Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones. Shelley Kaehr

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Edgar Cayce's Sacred Stones - Shelley Kaehr

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qualities to us. Do you need love, health, or money/security? Depending on what you want to create, certain stones hold a frequency for those circumstances or attributes. By using the stones, your field can begin to shift and align in order for you to attract what you want. We will explore how this energy shift works throughout this book.


      The other way gems work is to align us with the frequencies of colors in the rainbow spectrum as well as the colorful energy centers of light within each one of us.

      Crown chakra: Color—white Location—top of the head

      The crown center connects you to your higher power. If this area is blocked, you will feel disconnected from life and depressed. Clear crystals are best to help open your crown.

      Third Eye chakra: Color—violet Location—center of the forehead

      The third eye is the seat of your intuition. Amethyst, which we will discuss later in the book, is a carrier of the violet ray and will help to open this center.

      Throat chakra: Color—blue Location—Under the Adam’s apple, just above the collarbone

      The throat center helps us to speak our truth. Sapphire is a carrier of the blue ray and will help to open this center. There will be an entire section about sapphire later in this book.

      Heart chakra: Color—green or pink Location—near your physical heart, in the middle of the chest

      Society has many heart issues that are both physical and spiritual. Learning to love others and ourselves is the key for this energy center. You can use rose quartz or emerald to assist in opening the heart. There will be more on emerald, the carrier of the green ray, later in the book.

      Solar Plexus chakra: Color—yellow Location—stomach, at the convergence of the ribcage

      The solar plexus chakra is the seat of your personal power and material abundance, representing courage and manifestation on the physical plane. Citrine is the carrier of the yellow ray. Citrine is amethyst that has been heated up by either natural sunlight or, in many cases, artificial means. A wonderful stone, citrine never needs to be cleansed as most other stones do. It is very good to use for opening up all of the chakra centers, and it will energize you. A delightful by-product of citrine is that it will bring cash and money into your life (there is a difference between “abundance” and money). Known as the “Merchant’s Stone,” citrine will stimulate growth when you put it in your cash register or wallet.

      Sacral chakra: Color—orange Location—two inches below the naval

      The sacral center is about creativity and productivity in the world at large. Carnelian is a carrier of the orange ray and beneficial to use on this area. More is written about carnelian later in the book.

      Root chakra: Color—red Location—base of the spine

      The root chakra helps connect you to the earth, grounding you in the physical body. Ruby is the carrier of the red ray and is wonderful to use for grounding. A remarkable healer, we will explore ruby at length in a later section.

      Healing Self and Others

      Once you understand how and why gem healing works, it’s time to put that knowledge to use by healing yourself and others with the stones.

      Back to the earlier story about my frequency sickness—after I began unplugging my electronics, I felt immeasurably better. Nevertheless, I felt I needed more.

      Mercury was about to go retrograde, and I wanted to take a short trip to a cabin where I could be completely away from everything familiar as well as from the electronics.

      I packed my bags and left on the first day of the retrograde period, which by the way is a perfect time for realigning and reevaluating things. Besides, electronics often don’t work well during these periods, so what better time to get away?

      The first day while I was in the cabin, the rain poured nonstop for twenty-four hours. Thick trees surrounded the cabin, and my friend and I were literally trapped inside, forced to be still and quiet.

      I had packed all of my favorite stones for our retreat, many of which you will be reading about shortly. Each stone has a particular frequency and when introduced to the body will assist in making the needed changes.

      While I was there, I ate only fresh fruits and vegetables to cleanse my system. Most of us believe that our diets are healthy. But even if you eat only organic, gluten-free, and other types of healthful food every single day of your life, the body still needs a break from its familiar routine. Such was the case for me. I decided to change my diet, and by doing so, my energy frequencies were also shifted. That shift, along with using various stones that you will read about in this book, helped me a great deal. The experience proved incredibly healing to my mind, body, and spirit. I felt refreshed by the time I went home after just a few days.


      One thing to keep in mind with self-healing is that while it is normally not considered nice or polite to think of yourself before others, sometimes you have to. If you’re run down, how can you hope to be of aid to anyone else?

      When I do self-healing, I like to lie on my back and place stones on my heart center, my torso, and my forehead. In addition, I often place a crystal at the top of my head on my pillow to help open the crown. Sometimes the placement varies, depending on what I believe I need at the time.

      Please remember that there is no right or wrong in this method. Your intuition will let you know what is best for you. Simply place the stones on or around the body, leaving them there while you take a brief nap or meditation. When you awake, the stones will have assisted you in producing the needed shift, as they did for me.

      Healing Others

      To heal others, use the same process. I normally work with a massage table. The client is positioned face up to start. Midway through the session, the client faces down, similar to the progression of a massage. I place whatever stones I am guided to use on the body and along the sides of the legs.

      Years ago, I was taught to hold a big stone chunk in one hand and wave it over the energy fields of the body. This technique is called an energetic bath, and it is powerful for moving the fields to push out old, unwanted energy while allowing in good, new energy.

      Amethyst is my favorite stone to use for the energy bath. Its frequency is higher than most other stones, yet nearly everyone responds to it. I will discuss the energy bath in greater detail in the section on amethyst.

      How Long the Session Should Last

      If you’ve been trained in Reiki or other healing modalities, one of the most interesting things to do is to work on people in a group setting. The participants normally start with a brief prayer, and then the healing begins. In the silence, it is interesting to notice how the hands of the practitioners will heat up. The hands will cool off at some point, indicating that the healing is complete.

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