The Great Cock Hunt. Alex

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The Great Cock Hunt - Alex

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from how forward the guy was trying to be—if he was into being the master or the slave. The guy said master right away and smiled at Tommy, telling him the things he’d do when he had him chained into a sling with his asshole gaping open and hungry. Tommy was getting turned on by the talk, and said he considered letting the guy top him, but that he really wasn’t into a whole chained-to-a-sling thing. So he told the guy it sounded hot but that it wasn’t what he wanted to get into. The guy looked disappointed.

      “Of course,” Tommy said to the guy, “if you want to climb into the sling and spread your legs, I might be persuaded to poke around and give you a good time.”

      The guy, David, smirked in response and ordered another round of drinks. Tommy was looking him over and trying to imagine him naked. He was tall and trim and Tommy figured he could go either way: he could be that kind of skinny that isn’t muscle, just skinny, or he could be toned to the max, which is what Tommy was hoping. The guy had a pretty good ass and Tommy massaged a cheek while the guy bent over the bar to get the bartender’s attention. His ass felt solid.

      So they were on their next set of drinks and standing closer together and the guy pinched Tommy’s nipple through his T-shirt (which I’m sure was Baby Gap tight). The guy said he wanted to drop to his knees right there in the bar and to haul Tommy’s cock out of his pants and swallow it. He reached for Tommy’s cock and rubbed his crotch through his jeans. Tommy flexed his boner and the guy grinned and was like, “You sure you don’t want to hang in my sling?”

      Tommy said he reached around and slapped the guy’s ass and said, “I’m sure, big guy.” I could just imagine the scene: two guys in the mood to be tops doing the who’s-going-to-bottom dance. It’s funny because most people complain that everyone’s a bottom and that it’s hard to find good tops, but Tommy always seems to run into other tops when he wants to top but can never find a hot top when he’s itching to get fucked. Whatever, if life was easy there’d be no interesting stories to tell.

      At this point I interrupted with skepticism and said: “So, like, Mr. Master Top wanted to drop to his knees?”

      “Exactly,” Tommy said with an eyebrow arched in suspicion.

      Anyway, Tommy continued. So he and David decided they were into each other and that they wanted to fuck around and they decided to recruit a bottom who’d let them both fuck him. They scanned the crowd and Tommy suggested this blond, muscled, Chelsea number who he’d been eyeing all night. David turned him down, said he was too pretty, and said they should still look. They both agreed that this other tall guy, a beefy redhead, seemed pretty hot and they called him over to chat. After less than a minute of pleasantries David was like, “Into a three-way? We’re looking for a bottom to take us on.”

      The guy was kind of taken aback for a second. Tommy was too; he’s all into being forward, but even he thought it was a little much to be like, “Hi-how-are-you-want-to-bottom-for-us?” The redhead didn’t immediately say no; he blushed and they talked for a little longer. Tommy actually liked the guy and he was into the dude’s massive arms. He flexed for Tommy and Tommy massaged that bicep a little lewdly. It was weird though, Tommy thought, because as they talked more and as the hot redhead got more into them, David seemed less interested. Tommy really thought they could have found their man but then David was giving him the on-to-the-next signals. Weird.

      Eventually David had turned away from them both and it was just Tommy talking to the redhead. He asked Tommy if he was definitely with David because he got the sense David wasn’t into him. Tommy didn’t really know and the redhead went to the bathroom and he asked David what was going on. David said he could go either way with the redhead, that he wasn’t all that into him. Tommy said he thought he was hot and David was like, “I’ll fuck him if you want.”

      So the three of them ended up back at David’s apartment in Brooklyn with the second bedroom that’s a photography studio with a sling. David was all over Tommy and kind of ignoring the redhead. The redhead was trying to be cool and get into the whole thing. Tommy had told him that David was into the whole master/slave thing and that maybe that’s why he was being kind of surly. The redhead got into it and once in the studio was like, “What do you guys want me to do? Sirs.”

      David told him to strip. The redhead pulled his T-shirt off and those fucking bowling-ball biceps were flexing like mad. He had a big chest with a light layer of auburn fuzz that disappeared when it hit his stomach. He had a pretty flat stomach that wasn’t all worked-out tight and then a bubble ass that Tommy drooled over when the underwear came off. Tommy and David got naked too and the redhead ended up on his knees feeding on both of their cocks. Tommy pulled David’s face to his and they started to make out: Tommy fucking David’s mouth with his tongue, and the redhead stroking Tommy’s cock and slurping on David’s.

      Tommy got into David’s bossy attitude and the way he was making the redhead subservient; the redhead seemed into it too. While the redhead was sucking Tommy’s cock, David was poking and slapping his face with his own cock, milking out some pre-cum and rubbing it up the redhead’s face, toward his eyes. The redhead had hulking shoulders and Tommy leaned over and grabbed onto them while he fucked the guy’s mouth. He said his cock was feeling so good that he could have cum then but David pulled them apart and told the redhead to get into the sling.

      David turned out to have a kind of toned, tight body that wasn’t really very muscular. He did have a nice chest and a firm ass, his cock was big, and he had fat, low-hanging nuts. Tommy watched while David strapped the redhead’s ankles into the straps on the sling and then started to grease up his hole. Tommy said the redhead was wiggling his ass and moaning just from the finger fucking he was getting and Tommy couldn’t wait to get into his ass. David, being a gracious host—Martha Stewart would have been so proud—let his guest go first. Tommy rubbered up and then aimed his cock-head at the guy’s pucker. He pushed inside and the redhead bit his bottom lip when Tommy slid his cock farther in.

      While Tommy was fucking the redhead’s ass, David was straddling the guy’s face and feeding him his nuts. He was bouncing up and down, dropping his nuts into the redhead’s mouth. The redhead was gripping the chains holding up the sling and his muscles were flexing while Tommy invaded his ass and David choked him with his fat nuts.

      Tommy said that the scene was really hot, and I certainly thought so; my cock was aching and leaking in my jeans while he told it in detail. Even Lizzie said it sounded hot and that just egged Tommy on to give us more of his blow-by-blow of the encounter.

      David and Tommy switched places and David started to fuck the redhead’s ass mercilessly. He was slamming in so hard and fast and the redhead could barely catch his breath. Tommy was trying to stick his cock in the redhead’s mouth but the kid was getting fucked so hard he couldn’t focus. Tommy was beating off over the kid’s face, letting his nuts graze the guy’s lips and nose as he was watching David fuck him silly.

      David made a show of cumming and came hard up the redhead’s ass. David sunk his cock deep inside and literally fell on top of him on the swing, both of them panting while David dumped his load up the redhead’s ass. The redhead hung his head back and stuck out his tongue, inviting Tommy to stick his cock inside his mouth. Tommy did and with the redhead’s head hanging backward Tommy fucked his mouth.

      David had managed to stand up between the redhead’s legs and was stroking the guy’s cock. The redhead was getting close and was writhing a little in the sling while Tommy kept his mouth full. Tommy plunged his cock in deep, practically choking the guy, and the redhead came hard onto his stomach. His first shot hit his chest and the rest spewed out onto his abdomen. The guy was moaning around the cock buried in his mouth, and David was still milking his cock. Then David leaned down and took the spent cock in his mouth to lick off any last cum and Tommy kept pumping into the guy’s mouth. He was about to cum and he pulled out and the redhead started to

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