Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones. Shelley Kaehr

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr

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I mentioned that like the bloodstone, carnelian is the only other stone in the mineral kingdom that I have personally seen fade in color after using it for healing. I have experienced this occurrence firsthand with several different pieces of carnelian over the years. Whereas the bloodstones have successfully assisted several people I’ve worked with, the fading carnelian seems more like a personal phenomenon for me. An example of this experience would be like taking the Cayce advice from the readings, knowing that it had helped one person. I believe I have a spiritual connection to carnelian, needing the energy from the stone for some vibrational reason, which causes it to fade for me.

      When I described the changing color of bloodstones earlier, I should explain that the fading has never happened when I have personally worked with those stones. My energy has never caused a bloodstone to fade from its green color.

      Using carnelian is another story for me. Perhaps my writing causes me to absorb the energy from these stones. When meditating with carnelians, I’ve noticed that when I use them overnight and sleep with them in the bed, they are often paler in the morning than when I started. Somehow they are allowing me to use them for a boost in energy, for which I am eternally grateful.

      So far, I have not received reports about this phenomenon from other people because it is not something I have discussed until now. If you work with carnelian and find that it is fading on you, bless the stone for allowing you to use its energy, and then feel free to let me know by email! I am sure other people might have had the same experience. I believe that I use the stone for creativity, but other people might use carnelian for other situations or qualities.

      Someone suffering from bad allergies who uses carnelian might fade the color. I am not sure of that fact, but it would make sense. I have never suffered from bad allergies other than right at the beginning of springtime when the flowers bloom. If you’re like many people who have a difficult time with pollen and pollution, try using carnelian to see what happens for you.

      Carnelian will also help you to manifest your heart’s desire.



      Includes: agate, bloodstone, chrysoprasus (or chrysoprase), jasper, and onyx

      Found in: Australia, Brazil, China, India, USA

      Named for: Chalcedony is named for Chalcedon, an ancient port near what is now modern-day Istanbul, Turkey. Chrysoprase, a.k.a. chrysoprasus, which is a gemstone variety of chalcedony, is derived from the Greek words chrȳsós, meaning “gold” and prasinon, meaning “leek” for its similar color to that vegetable.

      • Bible •

      And the foundations of the wall of the city were garnished with all manner of precious stones . . . the third, a chalcedony . . . Revelation 21:19

      Chrysoprasus, a form of chalcedony, is also found in the Bible:

      . . . the tenth, a chrysoprasus . . . Revelation 21:20

      • Cayce Readings •

      Chalcedony is mentioned ten times in three documents.

      . . . The entity should have upon its body at all periods the blue-green chalcedony.


      In my life reading you gave me in February I was instructed to wear a blue-green chalcedony stone for greater vibration. Well, there doesn’t seem to be such a stone! The Zodiac Jewelry Company in New York advises me that chalcedony means blue and is a blue stone. So what do I do now? Blue-green seems to me to be the correct astrological color for me to wear as I am a Libran and dark blue is the color for Libra with green as the secondary color. The chalcedonies that I saw in Washington were a light blue.

      813-1, Report #3

      . . . The Reading must have meant something definite when it said blue-green chalcedony. At the next reading, we will ask just what this is and where it may be obtained and under what name . . .

      813-1, Report #4

      . . . the chalcedony, that it may be the color as stones or things of the nature should be about the entity in its closer activity.


      More on Chalcedony

      Chalcedony is a very powerful stone composed of quartz and moganite, which is mentioned in both the Bible and the Cayce readings. For that reason, I include the references to the quartz family here in this section.

      The different varieties of chalcedony contain the same silicon dioxide form found in regular quartz crystals. For millennia, the ancient ones have used various forms of chalcedony for everything from sacred objects to talismans and good luck charms.

      Because the Bible mentions chalcedony and chrysoprasus as well as other varieties, we will never know with complete certainty exactly which stones were used in biblical times.

      The more and various references to the varieties of chalcedony that I see in different versions of the Bible make me know with great certainty that these stones are important and should be used and worked with for many reasons.

      First, whatever variety of chalcedony you choose will be for a good reason. Whether you have a reading that prescribes a stone for you or not, you will often find yourself drawn to particular gems on a subconscious, soul level. If you are drawn to any form of chalcedony, I would imagine that would happen as a result of a past-life influence.

      Ancient Rome, Italy, Medieval Europe, and Asia Minor are all past time periods that you can tap into using any of these stones.

      The only other reason to be drawn to a chalcedony stone would be for physical reasons. We’ve discussed the calming properties of agate and the healing ability of bloodstone. Blue chalcedonies help with the thyroid and sleeping difficulties or the fear of public speaking. The pale blue chrysoprasus will help to heal the heart, more on the emotional than on the physical level. If you are suffering from a broken heart over a relationship, this is the stone for you!

      Explore the varieties of these minerals, and you will be glad you did.



      Found: Worldwide in the ocean

      Named for: Coral is named for the genus corallium, which is New Latin for “coral.”

      Vedic astrology: Mars = red coral

      • Bible •

      No mention shall be made of coral . . . Job 28:18


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