M_o_R® Management of Risk Practitioner Courseware – English. Douwe Brolsma

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M_o_R® Management of Risk Practitioner Courseware – English - Douwe Brolsma

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      Author about this Courseware

      We designed the courseware to support the learning work of delegates. The slides offer brief summaries of the different parts of the Best Practice Guidance. The exercises offer the possibility to practice applying the theory to the delegates own real life cases. We do this to help embed the theory into daily practice. The ABC sample documents then offers an example of how the theory could be applied to a sample case

      The sample exams then help to test your understanding and prepare for the real thing.

      We hope the courseware assists in the learning process and helps delegates in bringing the theory to life and making it work.

      Douwe Brolsma and Mark Kouwenhoven

      Self-Reflection of understanding Diagram

      ‘What you do not measure, you cannot control.’’ – Tom Peters

      Fill in this diagram to self-evaluate your understanding of the material. This is an evaluation of how well you know the material and how well you understand it. In order to pass the exam successfully you should be aiming to reach the higher end of Level 3. If you really want to become a pro, then you should be aiming for Level 4. Your overall level of understanding will naturally follow the learning curve. So, it’s important to keep track of where you are at each point of the training and address any areas of difficulty.

      Based on where you are within the Self-Reflection of Understanding diagram you can evaluate the progress of your own training.


      Write down the problem areas that you are still having difficulty with so that you can consolidate them yourself, or with your trainer. After you have had a look at these, then you should evaluate to see if you now have a better understanding of where you actually are on the learning curve.


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