Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones. Shelley Kaehr

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr

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      Coral is mentioned eighty-five times in fifty-four documents.

      Many of the Life Readings describe coral as a color in the aura:

      A great deal of pink or coral in an individual’s aura indicates material-mindedness . . . Mars in coral and gold, with Sagittarius indicates accomplishment—anger with many in the beginning . . . Rings of Saturn in coral, indicates spirit entering into matter—Change . . . Coral—with a great deal of color—indicates selfishness or a lack of self-expression . . . Mars In gold and coral—anger.

      5746-1, Report #2

      Source again reminds us how to use stones, against the body:

      The very red stones; as of coral, that is rather of the deep sea variety, and when this is worn about the neck or about the waist—or upon the arm—let it rest upon the flesh, for it will bring quiet to the body . . . coral . . . will bring quietness in those turmoils that have arisen within the inner self . . .

      Q: Should the coral, as suggested, be any particular shape or carving?

      A: No particular shape, just so it is mounted so that the coral itself may be upon the flesh of the body.


      Ever wear about the entity rose coral. The vibrations of same, from same, may aid in the mental as well as vibratory urge to make those influences less of a disturbing nature which might otherwise be disturbing.


      Q: Please give my seal and its interpretation.

      A: Coral as would present itself in any form, whether as a seal or as that preferably to be worn, rather than a life seal. Wear coral; rose color—not red, not white, but rose coral. This is the seal. And, as indicated, as this is made up of nature’s activity attempting to manifest, so—as ye have experienced and will experience—it is the little things in the association one with another that build those that prove to be the real experiences of life. A word, a look, a sign, may make, may undo, all of the thoughts of many.


      Several readings describe symbols to be drawn using coral as a color or used in creating symbols entities were to wear to strengthen their vibrations:

      On the left . . . would be the symbol for Mercury; this being a different color, however from the Mercury below—this being a coral, or light pink . . . In the left side indicate the three hearts as a pyramid, the two upright and the third inverted—these in pink or coral.

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