M_o_R® Management of Risk Practitioner Courseware – English. Douwe Brolsma

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M_o_R® Management of Risk Practitioner Courseware – English - Douwe Brolsma

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30 Minutes.


      Following the exercises to Identify and Assess the risks for the ‘Implement M_o_R in your organisation’ activity

      Management would like you to become responsible for implementing the risk improvement plan as Chief Risk Manager of the organisation.


      • Continue with the representative organisation

      • Perform the horizon scan and update the risk register with the new information

      • Consider why this new information was not detected during the Identifying steps previously

      • Write you findings on flip chart and present the findings to the other group(s) and reflect

      Assignment ‘Performing a Health Check’


Preparation 2 Minutes
Elaboration: 35 Minutes
Presentation and evaluation: 23 Minutes.


      Before starting any activity a baseline needs to be set to determine the starting point of the risk management maturity. The next step is to identify areas of improvement.


      Continue with the representative organisation

      • In groups perform a health check of the organisation as best you can using the appendix C and draw a spider diagram of the maturity of the 8 principles of your organisation

      • Think of areas for improvement

      • Draw the spider diagram and the improvement points on a flip chart

      • Use the questions in Appendix C as a prompt list

      • Use Embedding and Reviewing (Chapter 5), the common barriers (Chapter 5.5) and the Principles (Chapter 2) to think of areas of improvement for the coming year

      • In your presentation explain the benefits that might be expected from your actions

      EXTRA Assignment ‘Serious Mini-game: Who am I?’


Preparation 5 Minutes
Elaboration: 20 Minutes
Presentation and evaluation: 5 Minutes.


      • Everybody gets a name/role card from the trainer

      • On this there is a Management of Risk (M_o_R) role.

      • Without looking at the name/role card put it in front of you so everybody except you can see it.

      • Turn by turn somebody will explain: who you are

      • Without saying it, just describing what you do, or what you are responsible for

      • They can use the M_o_R Guidance if they like

      • After that you can guess your M_o_R role.

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