Echoes of Eternity, Vol. I. Hal M Helms

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Echoes of Eternity, Vol. I - Hal M Helms

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are Mine—the living and the dead. Those who have gone from your sight and left their bodies to return to dust—still live in My sight. You are connected with the unseen world with ties that were made during their earthly life span. You are never alone in that sense, My child.

      You have tended to think of your life as a solo performance. That is a grave misunderstanding. Whenever you can you should strengthen the inner sense of connectedness with your companions. Loneliness is not inevitable. Once you catch the vision of being part of the great company, not imaginary or mystical, but real, you will begin to experience the benefits I planned in My divine scheme of things. Don’t be afraid of “the company of heaven,” My child. It is real and you are called to be part of it one day.

      February Sixth

       And God saw everything that He had made, and behold it was very good.

       Genesis 1:31

      I am He who gives existence to all things. It is My overflowing love expressed in My universe—My creation. You exist because of My desire to share My life with others. When My love reaches your hearts, and you begin to love Me and one another, then My creative purpose is being fulfilled. It is My will that there be a creation moved by and filled with love. You call it “heaven.” It is the Home toward which I am leading you. You have only “tasted” it thus far—there is far more.

      February Seventh

       And they heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day.

       Genesis 3:8

      I have walked and talked with many a soul over the years. Yet surprisingly few of My people understand and avail themselves of this privilege. It was My first plan, as revealed in the Garden of Eden, to have fellowship with those I had created in My image. Then misuse of the freedom. Which, that image carried with it meant a loss on both sides—and the possibility had to be re-established. You catch glimpses of it in the Old Testament writings, for there were, even then, those who discovered and claimed this fellowship.

      I came in full measure with the gift of the Holy Spirit, poured out on My people. The veil of the temple was rent, and access—an open door—placed for the highest and lowest among them.

      Still even My own seem to prefer distance to nearness. They erect new barriers and place new conditions and restrictions on this invitation to fellowship. You are required to continue to struggle against the willful and rebellious nature that seeks to deafen your ears to My voice. Practice instant obedience to My Spirit’s “nudges”—the gentle voice you so often ignore. This will put you “on track” to have a closer walk with Me.

      February Eighth

       Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

       Hebrews 4:16

      My dear child, know that I love you. You long to be loved and yet you are afraid of love, and close your heart against Me and those who seek admission. You need My love, not just as an objective reality—which it is—but as a subjective, inner heart experience, which you do not, for the most part, have. I say this not to condemn you, but to invite you to open the door that I may comfort and sustain you in your times of need.

      February Ninth

       Except the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that build it; except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.

       Psalm 127:1

      Unless I build the house, their labor is vain who build it. Unless I guard the city, the watchmen wait in vain. It is not just to the generation to whom those words first came, but to yours that I send them. Beware of the arm of flesh. Beware of leaning on human wisdom and worldly means. Be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. You are in danger of being seduced by human reasoning—reducing your dependence on My sovereign power and wisdom. Caution is needed and much prayer that you will see, find, and follow the right path.

      February Tenth

       Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of Thy waterspouts: all Thy waves and Thy billows are gone over me.

       Psalm 42:7

      Heart to heart, and Spirit to spirit, our fellowship does not always need words. When you are at peace in My presence, know that I am communing with you. And when words fail you in prayer, remember that the Spirit searches the heart and prays with groanings that are to you, wordless. I am ever ready to hear the cry of need and the voice of genuine praise.

      February Eleventh

       Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: they shall prosper that love thee.

       Psalm 122:6

      My child, put away the negative thoughts and feelings that are so readily in your head. They are death to the life I am giving you, and they eat away like acid your soul. When the accusing and judgmental thoughts arise, quickly turn the person or situation over to Me in prayer. Defeat the ploy of the enemy with a weapon he cannot touch. Pray for the peace of Jerusalem. That is, bring every concern into the realm of My peace and power, believing and trusting that I can make all things work together for the good of all concerned.

      I challenge you to put this into practice faithfully, for you cannot yet imagine the blessing it will bring you. I want you to be a channel of blessing, not of cursing.

      February Twelfth

       Men ought always to pray, and not to faint.

       Luke 18:1

      My dear child, I quicken dead souls to new life. Your own feeling of dead­ness is a necessary preparation to help you receive and recognize My coming.

      You wonder why you have not made more progress in your prayer life. It is because you do not yet want this more than you want other things. You still have a desire for power—power to change things according to your understanding. For your own sake, My child, I have not allowed this. Say “No” to it, painful as it feels. Learn from others how they have given it up. Come with Me into the place of yieldedness—for only there will you enjoy the “quickened” life My presence brings.

      February Thirteenth

       Though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing.

       I Corinthians 13:2

      My word brings joy, even when it causes pain. It brings life, even when it brings death to your wonted ways. Rather, it brings joy because it brings pain, and life because it brings death.


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