Sexy Beast III. Morgan Hawke

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Sexy Beast III - Morgan Hawke Sexy Beast

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pussy clenched in anticipation.

      Jake signed the receipt for their room, handed the slip back to the clerk, and held out his hand for the room key. Shannon couldn’t help but notice the dreamy-eyed gaze from the young woman behind the counter and the way she sighed when Jake smiled in thanks.

      If he weren’t already hers, she’d be drooling over him too. Jacob Trent was gorgeous no matter what he wore, with his sun-streaked brown hair curling around his collar and the cocky sparkle in his amber eyes. In black leather motorcycle gear, he was sexy enough to make any warm-blooded woman drool. Right now, Shannon’s blood practically boiled.

      He tossed the key in the air, snatched it in his fist and grabbed Shannon’s elbow. “How about a run? Do you think Bay’d be up for it?”

      The door closed behind the office and the starstruck motel clerk as Shannon and Jake walked out into the brilliant sunlight. She laughed. “When is Bay ever not up?”

      Dressed in jogging gear, the three of them headed out from their motel room, following a well-traveled path into the forest. Once beyond sight of the motel, they dipped into the thick brush and cut cross-country until they found a small meadow where they could safely undress and shift. They tucked their clothing beneath a shrub, disguising everything with the branches, shifted to wolven form and took off at a full run. The woods here were thick and cool, the air was damp and filled with scents, and the game appeared to be plentiful. Racing beside and just behind Shannon, his wolven paws tearing clumps from the thick humus coating the forest floor, Jake kept his nose to the ground and his senses alert.

      They ran for miles at a fast, easy pace that covered the ground without effort. Still, it was much too easy for Jake to get sidetracked by the gorgeous she-wolf he followed. His alpha bitch. Would he ever get used to the fact she’d chosen him above all others? Not that he’d given her all that much chance, but Bay had been there before they mated, and he certainly wasn’t hard on the eyes.

      Jake glanced in Bay’s direction, then concentrated once again on Shannon. Jake knew his packmate wanted her, knew Bay’d give anything to mate with Jake’s woman, to bond, but she was Jake’s. Only Jake’s. Bay respected that and honored their bond.

      Otherwise, lover or not, he’d be dead by now.

      Shannon spotted the buck first, an older animal standing near a small pond. It paused as if listening for a threat, but they’d caught it unawares and she leaped without breaking stride. Locking her powerful jaws around the animal’s throat, Shannon broke its neck with the weight of her body as she threw the animal to the ground. Bay and Jake moved in for the kill. The deer went still, dying without a struggle.

      Shannon stood over the warm body, growling low in her throat, teeth bared and eyes narrowed. Jake and Bay backed off, caught up in her bloodlust, their tails low and ears laid back.

      Watching her feed while his own belly rumbled, Jake felt nothing but pride. Damn, but she was perfect. His woman. Beautiful, wild. His. He glanced toward Baylor, saw the gleam in the other wolf’s eyes, and growled. Bay glanced his way, then tucked low to the ground.

      A guy can dream, can’t he? Bay licked his lips but, like Jake, waited patiently for their alpha bitch to feed.

      Any other time, after running and feeding they would have gone back to the motel to fuck and sleep and fuck some more, but the day was too beautiful for that, and the sky was such a perfect cerulean blue. Their blood was running hot from the kill. Shannon nipped at Jake’s shoulder, dipped head to paws in play, then whirled about and waved her bushy tail under his nose.

      Okay, so he didn’t usually mate with her when Bay was nearby, purely out of masculine courtesy, but she was so damned hot and he needed her. Badly. He’d felt her leather-clad pussy against his butt all morning long and had fantasized about making love to her on the motorcycle, in the tall grass beside the road, in just about every motel they’d passed.

      Hell, he wanted her all the time, wherever she would let him love her. Was there ever a time when he didn’t want to be inside her, buried in her wet heat? Wolf or woman, so long as it was Shannon.

      Jake nipped her flank, pawed her shoulder, and received a teasing growl in response. Bay waited off to one side, head cocked, eyes shining almost green in the sunlight.

      Deeply aware of his packmate nearby, Jake mounted Shannon before she could twist out of his way, thrusting fast and hard and finally plundering her hot center. His paws raking her shoulders with each deep penetration, he panted with a combination of bestial lust and pure physical effort. She planted her legs and he filled her, his wolven cock plunging deep, the huge knot sliding past her tight vaginal opening, locking them, tying them together.

      He’d not linked, not yet. There’d been no need, so caught up had he been in the sensation of fucking as wolves, in the lush yet carnal act of animals mating in the forest. With his blood running hot from the kill, from the pure joy of racing through an ancient forest, he’d stayed totally within his own thoughts. Now, locked to his mate, Jake opened his mind.

      Shannon was there: glorious, passionate, her body ripe and ready for his.

      And Bay? Snarling, Jake whipped his head to one side and saw Bay behind him, his black coat glistening in the sunlight. Bay’s ears lay flat against his skull, his teeth were bared, and his paw was raised to rake Jake’s shoulder, to mount him as Jake mounted Shannon.

      Jake should have growled, should have warned his packmate off. Should have, but didn’t. Couldn’t. Not loving Bay as he did. Wanting him so much. Jake planted his feet, clasped his front legs tightly around Shannon, seated his swollen cock hard and fast inside her, and snarled at Bay. He opened his thoughts to Shannon, then opened to his packmate, welcoming him.

      And bracing himself for something totally new.

      The sharp jab of Bay’s cock took Jake’s breath. He clasped Shannon tighter and felt her legs steadying them both. Once again, slower this time, Bay’s sharp thrust of his wolven penis took him deep inside Jake’s body.

      The sensation was new, totally unlike a human penetration. Harsh and unforgiving, Bay’s erection slipped inside Jake, past nerves every bit as sensitive as their human counterparts. Bay’s thrusting body sandwiched Jake forcefully against Shannon, shoved his cock even deeper inside her heat. Still pulsing from his climax with Shannon, Jake felt the thick swell of Bay’s knot and knew his own cock was growing long and firm once again. His level of arousal spiked once more and his mind filled with the combination of Shannon’s lust, his own…and Baylor’s.

      Their lust grew higher, spiraling with the intense sensations of the wild, building in their minds, one sensation upon the other. The link invaded Jake’s mind: the deeper Chanku mating bond that signaled a connection much more powerful than that of mere packmates. This was something higher, something beyond anything he’d ever experienced except his bond with Shannon.

      His body trembled with the combined sensations—his wolven cock locked tightly within Shannon’s pulsing folds, Bay’s sharp claws digging into his shoulders, Bay’s penis jerking hard and fast within his ass. And more.

      Something unexpected: There, on the very edge of climax, he caught another voice. Before he could single it out, orgasm took him, a powerful spike of energy that whipped through Jake, Shannon, and Bay. It lifted them, a dynamic pulse of energy combining hearts and minds, a synergetic cataclysm of power.

      At the very peak, amplified by their release, was the sound of two unknown voices crying out in pain and fear. The unknown yet somehow familiar voices exploded into Jake’s mind,

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