Echoes of Eternity, Vol. I. Hal M Helms

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Echoes of Eternity, Vol. I - Hal M Helms

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and its fulfillment. It is I who put hope in your heart, and those who hold fast their hope shall not be confounded. The fractured image of reality you now see will one day be replaced by a clear, undistorted vision. You cannot see the whole picture, but what you see is enough.

      January Twenty–ninth

       But though He cause grief, yet will He have compassion according to the multitude of His mercies.

       Lamentations 3:32

      In the shadow of My hand, pain. In the touch of My hand, healing. Sometimes the shadow lingers and pain is prolonged. Will you trust Me in the shadow as well as the sun? Can you walk with Me over rough ways and not complain? Comfort is a fleeting thing. Struggle brings inner strength. I do not want you to be consumed with attention on the difficulties of your life. They are yet minor in comparison with what many are called to endure. Rather choose to believe that shadows pass. My good will prevails, and your feeble faith is not in vain.

      January Thirtieth

       Thus saith the One whose name is Holy: I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also that is of a contrite and humble spirit.

       Isaiah 57:15

      I have told you before, and I tell you again. You must not seek honor and recognition. Your service to Me must be free from the demand of reward. This craving, even when repressed and unconscious, binds you, blinds you, and closes your ears to My voice.

      Do you not sense your emptiness and deadness when I am withdrawn from you? That can be and should be a useful reminder that you are not the creator or originator of all good things. They all flow from Me, and you are allowed to be the instrument by which they are expressed. That in itself is blessing enough!

      January Thirty–first

       Before I was afflicted I went astray; but now have I kept Thy word.

       Psalm 119:67

      My child, do not despise My chastenings. They are sent for your ultimate good, painful and difficult as they are for you. I have not forgotten to be gracious, and I am not absent from any trial you are being asked to endure. As Abraham found, My eye is upon you, and when the work is done, My answer is there, waiting to be revealed.

      The secret of the Lord is with them that fear Him. This holy fear is a protection against that part of your nature that would carry you into complete darkness. Cherish it, and tremble before My Word. Cherish it, and let it be a protection to you, like a wall around a sheltered garden. You will come to know and trust Me more and more if you will not despise My chastenings.


      I come to the garden alone,

      While the dew is still on the roses;

      And the voice I hear, ringing on my ear,

      The Son of God discloses;

      And He walks with me, and He talks with me,

      And He tells me I am His own.

      And the joy we share as we tarry there,

      None other has ever known.

      C. Austin Miles


      February First

       O come, let us worship and bow down; let us kneel before the Lord our Maker.

      Psalm 95:6(RSV)

      The bowed head and contrite heart are fitting as you wait for My word. They are fitting, too, before the circumstances I will to place in your path. Your head does not bow easily—for you still long to be in charge. Little do you realize the hold that desire has on your life, and the peace you forfeit as a result. Esau despised his birthright for a mess of pottage. You forfeit yours for less!! O My dear child, learn to bow the head. Learn to bow the heart! My way truly is best.

      February Second

       Unto the upright there ariseth light in the darkness; He is gracious, and full of compassion, and righteous.

       Psalm 112:4

      Light arises in the darkness for those who love Me. No threat can thwart the ongoing fulfillment of My will. Say to those of a fearful heart: Behold your King! Have I failed you in the past? Has My help been withheld from your cry? Let everything conspire to propel you forward in the path I have laid out for you. No, you cannot see the distant end—but there is light on your path today. Keep your eye on the light, and the darkness will lose its power to trouble you.

      February Third

       And when He [the Comforter] is come, He will convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.

       John 16:8

      I come not to praise you nor condemn you, but to build you up in spirit. Your adversary would use both praise and condemnation to confound you and tear you down. The memory of past sins should not linger, but hasten you to thankfulness for forgiveness and mercy. The sobering result of reminders of your wrong choices should keep you from vainglory. Remembering who you are is not a cause for despair but wonder. My presence in your life has saved you from many disasters—so let them remind you that your help has been, is, and ever shall be from Me.

      February Fourth

       Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me.

       Matthew 11:29

      Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me. Learn. Learn. You know so little, and have so far to go! You tell others of My glory and My grace, but inwardly know precious little of either. O My child, how often would I have led you in paths of righteousness, and you would not! Another master would have grown weary and impatient, but I am “slow to anger and of great mercy.” I have had to bring suffering into your life because your proud and haughty nature would not otherwise bend. Do you think this was a joy to Me, to see you broken and sick? No, for I am afflicted in the affliction of My people. But I did look for positive results—and in part they came. But only in part. The proud and arrogant person still lives—subdued somewhat—but far from dead!

      My yoke—My restraining and guiding Hand, the harness of My call—these are your safeguards and through the restraint of that yoke you are learning of Me. Learn! Listen and learn! Do this, My child, for the sake of My love for you.

      February Fifth

       All Mine are Thine, and Thine are Mine; and I am glorified in them.

       John 17:10

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