Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones. Shelley Kaehr

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr

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Middle East.

      Spiritually speaking, calcite is a wonderful material to use for meditation because it calms the nerves and brings peace to the core or stomach area, connecting you with Mother Earth.

      The second type of alabaster is from the material gypsum. Medieval Europeans used this variety of alabaster.

      While both materials are soft, the gypsum is even more fragile than the calcite. I am a big fan of the gypsum-based material called selenite, one of the most profound healing stones ever.

      Most healing stones require occasional energetic clearing because they take on unwanted energy to help with healing. For that reason, they must be cleansed from time to time. Gypsum materials such as selenite and alabaster are different from most other minerals because they never need cleaning. They do not become bogged down energetically after being used. Alabaster and selenite are of such high frequency that the issues and circumstances of mundane worldly life do not affect them.

      Selenite works wonders on the chakra centers and energy fields around the body. Since selenite is often flat, you can use it to clean other stones by placing them on top of it. How long you leave the stone there depends on you. I recommend cleansing for at least twenty minutes. The high-vibrational energy quickly balances unwanted frequencies and cleanses your other stones so that they are ready to use once again. Whether placing the selenite on the body or using it to clean your healing tools, this material creates a higher overall vibration by transforming lower frequencies into pure white light.

      I can certainly see how either variety of alabaster might have played a critical role in our spiritual history. Many of the sacred rituals performed in Egypt where priests and priestesses were busy transcending normal reality to access higher realms involved the use of alabaster. Many of us, like the woman who went to Cayce for her reading, have probably lived previous lives in Egypt and performed similar rituals. For that reason, we would all benefit from working with alabaster.



      Found in: Brazil, Burma, Canada, India, Mexico, Namibia, Russia, Sri Lanka, Uruguay, USA

      Named for: Amethyst is derived from an Ancient Greek word meaning “not intoxicated” since it was believed to prevent inebriation.

      Birthstone: February

      • Bible •

      And the third row . . . an amethyst. Exodus 28:19

      And the third row . . . an amethyst. Exodus 39:12

      . . . the twelfth, an amethyst. Revelation 21:20

      • Cayce Readings •

      Amethyst is mentioned sixteen times in thirteen documents.

      Well that the entity have the stones or minerals about self when in periods of meditation, or in those periods when it may find itself the more easily attuned to the influences that may use the body, either in the healing forces that flow through—through its attunements, or through the visions and associations of the entity . . . the amethyst. For the color purple should be close to the body, and the perfumes or odors as of lavender have their influence—not in great quantity, but that which makes for attunements.


      As to the stones . . . amethyst should be a part of that which would be about the entity—because of the very natural vibrations for the entity. For they will bring as an attunement the quieting, and the entity will find that whenever there is a feeling of physical depression, physical reactions that are as dis-ease in the body, the colors in any of these natures or forms will bring quietness to the body; as in having about the body . . . the amethyst color, in cloth, in drapery, in hangings.


      In the temple were to be found enormous semi-circular columns . . . inlaid with amethyst . . . 364-13, Report #3

      . . . there were those mines of the precious stones . . . amethyst

      . . . that came from the sea near what is now called Madagascar . . .


      . . . In this temple, we find . . . amethyst . . .


      . . . The omen the body should ever wear on the person is . . . amethyst—for their vibrations are better. But as the body should comprehend in regard to all such influences, it is as to what the body does about same, not that it relies upon such but knowing that such influences aid in increasing the ability or efficiency in the periods of exertion or activity . . .


      The reading mentioned earlier describing the virtues goes on to list amethyst as one of the desired stones, and Cayce explains why:

      . . . the seven virtues—hence seven stones, in the varied colors . . . the amethyst . . . patience . . .


      Amethyst stones should ever be a portion about the body, either in amulets or adornments about the body. These in their very vibration will make for an influence that has to do with the entity in its innate and manifested expressions in its associations.


      Stones,—the entity should have the amethyst (the white) about self often. These vibrations will bring greater harmony, in not only body but in the mental attributes.


      In the choice of stones, do wear the amethyst as a pendant about the neck, as a part of the jewelry. This will also work with the colors to control temperament.


      More on Amethyst

      Amethysts have long been associated with imparting patience and allowing people to release addictions with grace and ease. How could Cayce have consciously known this? This reading demonstrates the power of the information from the Source. We can attain true wisdom from Spirit and our ancestors concerning the benefits that various stones and minerals provide for us.

      The Source mentions lavender in one of the readings. Amethyst is the color of the violet ray, which opens the third eye. If we could assign an essential oil to that same frequency, it would be lavender because it aligns with this energy and brings calm and peace to the user. The Source also mentioned amethyst’s ability to calm and quiet the body. By helping to eliminate what is not needed by a person, amethyst brings a sense of calm and peace to the energy body, allowing users to become stable and at one with themselves and their environment.

      Amethyst Chunk Energy Bath

      In my book Gemstone Journeys I discussed how I first discovered the healing properties of gemstones after meeting a shaman who taught me how to use stones to heal the body. He described how

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