We Are Never Alone. Anthony Quinata

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We Are Never Alone - Anthony Quinata

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long hours, as he knew his patients needed him. I was in a state of denial (a coping mechanism) thinking that for sure God would not let him die, considering all of the people he was helping and saving (including me). I believed God would continue to save him and eventually heal him. The time came when with greater frequency he suffered from more bouts of pancreatitis, often screaming at the top of his lungs in pain—sometimes ending up at the hospital, sometimes not. Many times we both thought this was the one that would take him out. However, he kept surviving them against all odds, until the last time. He died in my arms on August 14, 2011. It was exactly one month before his forty-second birthday.

      As he had been an extraordinary person in life, he turned out to be also extraordinary after death. Because he died at home, paramedics and the police came to the house and then the coroner took his body away. I cannot put into words the way I felt at that time. Frantic, I decided to start vacuuming as I figured many people would be coming to the house. Then I heard Anthony’s voice say, “Calm down. Lie down. I want to show you something.” Not knowing what to think, but trusting what I heard, I laid down on the couch. Then I felt (his) energy merge into mine. Every cell, molecule, of my being was vibrating. With that, he was telling me, “I will never leave you!” Then I was able to get a glimpse of where he was. I felt an incredible feeling of joy and elation—more than I had ever experienced. Then I felt the freedom he felt in being out of his “miserable body” (as he would often refer to it). The incredible pain and suffering he had felt during his life had been lifted! He helped many by relieving pain that they thought they would never be free of. He did this while no one was able to relieve his pain . . . until now!

      For about a year and a half, he continued to talk to me. I could hear him as clearly as if he were standing right next to me (he was, and is!). The beauty of this was that now he was able to be with me 24/7! There was no more waiting late at night for him to get home only to find that he was exhausted and just wanting to collapse on the couch. Now he was with me no matter where I went! Of course I was still devastated by his loss and went through (and still going through) deep grief. Even though I was overwrought with sadness and despair, I remember thinking of other widows and how difficult it must be to not hear and experience their loved one as I was able to. I couldn’t imagine suddenly experiencing a loss such as that without receiving any signs “from beyond.” I have many magical moments where he came through for me “from the Other Side.” For example, last February I went to Chicago to learn the Bengston Energy Healing Method. Actually it was during a session with a medium that Anthony told me to learn this technique. Anyway, it was Valentine’s Day. It was very cute and touching to see that everywhere I went, there were many men frantically running around to buy flowers, chocolates, and cards for their wives/girlfriends. Then I was a little sad to think that I wouldn’t be getting any of those things. I thought to myself, “I guess I won’t be getting any flowers from my baby this year.” Since I had some time to kill before the workshop, I decided to walk around the vicinity of the hotel to see what there was in the area. It was downtown Chicago amidst the hustle and bustle of a big city and during a busy time of day. Still a bit sad, I had my head down. I took a few steps and there, right in my path, was a perfect beautiful yellow carnation! All of the sudden it was as if the time stopped and the busyness of the city faded away. That took my breath away! I knew it was from Anthony and I could feel him smiling! Yes, I still have it!

      I continued to experience remarkable things and hear Anthony talking to me but eventually the frequency and intensity diminished. Anthony told me that it was for my own good. Now that I was getting stronger, he was able to pull away a bit so I could continue to heal. If he didn’t, I would become too dependent on that type of contact and would not progress. I understood. After three years, I still “know” that he is watching me at times but do not always feel him.

      Over the course of these last three years, I have had readings with various mediums. They are all different in the way they receive information. Some are good at receiving certain information; others are good at relaying other messages. They all have had valuable messages that have helped me grow from where I was at that time.

      I was sharing some of my experiences with my friend Cathy who had known Anthony. She told me about an amazing psychic medium she knew in Denver named Anthony Quinata (to avoid confusion, I will refer to him as Anthony Q). Instantly I knew I had to go see him. Not only did I like his first name, but I had a really strong feeling that he was going to help me greatly.

      As my husband’s birthday was approaching and since I hadn’t heard him “talk to me” in quite some time, I thought it would be a good way to celebrate his special day by scheduling a reading with Anthony Quinata. Anthony Q did not know anything about me other than my name.

      The session began, and right away my father-in-law, Domenico, showed up. His son’s death (my husband) had been very hard on him. He was eighty-six but didn’t look it. He was still working as an anesthesiologist and several times a week would go to the gym to spend several hours there working out and doing yoga, Pilates, or whatever class they offered. However he did have some health issues including COPD, had a pacemaker, and had had his prostate removed due to cancer. But these things didn’t slow him down. It was the emotional burden of having to bury his only son that, I believe, eventually led to his death just about a year after Anthony died. Since my own father had passed away thirteen years prior, I saw Domenico as my dad and was extremely happy to hear from him. Anthony Q said, “You were close to your father-in-law? Because he’s the one stepping forward . . .” And then he said, “Where’s the Marie . . .” I broke into tears. Marie is my mother-in-law. My heart aches for her as she not only buried her one-and-only loving son whom she adored, but a year later lost her own husband! Then he said to, “Please tell Marie, because he’s calling out to Marie, that you’ve heard from your father-in-law!!!”

      Anthony Q kept getting accurate details about Domenico, describing his personality to a “T” and said several times throughout the session that he kept referring to himself as my father! That made me smile! Anthony Q also asked if Domenico had heart and lung issues. To both questions which I said, “Yes.” Then Anthony Q said, “COPD”! Right again!

      Then Anthony Q said, “You lost a husband?” I broke out in tears again. “His son?” he asked. “Yes!” Apparently they had decided that Domenico should talk first to give me the message about Marie, and also because once my Anthony began to speak, he wouldn’t be able to get a word in! That is how Anthony was in life. He always had a lot to say! He talked about a birthday, and I confirmed that my husband’s birthday would be the following day. “Then the timing is perfect,” he said. Anthony Q told me that my Anthony was playing music for him (my Anthony loved music and played the guitar). Then he said that Anthony called himself a real romantic and that ours was his first marriage and the second for me. All correct! “He keeps wanting me to tell you how much he loves you”! Anthony Q said. Anthony Q tried to get his name and then laughed and said my Anthony told him “Anthony, like you! He said he likes me because we have the same name! He’s funny! He has a great sense of humor. He’s a real jokester. He liked to kid around because he’s kidding now! He’s having a lot of fun!” Clearly he was connected with my husband and his father and was hearing their messages very accurately.

      Anthony Q went on to talk about many other things that were accurate. Occasionally stating, “Boy, he loves you! He just loves you so . . . so . . . much; he doesn’t want you to forget that! You were his first one and only.” He talked about the new car I recently got. The previous car I had while Anthony was still alive was a nice car. I bought it used, but it constantly had one problem after another. I was so nervous about this that when getting this new one, I asked Anthony to help me pick out one that would be reliable. In fact, while driving the new car home, I felt an energy lifting off of me and the new car. I then realized that he and maybe others had been working to make sure that the old car would not break down on me again. That energy was no longer needed!!!! What a relief! And what a blessing! Anthony Q said, “He is very happy that you have this new car and that you are taking care of yourself. He said that the other car was a clunker! He said he helped you pick it out because you asked him

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