We Are Never Alone. Anthony Quinata

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We Are Never Alone - Anthony Quinata

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he said.

      He talked about how he loved my food and that I am a good cook. Then he said that I made lasagna and cupcakes recently (I did! Those are not things I make very often anymore). He said they were good! He was able to taste them through me, I guess! I made gluten free cupcakes for a friend’s wedding, and after several tries, they turned out really well. He said that people really liked them. And they did! Then he said I was a bit of a health nut (I’m vegetarian who eats gluten free and organic foods). Then Domenico stepped in and thanked me for taking such good care of his son (I was his nurse, his caretaker, his everything. I did Reiki energy work on him, etc.) Then Anthony Q laughed since they were both talking to him at the same time (that happened a lot in life). My Anthony said I took great care of him but that I feel like I could’ve done more (this is true). And he said I should stop feeling guilty and beating myself up (also true). He said that I did everything I could. I married him knowing he was sick but that I didn’t care because I loved him so much (also true). Then he went on to describe my love of animals and how it would be dangerous for me to visit the Humane Society as I would want to bring them all home (very true)! “That’s what a beautiful woman my wife is!” It brought such joy to hear him still referring to me as his wife!

      Then my husband, through Anthony Q, gave me advice on how to handle some issues in my life. He talked about how I’m still grieving and still haven’t gotten rid of many of his things. He mentioned his pillow (I sleep on his pillow). He mentioned his shoes (for fun, I wore his flip flops recently even though they are four sizes too big!). He was amused at that and said he loves that. Anthony Q then said, “Anthony told me that you also wear some of his socks!” I fessed up and mentioned, while laughing about it, that I sometimes wear his underwear!!!! He was a child at heart (me too) so he loved wearing superhero, South Park, Wolverine boxers. I kept some of these and recently started wearing them around the house as shorts/pajamas! We all laughed: Anthony Q, Domenico, Anthony, and I. We were all having a blast! My Anthony then explained how when I wear his clothes, sleep on his pillow, etc., it creates an instant connection with him. However, Anthony Q said that my Anthony is closer to me than his socks that I wear! That my Anthony was with me when I made the lasagna, when I made the cupcakes . . . he was with me all of the time!

      I was amazed at Anthony Q’s accuracy, but not surprised (if that makes any sense). It felt like I was talking directly to my Anthony. And Anthony Q is such an easy going, down-to-earth person that I felt very at ease and comfortable bringing up things such as my wearing my husband’s underwear!

      Then Anthony Q said that my Anthony was asking me to stop asking when we will be together again. “He wants me to tell you that it will be soon . . . , but not tomorrow. When it does happen, it will be like a blink of an eye, as though no time has passed since you last saw him.”

      “Anthony is telling me that you’ve given up but that you still need to live. You’re still here because there’re lessons you have yet to learn. He wants you to live but not for him.”

      Then Anthony Q asked me if I was thinking about writing a book. I had thought about it after Anthony died. I thought about writing about his life but then put it on the back burner. Then Anthony Q said, “He wants you to write the book. It’s one of the things you are here to do—a book about healing. You’re supposed to write something, he keeps insisting!”

      Anthony Q continued, “He wants you to trust your abilities and believe in yourself. You don’t trust! He says: I believe in you! He was your rock. He Still Is!!!” My Anthony would always be there to encourage me. Anthony Q said he’s still doing it! “Please know he’s okay. When you receive inspirations, write them down because they’re coming from him! And then follow up on them.”

      Apparently some of the brilliant thoughts that I assumed I was having were from Anthony!

      My Anthony told me through Anthony Q, “I will never die. My body died, but my love for you will never die.” Then he thanked me for being there for him in his last moments and thanked me for telling him it was okay to go (I did). He talked about how I caressed his head before he passed.

      And again Anthony Q said, “He wants me to tell you how much he loves you. I just don’t have the words to tell you how much, he loves you beyond what any words can say. I love you for eternity. My love for you will never die. He just keeps saying, “I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.” He shows me how you two hugged all the time (we did, even in the grocery store aisles) and he’s still hugging you,” Anthony Q told me.

      Again Anthony Q said, “I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You! He cannot say it enough and the hug doesn’t end. He knows you miss his hugs and he’s still hugging you.”

      Then I remembered something. A few weeks back I was going through a box of old papers and tossing them away. There was so much I was just grabbing handfuls of papers and throwing them out. Then I heard a voice in my head say, “Don’t go so fast. There’s something in there that you won’t want to throw out.” So I slowed down. Sure enough, a few pieces of paper later, I found the last card he ever gave me. It had a picture of the soles of feet of a little boy and a little girl and inside it said, “Sole mates from the start, Happy Anniversary.”

      Then he wrote “I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You. Love, Anthony”

      Anthony Q was floored by this! He explained that he thought that Anthony was at a loss for words to express his love for me, and that is why he kept saying, “I Love You, I Love You, I Love You, I Love You” . . . but I knew he was referring to the card! This was another instance through which he wanted to show me that even if I don’t feel him or hear him, He Is Always There with Me! Then Anthony Q said, “He’s saying, ‘please know that I love you . . . I love you . . . I love you . . . I love you . . . with that, he and Domenico are gone.” Anthony Q then quickly clarified, “They’re gone from me but not from you!”

      This reading did so much for me. It gave me renewed confidence that my Anthony, Domenico, and all my loved ones are still with me, regardless of whether I can hear them or not. Suddenly I no longer felt alone. And I now had a feeling of purpose again.

      I knew that Anthony Q was going to help me find direction. I realized days later that I had made Anthony responsible for my happiness. Then when he was gone (at least in body), my world crumbled and I felt like I would never be able to be happy again. I realized that it is the love that I feel for myself that is what is important. I began to look for love from within rather than from others. In this way I would be honoring Anthony the most.

      I recorded the reading and later was amazed that it was just over an hour long. There was so much information relayed to me constantly that it felt more like two hours. Anthony Q’s gift is so precious; it has helped to turn my life around.

      Sofia Pico-Ambrosio

      Anthony’s note—One of the criticisms I’ve heard is that the souls all seem to say the same thing—“I love you.” My response is that no matter how often someone who loves you says it, does it mean any less because they said it before?

      Tonight Sophia’s husband kept insisting that I tell her he was saying, “I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.” So I did.

      “He loves you beyond words,” I told her, trying to explain why I kept repeating this message to her. No other explanation was necessary. She

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