Ceremony Of Seduction. Cassie Ryan

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Ceremony Of Seduction - Cassie  Ryan

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raising her gaze.

      “Stone,” she whispered, feeling very much like an imposter about to be unmasked. “How do they know who I am?”

      He raised her hand to his lips, and brushed a kiss on the back before answering. “You look very much like your mother. And of course, you’re with me. The entire kingdom knows I’ve been looking for you. They’ve all eagerly awaited the return of the First Princess of Klatch.”

      Before Alyssa could reply, several other people caught sight of her. A loud chatter rose around her, her name murmured through the crowd like a living thing. Dozens of men and women bowed and then studied her with friendly and open curiosity.

      Stone placed a protective hand on her shoulder and borrowed energy flowed through her body as his deep voice rang out over the noise of the crowd. “The princess must rest and recover before meeting the king and queen. There will be time enough for everyone to meet her later.” As if by magic, the crowd bowed again toward Stone and then parted, allowing them to pass.

      “Wow,” she murmured. “I didn’t really buy the whole princess thing until just now.”

      His rich laugh flowed over her body like an erotic caress. “I have a feeling all your doubts will be erased very soon.” He chuckled as he led her toward the largest of the white buildings that sat at the foot of the castle.

      She swallowed her disappointment—after all, didn’t the princess live at the castle? Her childhood fantasies always revolved around her own room just across the hall from parents who loved her and would comfort her when she had nightmares. So far, this world was everything she’d always hoped, so why did that one difference make her sad? She was a grown woman now, who didn’t need such things as comfort from bad dreams. She squared her shoulders and lifted her chin. “Is this where my room is?” she asked tentatively.

      “This is where your bath is.” He squeezed her hand as they stepped through the doors into a large open area with corridors leading off to each side and a large fountain in the middle. “Don’t worry, after we take our baths, I’ll meet you at the dressing room and take you up to the castle.”

      Maybe her dream room at the castle was a reality. For some reason, that made her feel better, like the parents part of her dreams would come true too. She smiled at the thought. “You’d better not forget to come back. I don’t know anyone here but you.” She looked around at the smooth white walls. They resembled the creamy marble she’d only seen at museums, but these had lines of soft pink crystals running through them—like the dressing table she’d imagined inside her room. She stepped close to the wall to run her hand over them. When her fingers brushed against the pink vein, warmth pulsed against her skin, where the white parts of the wall were cool as she expected.

      “I could never forget about you, Princess. I’ve waited far too long to have you by my side. Just wait, by the end of the day, your pretty head will be swimming with the names of people you’ve met. All of them, happy to see you safe and finally home.” He brushed his lips across hers and energy flowed through their connection, zinging down to each of her nipples then making a beeline for her pussy. Moaning, she melted against him, pulling him closer and tracing his lips with her tongue until he opened for her so she could delve inside. Heat sizzled between them and flashed as she ground her body against his erection.

      Stone pulled her away, firmly holding her at arm’s length, his breath coming in labored pants. “I think we both need a bath before I endanger you by fucking you here on the floor and pumping my seed deep inside you.”

      Smiling, she enjoyed the pure feminine power of being able to push him beyond the limits of his control. But after her earlier blackout from just a taste of his pre come, she would trust his judgment that tempting him too far would be dangerous. Exciting and erotic as hell, but still dangerous. “How soon is this ceremony?” She couldn’t wait to have all restrictions gone between them.

      He smiled and leaned his forehead against hers as if still fighting his urges. “It is on the eve of your birthday.”

      A rush of relief flowed through her. Surely she could survive one week. She hoped.

      Alyssa stepped through the archway on the left and followed the corridor toward the sound of a waterfall. The sharp click of her cowboy boots against the stone floor echoed around her. Erotic paintings of couples and even groups in varying stages of copulation graced the walls on both sides. All were naked and uninhibited. Totally unlike the world she knew. I wonder how different I would be if I’d grown up here, around these people. There was even a painting of several naked women in a pool, pleasuring each other.

      It had always been a deep dark fantasy of hers to have sex with another woman, but not one she’d ever admit aloud. She’d never been tempted by Debbie or any of the other Cunts she knew. Her fantasy had always revolved around curvy voluptuous women with dark hair and full lips, not the too thin and trim body of her roommate. She stepped closer to study the painting. Women with full breasts, rounded hips, curvy stomachs and lush thighs open and waiting taunted her from the wall causing her clit to swell and ache.

      “Welcome, Princess,” a sultry feminine voice said from behind her.

      Alyssa jumped, her cheeks burning at being caught studying the erotic painting. She whirled to see a young woman about her own age with hair so long, it brushed the ground. Her dark hair cascaded around her with small braids sprinkled throughout, each adorned with multi-colored beads. She wore nothing but a white gauzy half top and string bikini underwear. Her coral nipples poked against the thin cloth and the creamy bottom curve of her breasts were visible just underneath the short top. Alyssa couldn’t help but stare. The woman stood the same height as Alyssa and had the same full hips, rounded stomach and thighs that she looked at in the mirror every day. Yet, this exotic woman looked sexy, enticing and comfortable with her body. Something Alyssa had wished for all her life.

      There was more. The woman’s aura was electrifying and drew Alyssa in like a moth. A breath caught in her throat. She wanted this woman to touch her. Wanted to feel her petite hands on her body. Wanted to try out every fantasy.

      Must be the effect of that damned painting!

      “I’m Sasha, your lady’s maid. I’ve waited a long time to be able to fulfill my duties.” She bowed and then stepped forward to link her arm with Alyssa’s as if they were lifelong friends. “Come this way and I’ll show you the pool. I’m sure you’re exhausted and in need of some energy before meeting your parents.”

      Alyssa walked with her willingly, instantly comfortable with this beautiful woman, even despite the sudden attraction. “I’m actually a little hungry,” she admitted, noticing her growling stomach for the first time all day.

      Sasha frowned. “The prince knows to take better care of you than that. You are precious to all the Klatch.” She led Alyssa into an open room with only a chair and dressing table. Its gleaming white stone surface was covered with brushes, beads, combs, perfumes and assorted makeup.

      “Stone took very good care of me,” she said, suddenly defensive. She wanted to defend the man who’d saved her from her previous life.

      Sasha laughed. “Believe me, I know the prince would not be able to keep his hands off you after all this time. But if you are hungry, he let you orgasm, which means you lost energy. Until the ceremony, he’ll have to exercise more restraint.”

      Alyssa’s mouth dropped open and her cheeks burned. Did everyone know she and Stone had been fooling around?

      “Don’t mistake my meaning, Princess. I know from

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