TOGAF® Business Architecture Level 1 Study Guide. Andrew Josey

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TOGAF® Business Architecture Level 1 Study Guide - Andrew Josey

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and the relationship to other Business Architecture concepts

      • Chapter 8 (Applying Value Streams) provides guidance on applying value streams, including three examples

      • Chapter 9 (Information Mapping) describes what an Information Map is, and how to apply Information Mapping when developing a Business Architecture

      • Chapter 10 (TOGAF Business Scenarios) describes the TOGAF business scenario method, and how to apply it

      • Chapter 11 (Developing a Business Architecture with the TOGAF ADM – Phase A) describes how a Business Architecture is developed with the TOGAF Architecture Development Method (ADM) in Phase A

      • Chapter 12 (Developing a Business Architecture with the TOGAF ADM – Phase B) describes how a Business Architecture is developed with the TOGAF ADM in Phase B

      • Appendix A (Answers to Test Yourself Questions and Exercises) provides the answers to the Test Yourself sections provided at the end of each chapter

      • Appendix B (Test Yourself Examination Paper) provides a Test Yourself examination to allow you to assess your knowledge of the TOGAF Business Architecture Syllabus and readiness to take the TOGAF Business Architecture Examination

      • Appendix C (Test Yourself Examination Paper Answers) provides the answers to the examination in Appendix B

      • Appendix D (TOGAF Business Scenario Template) provides a sample template for the table of contents for a TOGAF business scenario

      • Appendix E (Business Architecture and the ArchiMate Modeling Language) provides a brief summary of how the ArchiMate motivation and strategy elements can be used to model a Business Architecture

      • Appendix F (TOGAF Business Architecture Level 1 Syllabus) provides the TOGAF Business Architecture Level 1 Syllabus

       How to Use this Study Guide

      The chapters in this Study Guide are arranged to cover the TOGAF Business Architecture Level 1 Syllabus (see Appendix F) and should be read in order. Where a topic requires further information from a later part in the syllabus, a cross-reference is provided.

      Within each chapter are “Key Learning Points” and “Summary” sections that help you to easily identify what you need to know for each topic.

      Throughout this Study Guide the examples used are drawn from the recruitment management and the retail business use-cases included in the TOGAF Series Guides to Business Capabilities, Business Models, and Value Streams (see References).

      Each chapter has a “Test Yourself” questions section that will help you to test your understanding of the chapter and prepare for the TOGAF Business Architecture Examination. The purpose of this is to reinforce Key Learning Points in the chapter. These are multiple-choice format questions where you must identify one correct answer.

      Some chapters include an “Exercises” section that will help you reinforce the Learning Outcomes for that chapter.

      Each chapter also has a “Recommended Reading” section that indicates the relevant sections in the TOGAF documentation that can be read to obtain a further understanding of the subject material.

      Finally, at the end of this Study Guide is a “Test Yourself” examination paper that you can use to test your readiness to take the official TOGAF Business Architecture Examination. This paper is designed to include the same question formats and a similar difficulty level to the official TOGAF Business Architecture Part 1 Examination.

       Conventions Used in this Study Guide

      The following conventions are used throughout this Study Guide in order to help identify important information and avoid confusion over the intended meaning.

      • Ellipsis (…)

      Indicates a continuation; such as an incomplete list of example items, or a continuation from preceding text.

      • Bold

      Used to highlight specific terms.

      • Italics

      Used for emphasis. May also refer to other external documents.

      • (Syllabus reference: Unit X, Learning Outcome Y: Statement)

      Used at the start of a text block to identify the TOGAF Business Architecture Syllabus Learning Outcome.

      In addition to typographical conventions, the following conventions are used to highlight segments of text:


      A Note box is used to highlight useful or interesting information.


      A Tip box is used to provide key information that can save you time or that may not be entirely obvious.

       About the TOGAF Standard

      The TOGAF Standard, a standard of The Open Group, is a proven Enterprise Architecture methodology and framework used by the world’s leading organizations to improve business efficiency. It is the most prominent and reliable Enterprise Architecture standard, ensuring consistent standards, methods, and communication among Enterprise Architecture professionals. Those fluent in the TOGAF standard enjoy greater industry credibility, job effectiveness, and career opportunities. The TOGAF standard helps practitioners avoid being locked into proprietary methods, utilize resources more efficiently and effectively, and realize a greater return on investment.

       About The Open Group

      The Open Group is a global consortium that enables the achievement of business objectives through technology standards. Our diverse membership of more than 650 organizations includes customers, systems and solutions suppliers, tools vendors, integrators, academics, and consultants across multiple industries.

      The mission of The Open Group is to drive the creation of Boundaryless Information Flow™ achieved by:

      • Working with customers to capture, understand, and address current and emerging requirements, establish policies, and share best practices

      • Working with suppliers, consortia, and standards bodies to develop consensus and facilitate interoperability, to evolve and integrate specifications and open source technologies

      • Offering a comprehensive set of services to enhance the operational

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