Divine Visits. Josie Varga

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Divine Visits - Josie Varga

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and that of many others: All of us have guardian angels and guides. We need to understand and to fully appreciate how the process of divine intervention works. One day we, too, will appreciate such intervention. That is where this book is very helpful—it shows us how divine visits occur.

      Do we need to call on the angels or will they simply show up when their intervention is necessary? Well, it depends. You will learn about the subtle ways in which they might make their presence known. You will also learn of the stupendous ways in which forces that seemingly violate the laws of physics are brought into play with lifesaving results. You will also read about cases in which calls are put forth and the angels promptly respond.

      After reading this book, you will appreciate the fact that there is ample evidence to suggest that there is an afterlife and that angels appear when needed. They come when called upon and can assist without being asked. This wonderful book contains numerous stories of angelic visitations—all inspiring in their own right; however, the author's own angelic visitation as she lay on the radiology table, visually seeing and interacting with the orb, will move you. My eyes filled with tears of joy and understanding as I read her description of this life-saving event in the chapter “Beyond Words.” You will find the pages of this book filled with tales of total love and compassion.

      With knowledge, fear tends to dissipate. Please enjoy your read.

      John L. Turner, MD Author of Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences, and Universal Energy. www.JohnLTurner.com


       For God commands the angels to guard you in all your ways.

       With their hands they shall support you, lest you strike your foot against a stone.

       Psalms 91:11-12

      The word angel is derived from the word angelos which means messenger in Greek. Angels, those spiritual beings who perform God's will, appear everywhere in the Bible from the book of Genesis all the way to the book of Revelation. In Luke 22:43 angels announce the birth of Jesus, and in John 20:12 they proclaim his resurrection from the dead. What some may not realize, however, is that the Bible even notes when angels sometimes take human form.

      When a son is promised to Abraham in Genesis 18:1-3 (NRSV), three men suddenly appear. “The Lord appeared to Abraham by the oaks of Mamre as he sat at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day. He looked up and saw three men standing near him. When he saw them, he ran from the tent entrance to meet them, and bowed to the ground. He said, ‘My Lord, if I find favour with you, do not pass by your servant.’”

      Saint Thomas Aquinas was a great medieval theologian who was often referred to as the Angelic Doctor because he spent a lot of time talking and writing about angels. He believed that not only were angels spiritual beings who could take on any form but that they were also highly intellectual beings.

      We all have angels who are there to help us and lead us in the right direction so that our soul can learn and grow in love. However, he also said that for this to happen we have to want to be led. So, in other words, they are there to assist us at any time as long as we desire their assistance because we still have free will.

      In the 1998 film City of Angels, an angel named Seth (Nicholas Cage) falls in love with a beautiful heart surgeon (Meg Ryan) and must choose between his heavenly duties or his earthly desires. In one of the scenes from the movie, Dr. Maggie Rice is upset about the death of her patient and says, “He should have lived.” To this Seth says, “He is living. Just not the way you think.” The doctor then replies, “I don't…believe in…that.”

      The angel then looks at the doctor and says, “Some things are true whether you believe them or not.” That line has stayed with me ever since. So true! Think of it this way, say you consider yourself to be an agnostic or an atheist, does this affect whether God or angels are or aren't a reality? No, it does not. The truth is the truth regardless of what you believe.

      More than half of all Americans believe in the existence of angels according to a 2008 survey conducted by Baylor University's Institute for Studies of Religion which polled 1,700 respondents. I have no doubt that the percentage is much higher these days. What I find particularly interesting is that one in five of those surveyed who claimed that they were not religious still believed that they were protected in some way and at some point in life by angels.

      St. Thomas held that the failure of some to believe in angels was due to the fact that many people are quick to write off the presence of spirits or angels as mere imagination. They can't, he noted, tell the difference between what they are imagining and what they are truly sensing. If we could tell the difference, then we would know without a doubt that we are always in the presence of angels.

      Angels, he also believed, influence mankind by putting thoughts in our head and giving us ideas. We may not even realize it at the time, but our very thoughts may be divinely guided.

      In addition to putting thoughts in our head, angels can also posit pictures in our mind. I can say without hesitation that this is true because I was lucky enough to experience a divine intervention like this myself. On Memorial Day 2011, I decided to go to the local Target store and run some errands.

      After about an hour, I exited the store with my full cart and headed to my car. All of a sudden in a quick instant I saw a vision of myself getting hit by a car and felt all of the emotions of my family and friends. I knew I was killed by this car though I didn't see myself dead. It was so powerful and immediate that I stopped in my tracks and sort of did a double take wondering what the heck had just happened. I stopped for about five seconds trying to shake it off and then proceeded to push my cart to my car.

      All of a sudden a man, driving a pickup truck, backed up out of a spot directly in front of me without looking. He pulled out so fast that I quickly reached forward and pulled my cart back. If I hadn't, he would have hit my cart full on. I stood there, out of breath, clutching my cart, and staring at the man in the truck who looked at me in shock, knowing he had come so close to killing me. He looked at me apologetically, put his truck back in drive, and pulled back into his spot. My heart was still racing as I watched him put his truck in park and then bury his face in his hands.

      Looking back I don't know why I didn't go up to this man; perhaps it was the shock of the whole ordeal. As he sat there, I'm sure contemplating how he could have killed me; I was actually thinking, OH MY GOD, I saw this happen before it happened. I felt no anger for this stranger, only compassion sensing how bad he felt.

      When I finally got back to my car and drove home, I was numb and shell shocked wondering how I was going to tell my husband what had just transpired. When I did, his eyes watered thinking of the unthinkable. But I couldn't help but wonder why this had happened to me. Why had I been shown this vision? Why had my life been spared?

      The following week I was talking to a friend of mine (who is a medium) and told him what happened. “Josie,” he said, “that was your spirit guide sending you that message. Had you not listened and stopped, you would have been killed. I am so glad you listened.” Although intuitively I already knew this, it was hard to hear.

      Had I not listened, I would not be here today to share this story with you (at least not in the physical). But the truth is I would not be here even more so had it not been for the spirit who sent me that message or vision in the first place. My friend called this spirit

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