Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones. Shelley Kaehr

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr

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What is the best method of cutting, and what metals should be used in mounting?

      A: Use in cutting the ordinary use for the precious or semi-precious stones, in whatever shapes or forms—that are usually the larger in the center and tapering toward the outer edge. Of course, not too large for the use to be worn. The mountings would be white gold or silver . . .


      Consistent with my past research—and this is not an area I’ve discussed much in other books—I believe the advice that the Source gives here is excellent information. Most of the stone settings for minerals used by people in the metaphysical community are silver. I find this use is due to the cost factor involved with other metals. There is also something to be said for metals themselves and how they affect people. Silver is a feminine intuitive, receptive energy and therefore allows those vibrations to come from the stone into the body.

      Yellow gold would do the exact opposite as a masculine, outer energy, and it is understandable that white gold might have more receptive energy than yellow gold.

      The Bottom Line

      The information in this book will give you different ideas and ways of working with the stones. Using your remarkable wisdom and intuition, only you can decide which stones are right for you. Selecting the right piece for you, honoring your intuition as to which setting attracts you, and knowing how long and when you should use your stone are all conditions that your soul will determine.

      In the next section, we will discuss the most valuable stones known to humanity as we delve deeper into the marvelous world of gem healing.

       PART TWO

       A Note to the Reader

      Edgar Cayce’s readings are numbered to provide confidentiality. The first set of numbers refers to the individual or group for whom the reading was given. The second set of numbers refers to the number in the series from which the reading was taken. For example, 254-8 identifies the eighth reading that was given to the subject who was assigned #254. It is important to remember that the readings were given for individuals even though they carry a universality of content. With the physical readings, however, it should be noted that the information is not meant to be used for self-diagnosis or self-treatment. Any medical problems need the supervision and advice of a health care professional.

      Unless otherwise noted, the King James Bible has been used for biblical quotations.

       2Sacred Stones

      The stones listed in this section have played important roles in history and have endured throughout the ages as some of the most beloved and historically important minerals in the world.



      Agate is a variety of quartz, composed primarily of chalcedony.

      Found in: Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Iran, Scotland, USA

      Named for: The agate is named for the Achates River (now called Dirillo) in Sicily.

      • Bible •

      And the third row a . . . an agate . . . Exodus 28:19

      And the third row . . . an agate . . . Exodus 39:12

      Syria was thy merchant by reason of the multitude of the wares of thy making: they occupied in thy fairs with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and fine linen . . . and agate. Ezekiel 27:16

      And I will make thy windows of agates . . . Isaiah 54:12

      • Cayce Readings •

      Agate was mentioned seven times in seven readings.

      As to the astrological aspects, as we find, these are of the specific activity. The omen the body should ever wear on the person is a Maltese cross or a stone of the agate . . .


      In another fascinating reading, the subject asked Cayce to describe a drawing that would be useful:

      In the center put (and this should roll from the right side of the drawing) the twisted cornucopia, and out of same would come rolling the seven virtues—hence seven stones, in the varied colors; from agate . . . indicating meekness . . .


      Hence we find the agate . . . should be stones with the vibrations and under the influence that the entity may find carrying an incense to the finer self that makes for . . . an opening of the inner self for the receptiveness . . .


      As to stones, those of the blue, as well as the agate should be about.


      . . . the agate should be as an amulet, either about the neck or as a ring, or worn upon the person.


      More on Agate

      Agates exist worldwide in many shapes sizes and colors, and are extremely healing to the body. Both their color and the part of the world from which they originate will affect the healing properties.

      One of my favorite varieties is the blue lace agate from Botswana, Africa, which is an exceptional stone to use for communication. Crazy lace agate from Utah occurs in browns and reds and is used to calm the stomach. Agates from this area can assist with your spiritual journeys and meditation and may also help to tap into prior lives that took place in the Wild West.

      Another one of my favorite agate stones, which I still have to this day, is a variety from Utah. I call it my UFO agate because the design in the center looks like a flying saucer from the sixties. This agate has sentimental qualities for me because I received it from a dear friend before his death. Stones can bring energy to you by becoming energetic reminders of loved ones or special times in your life.

      I think associations with material possessions are interesting. Those items that mean the most to us remind us of a person, time, or place. Holding any such object serves as a time machine, taking us into the past and offering us a sense of nostalgia.

      In addition to the fact that an agate brings the user a peaceful sense of being in the world, this stone is nice to have as an anchor to pleasant memories.


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