Ceremony Of Seduction. Cassie Ryan

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Ceremony Of Seduction - Cassie  Ryan

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development of full hips and breasts had set her apart from her model-thin mother and sisters. She figured that’s why she’d dreamt of a handsome man who made her feel as if she belonged. But now, with him standing so close she could smell the woodsy musk of pure man, she knew better. “Are my adoptive parents…” She struggled with the word, “Cunts?”

      He nodded and gestured to a family picture hanging on her wall. “The civil war came partially because of physical differences. The offspring of Klatch and humans who called themselves Cunts are fair of hair and skin and usually have thin bodies. The remaining faction of Klatch are dark haired, olive skinned and blessed with curves.” He stared down at her body as if he could see through the baggy clothes. She thought he would devour her whole.

      “The Cunts thought themselves more attractive, superior and better breeding stock, so they tried to overthrow the king…and failed.”

      Alyssa thought back over her life. Her family had always treated her more as a pet who wasn’t very smart than a part of the family. College was never an option. Her father convinced her she just couldn’t handle the higher learning and it wouldn’t be worth wasting the money. The same thing happened when she wanted to get a driver’s license.

      So, she’d gone to bartending school. The pay was decent and she enjoyed interacting with the customers—most of the time. As for her personal life, her sisters still teased her about being fat and her long dark hair was always downplayed as less attractive than their lighter tresses. If everything Stone said was true, it made a lot of things more clear. Go with your gut!

      “What exactly do you want me to do?” Her mind whirled.

      “Your twenty-fourth birthday grows near and you will be coming of age. Because of your heritage, you’ll be an extremely powerful witch in her own right. Come with me and meet your real parents and then you can decide.”

      She closed her eyes and searched inside herself for answers. Should she trust Stone? This entire situation was too crazy for words. She went with her gut. “Prove to me you are who you say you are, and I’ll go.”

      Chapter 2

      Stone’s desire reached a fevered pitch and he reined it in hard. He very much wished he could reenact their joint dream last night—then she would be a true believer. However, he needed to get her back to Klatch as soon as possible before the Cunts found her. “As you wish, Princess.” He’d waited for years to touch and possess his betrothed, but he could not slide his aching cock inside her until her coming-of-age ceremony. She needed the sustenance of many strong Klatch men to fully attain her powers. Before that, emptying his seed inside her would be dangerous and most likely fatal.

      That didn’t mean he couldn’t prove to her now that she already trusted him with her heart and body. Her heart-shaped face tipped up to him in a silent plea, her ripe lips softly parted, waiting. He threaded his fingers through her long mahogany ponytail. The hair flowed through his fingers like silk, the scent of honeysuckle scenting the air. He longed to see the cascade of hair surround her like a halo.

      Her pale lavender eyes watched warily as he slipped the elastic band from her hair and let it fall to the floor. Freed from its prison, her hair fell in dark waves to her shapely waist. Pulling her tight against him, he ground his hard cock against her, enjoying the way her lips rounded in a surprised “o.” He feathered kisses over her face until she melted against him. “I told you I’d always come for you, Princess,” he whispered against her forehead. “And that we would be together.” She gasped. He knew she recognized the words he’d said in their dream last night. He swallowed the sounds of her surprise as he captured her mouth with his.

      She tasted stronger in person, like honey and exotic spices, and his energy flowed into her with every touch and caress. She twined her arms around his neck and he pulled up the back of her skirt so he could touch the beautiful skin of her bottom through her thin panties. He hardened further as he remembered his two fingers buried deep inside her sweet ass in their dream joining last night. How much more intense would it be when he buried his cock inside her slit, taking her virginity?

      He steeled himself against the urge to throw her to the ground and take her now. You are a Prince of Klatch, you have control over your urges. He just hoped it was true. Reluctantly, he pulled away and steadied her as she swayed on her feet, her eyes still closed in ecstasy. “Princess?” he asked softly.

      Alyssa slowly opened her eyes, a large smile bloomed over her face. “It is you.” She traced his face tentatively with her fingers. “I’ve waited for you a long time. I’m ready for wherever you’re going to take me.”

      “Leave now and I won’t kill you!” came a voice from the back of the apartment.

      Alyssandra whirled in his arms to face the intruder. “Debbie, what are you doing?”

      Stone stepped in front of his betrothed, protecting her from this Cunt bent on harming her. She may not be familiar with the ways of the witching world yet, but he was. He could feel the princess’s energy draining into this intruder witch’s aura. No wonder his beloved appeared drawn and exhausted. “I’ve come to reclaim the princess. You’ll have to find another victim to feed from, Cunt.”

      “Debbie’s not—” Alyssa began.

      “She is ours, Klatch. Step away from her, and I won’t kill you.” Debbie turned her attention to Alyssandra, her voice cajoling. “Come on, Lyssa. Are you going to believe some man over your best friend?”

      Stone held his breath as shock clouded the princess’s lovely features. He couldn’t force her to come with him—that would only drain her powers further, and she was weak enough now that she might have complications from the trip between. She reached up to touch his face and he sent a jolt of his own energy flowing into her body. She moaned and stiffened from the contact and his cock throbbed.

      “Lyssa, step away from him and go into your room. Now.” Debbie gestured toward the princess, increasing her drain spell, causing Alyssandra to sway.

      He steadied her against him, then brought his hand down in a chopping motion across the field of draining energy, cutting the connection. Immediately, the Cunt’s legs buckled under her and she fell to her knees as her own spell rebounded toward its creator.

      The princess straightened and whirled to face him. “What just happened?” She stared down at her pale roommate.

      “She’s been draining your energy. The Cunts like to use the Klatch as a food supply of sorts. That’s why you’re always exhausted and tired.” Several emotions including hurt and shock flowed across her face one after another until finally, realization and then anger prevailed.

      She stalked across the room where Debbie, still on her knees, knelt dazed and weak. “All this time, you’ve watched me take numerous medications and endure all those painful tests at the doctor every month and you continued to feed on me like…like a damned parasite? I trusted you…I wanted so much to be like you…”

      Debbie raised a hand and as it connected with Alyssa’s ankle, she swayed again. Before Stone could raise his hand to hit the Cunt with another spell, Debbie’s hair began to stand on end and small sparks of static electricity popped and crackled along her skin. Suddenly the Cunt’s head snapped back, her eyes rolling upward until only the whites showed before she slumped to the floor.

      Pride swelled in Stone’s chest. Alyssandra may not know how to use her Klatch powers yet, but she just proved to herself she had them.


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