for his support. I am extremely humbled and honored that he wrote the Foreword for this book. Thank you, Kevin.

      Over the years I have gained the support of so many experts in the field. For this I am very grateful. Thank you, John L. Turner, MD, for writing the Preface. I am so deeply touched by your kind words.

      I cannot end this without first acknowledging my family and friends. I am very blessed to have so many earth angels in my life. To my mother and father, I love you. To my brother Michael and sister Virginia, thank you for continuing to look after your little sister. In memory of my Godmother Lucy, thank you for paying me a special divine visit and letting me know that you are still around.

      To my beautiful daughters, Erica Ann and Lia Josephine, I thank God for you every day. To John, my wonderful husband, only God and his angels could have brought together a love like ours. I love you so much.

      Lastly, I want to acknowledge my friends, both old and new. Thank you for knowing me and loving me anyway. I am so blessed. Without you, my life would not be complete.


      Perhaps more than anything else, the most compelling premise presented in Josie Varga's Divine Visits is the fact that God in spirit can and does impact things physical. To be sure, there are times

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