The Great Cock Hunt. Alex

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The Great Cock Hunt - Alex

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the redhead’s mouth and chin.

      Tommy went to grab his underwear and to wipe himself off and David helped the redhead out of the sling. When Tommy turned around the redhead and David were making out by the sling, David nursing the redhead’s spent but slightly swelling again cock. Tommy stepped into his jeans when they broke the kiss and David told the redhead that he loved him. The redhead replied in kind and they kissed a little more while Tommy finished getting dressed.

      It turns out that they’re a couple. They’d been together for a few years and liked playing these games. They pretend not to know each other and have hot-as-fuck encounters with strangers. So that’s why Tommy calls them The Grifters. He said he was scammed. But then he was like, “I could get scammed like that every day and be a very happy man.”

      “Amen,” I said.


      Big Gulp

      So it was shortly after that story that we pulled into a rest stop. We had stopped at one just outside the city before we started and I got one of those sodas that are like bigger than a two-liter bottle. Sodas like that, Big Gulps or whatever, always remind me of grossly overweight, lottery-playing addicts in low income suburbia that would be the subject of a Michael Moore film on how Americans need everything to be big. But whatever, that’s not what we’re here to talk about. What I wanted to convey was that I had drunk the entire thing and that unless I got to a bathroom quickly, this book would end up being about water sports, and not the fun kind that involve boats.

      So Tommy got in line at the McDonald’s and I went to the bathroom. There were only two urinals and both of them were occupied and so I went into the stall. The stall wall didn’t meet the bathroom wall very well—the bracket was loose—and I could get a decent view of the urinal on the other side of the stall wall. I had to pee so badly I didn’t pay much attention to the other guys in the bathroom and while I was pissing I tried to look through the crack. I couldn’t see much of the guy but I could see the fly of his jeans open and his cock hanging out and pissing. He was uncut and his foreskin covered almost all of his cock-head.

      I finished pissing but didn’t flush the toilet. My cock was still feeling kind of excited and as I watched the guy tuck his cock back in and flush the urinal I stroked myself a little. I thought about Tommy’s story and how hot it was and I had this image of the hot redhead, his ass being plowed, and I was stroking faster. Someone else came to the urinal and I leaned forward to try to catch a glimpse. Again I couldn’t see the guy but I saw him unbutton and unzip his pants, pull down his tightie-whities and haul out a long cock. He started to piss and his hands started to massage his lower stomach, just above his cock, and I spit in my hand and stroked faster.

      Thinking about the redhead and the guy next to me with the long cock got me hot and I closed my eyes and imagined that guy at the urinal coming into the stall and feeding me his big cock. I thought about all of those bathroom stories I’d read about in porno magazines: about rendezvous in bathrooms with glory holes or when guys get on their knees and stick their hard-ons under the wall for some anonymous guy, whose face you never see, to suck. I thought about how hot and dirty that would be and how exciting it would be if this guy with the long cock went into the next stall and stuck his rod under the divider.

      I’d be on my knees, I imagined, slurping up his long cock and working my own with my fist. And then the guy with the foreskin, the dude who’d already left, would be in the stall on the other side of me. And he’d be poking his cock through a glory hole and I’d start licking it and the head would emerge from the foreskin and I’d get his uncut cock nice and hard. Then I’d stroke his throbbing pole while I returned to the long cock on the other side, poking under the wall waiting for my mouth. All the while I’d never see these guys’ faces and they’d never see mine. I’d have that kind of hot, dirty bathroom sex that you see in movies. I don’t know that I’d ever have the balls to do it for real—I mean, I’ve definitely had some hot bathroom sex before, but never at a public rest stop—but just thinking about it, thinking about that uncut cock exploding strings of cum onto my face while I was still stroking the other cock, made my dick tingle.

      I started thinking about swallowing the long-cocked guy’s load with my mouth all covered in the other dude’s jizz and while listening to the uncut guy zipping up and leaving, then I was there. My cock exploded and ropes of cum splashed down onto the toilet. I opened my eyes and noticed that the guy at the urinal next to me, the long-dicked guy, had left; I hadn’t noticed him flush or anything I was so wrapped up in my fantasy. But there was no one there now and I was still stroking my spit-slick cock and cum was jumping out.

      Quickly I tucked myself back into my pants and tried to clean up my mess as best as I could. I flushed and came back out. Tommy and Lizzie were sitting outside and Tommy was eating French fries. Lizzie asked if I was all right because I had been gone a little longer than normal, and I said I was fine. We got back in the car and headed to school.


      Getting There Incognito

      Lizzie insisted that we check in at the hotel and shower and primp and all that crap before going on to campus to register and be seen, which is why it was kind of funny when we walked into the hotel lobby, Lizzie looking a little worse for wear, her hair up in a messy ponytail, we ran into the biggest campus gossip and troublemaker ever: Liza.

      Brief background. Liza was the upper-echelon of campus society; she wasn’t so much part of the most popular clique as she was the most popular clique. She was a rung or two above any station that I ever aspired to, and as Lizzie’s best friend, I was on her radar. Tommy, on the other hand, was never all that worthy of her social largesse. Liza was also famous, in my mind at least, because she fucked incredibly humpy Coach Donnelly. But we’ll get to all that later.

      Always a fashion plate, and the daughter of parents who taught her very early to believe she was much better than she really was, Liza lead the trendsetting efforts at college. After graduation she landed some very important yet entirely trivial job for a high-end, famous-label fashion company in New York. There she met and somehow tricked one of the sons of the owner to fall in love with her and now they live happily ever after with servants and children in Los Angeles.

      Anyway, back to the hotel lobby. Always one for the dramatic hellos, Liza came rushing toward us, L.A.-aerobicized arms outstretched, and hugged and kissed us each without making any body contact. Tommy hates her and made a face like he was wading through a life-sized trash compacter while they air hugged. Lizzie rolled her eyes at me in a just-my-fucking-luck look and tried to quickly exit with a promise to see her later. But Liza was having none of that.

      Tommy and I went up to the counter to check into our rooms and when we returned Lizzie and Liza were sitting on the couches in the lobby. They were talking about some girl whose name I remember but face I can’t picture, when Liza turned to me and said, “Are you still dating Zoe’s cousin?”

      “Um, no,” I said, a little caught off guard.

      “That was the last time I talked to Zoe. Forever ago. And she told me about you and her cousin. It’s so cute.”

      “He was a fucking prick,” Lizzie said with a politician’s smile. Like when you’re watching the news and the politician is telling you that forty people died in the war today but that it’s really going well and for a good cause.

      Liza ignored this and turned back to Lizzie and said, “So do you still talk to Zoe?”

      “Yeah. Not every day but we see each other once or twice a month.”

      “How’s she

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