The Central Legislature in British India, 192147. Mohammad Rashiduzzaman

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The Central Legislature in British India, 192147 - Mohammad Rashiduzzaman

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      22. Hindu, September 16 and September 23, 1926.

      23. The Times, September 2, 1926.

      24. Durrani, K.K. The Meaning of Pakistan, p. 110.

      25. India in 1923–24, p. 248.

      26. Ibid.

      27. Report of the Indian Statutory Commission (Simon) 1930, para. 277.

      28. Lal Bahadur. The Muslim League, p. 163.

      29. Chintamani, C. Y. Indian Politics since Mutiny, p. 140.

      30. Vide, L. A. Proceedings on the 20th, 24th and 25th August, 1926.

      31. The Tablig and Tanzim organisations used to publish their views in the Indian languages—mainly in Urdu and Bengali. A Bengali pamphlet published in 1927 (India Office Catalogue No. BEN. D/609) gives an idea about the nature and activities of such organisations.

      32. The Times, October 1, 1926. See also Chapter III.

      33. Hindu, December 16, 1926. (Motilal Nehru’s press interview on the causes of defeat of the Swarajists in the U.P.). See also Chapter III.

      34. See previous footnote.

      35. See Chapter V.

      36. See previous footnote.

      37. India in 1924–25, pp. 298–99.

      38. The Times, January 15, 1924.

      39. Coatman, J. Years of Destiny, p. 94.

      40. Gopal, S. The Viceroyalty of Lord Irwin 1926, 1931, p. 13

      41. India in 1924–25, p. 297.

      42. Mukand Lal, “Who Should Control the Swaraj Party in the Legislatures,” Modern Review, July 1926. The writer was a member of the Bengal Legislative Council.

      43. The Times. November 26, 1926.

      44. Hindu, December 16, 1926.

      45. Caveeshar, S. S. India’s Fight/or Freedom, p. 146.

      46. See also Chapter IX.

      47. The Times, February 13, 1928.

      48. The Times, February 17, 1928

      49. Ibid.

      50. Sir Reginald Craddock. “Indian Reforms and the Simon Commission,” Contemporary Review, April 1928. ← 30 | 31 →

      51. Rajput, A. B. Muslim League: Yesterday and Today, p. 49.

      52. Indian Annual Register, (July–Dec., 1927), p. 438.

      53. Hindu, December 31, 1927.

      54. Same as above 1, p. 456.

      55. See Chapter IX.

      56. India in 1928–29, p. 27.

      57. Ibid., p. 28.

      58. Coatman, J. Ibid., p. 94.

      59. In his opening address to the Central Legislature on the 9th February, 1921, the Duke of Connaught said that it was intended to serve the whole of British India whereas the provincial legislatures would meet the requirements of individual provinces. See also Chapters VII & VIII.

      60. See Wilson, F. W. The Indian Chaos, p. 87.

      61. Nanda, B. R. Mahatma Gandhi–p. 279.

      62. Gopal, S. op. cit., p. 53.

      63. Nanda, B. R. Ibid., p. 290.

      64. Vide address of the Viceroy, L.A. Deb., 25th January, 1930, pp. 277–82.

      65. Indian Annual Register, Vol. I, 1930, p. 340.

      66. L.A. Deb., 1930, p. 2718.

      67. Indian Review, Nov., 1932. p. 810.

      68. Modern Review, Dec., 1933. Also U.P. Native Newspaper Report March 25, 1933, p. 6.

      69. See also Chapter III.

      70. Ram Gopal. Indian Muslims (1858–1947), pp. 226–27.

      71. Shafaat Ahmed Khan. Indian Federation, p. 13.

      72. Congress and Muslim Society, 1930, a Bengali pamphlet gave elaborate reasons for not taking part in Congress movements.

      73. Indian Annual Register (July−Dec.), 1927, p. 456.

      74. Bolitho, Hector. Jinnah, Creator of Pakistan, p. 95.

      75. U.P. Native Newspaper Reports, Week ending April 17, 1934.

      76. Ibid.

      77. Indian Annual Register, 1934, Vol. II. p. 252.

      78. U. P. Native Newspaper Reports, Week ending April 28, 1934.

      79. Ibid.

      80. Ibid.

      81. Ibid.

      82. The Times, March 10, 1934.

      83. Pioneer, October 28, 1934.

      84. Raja Gopalachari, C. “The Congress Campaign,” Indian Review, August, 1936.

      85. The Times, January 16, 1935. See also Chapter V.

      86. The Times, January 22, 1935.

      87. The Times, January 25, 1935.

      88. Indian Annual Register, 1934 (Vol. II), p. 252.

      89. Ibid., p. 25. (There were cries of “shame” “shame” from the Bengali group of Congress delegates when results of Malaviya’s amendments were declared). ← 31 | 32 →

      90. Indian Annual Register, 1935 (Vol. I), p. 325.

      91. Op cit. p. 328.

      92. L.A. Deb., 1935–p. 262. See also Chapter IX.

      93. L.A. Deb., 1935 (4th February), p. 269.

      94. See also Chapter IX.

      95. See Chapter V.

      96. Vide Indian Annual Register, 1936 (Vol. II), p. 189 for Election Manifesto of Congress Party.

      97. Coupland, R. Indian Politics (1936–42),

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