Your Wildlife Garden. Jackie Bennett

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Your Wildlife Garden - Jackie  Bennett

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href="#fb3_img_img_0b43ad6e-17e2-54a9-a204-89c7545525cf.png" alt=""/> In mild winters, new rosettes of leaves may already have started to form at the junction of the old and new wood and these should be left undamaged.


      Barberry (Berberis) and cotoneaster shrubs, both of value for their berries, can be cut back to prevent them becoming too overgrown and woody. The thicker, tougher three-year-old stems (or older) are cut out at ground level, opening up the plant to allow more light and air to the centre.

       Using sharp secateurs, prune the old wood back to within a few inches of the ground as shown.


      Hardy perennial plants which have been in place for three years or more can be lifted and divided now to make new plants. All the species listed are good for wildlife, and this is the simplest method of propagation. (Division can also be done in autumn.)

       Prepare the ground where the new plants are going to be put, by digging over and adding some garden compost.

       Using a fork, gently work the clump out of the ground, taking care not to break the roots.

       For large clumps, insert two forks, back to back, into the centre of the clump and prise the roots apart. Small clumps can be pulled apart by hand.

       Select small, healthy pieces from the outside of the plant with at least three or four young shoots, for replanting. The central woody portion can be discarded. The new sections can be planted immediately, allowing enough room between plants for development to their full size.


      The species shrub roses can be pruned now that the hips have been safely eaten during the winter months and while the plant is still dormant. Wild and species roses, whether grown as hedging or as shrubs, do not need annual hard pruning like the hybrid bush roses, but from time to time they will benefit from a light ‘tidying up’ — perhaps every three or four years. Dog rose (Rosa canina), sweet briar (Rosa rubiginosa), Rosa rugosa, Rosa x alba, and Rosa glauca can all be treated in the same way.

       Using sharp secateurs, first cut out any old, dead or diseased stems at ground level.

       Cut back any long straggly stems to one third of their length to keep the plant tidy.

       Finally, snip off a few centimetres or inches from the tips of all the stems to encourage side shoots, which will bear flowers in later years.


      Lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis), best known for the delicious fragrance of its white, bell-shaped flowers, is so widely planted in gardens that it is sometimes forgotten that it is a native of our woodlands, although not so widespread in the wild as it used to be. It spreads rapidly if given the right conditions and makes an excellent woodland floor plant for a wild part of the garden. Existing clumps can be divided now or individual crowns can be bought from nurseries.

       Choose a shady spot with moist soil into which some leaf mould has been added.

       Plant the crowns point upwards, 8–10cm (3–4in) apart. They should lie just beneath the surface of the soil. Clumps of crowns can be placed 15cm (6in) apart.

       Water in well.


      Border perennial plants which were not cut back in autumn (leaving the stems for over-wintering insects) should be trimmed now to make room for new growth. Cut off any dead or straggly stems to just above ground level with secateurs.

      In mild winters, young leaves and stems will already be appearing. Removing the old growth rejuvenates the plants and allows these new leaves and stems plenty of room to grow. Add the cuttings to the compost heap.


      Globe thistle (Echinops ritro) B, N Golden rod (Solidago canadensis) B, N Greater knapweed (Centaurea scabiosa) B, N, Nat Michaelmas daisy (Aster nova-belgii) N Sedum (S. spectabile and ‘Autumn Joy’) N Yarrow (Achillea millefolium and A. filipendulina) B, N, Nat

       SHY-FLOWERING LILIES One of the reasons lily of the valley often fails in gardens is that it is planted in dry, open, sunny beds, when it really needs a moist soil and the cover of deciduous trees.


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