Sexy Beast III. Morgan Hawke

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Sexy Beast III - Morgan Hawke Sexy Beast

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in his, and lay carefully on the bed beside her. He spread his other hand over her belly, his long fingers looking almost ghostly against her dark skin.

      She tried to imagine this child of theirs, born of two races, and wondered if she would be dark like her mother, fair like her father, or a beautiful blend of the them both, like Tia.

      “She’ll be perfect.”

      Keisha almost laughed. There were no secrets with this man. Anton leaned close and kissed her stomach, just below her protruding belly button. She moaned, surprised by the intensity of sensation from a simple kiss. The sound slipped effortlessly from her throat. He traced the curve from hip to groin, his touch gentle yet unaccountably arousing. When he finally dipped his fingers between the swollen folds of her pussy, Keisha cried out and arched into his touch. Damn! She was so sensitive there, all wet and swollen with a combination of pregnancy and desire.

      It felt so good when Anton trailed his long fingers across all her sensitive folds and furrows. When he circled her clit with the tip of one finger, Keisha suddenly climaxed in a warm gush of fluids and a low groan. Gasping for air, she wrapped her fingers around his wrist. “Enough,” she said, laughing. “I’m so sensitive right now.”

      Anton lifted his fingers to his mouth and sucked them clean of her juices. His cock bobbed against her hip but he made no move to enter her. She knew he wouldn’t, especially after she’d grabbed his fingers away from her clit.

      Direct touching was a bit much, but there was no way she was going to stop now, not with her body vibrating with ripples of pleasure. Moving awkwardly, Keisha managed to push Anton to his back. “This way I control how deep and what angle, so quit worrying, okay?”

      “If you say so.” He didn’t sound at all certain, but he wrapped his hands around her hips and helped Keisha find a comfortable position.

      She straddled him, rising up on her knees and guiding his erection carefully toward her center. They’d not made love like this for ages, not since she’d gotten so big. As much as she liked oral sex, they’d had to be extra careful even with that…and besides, Keisha needed the feeling of him deep inside, the sense of connection that came only when they made love the old-fashioned way.

      She’d not shifted for what felt like forever, either. Even though her doctor thought it would be okay, none of them knew for sure if there might be any danger to her growing baby. She wasn’t about to risk her baby’s health. Instinctively, all the female Chanku knew, in theory, how to keep the fetus safe when they shifted. Still, after about her sixth month, when she began feeling as awkward on four legs as two, it hadn’t seemed worth the risk.

      As Keisha tilted her hips to the slick length of Anton’s cock slipping over the mouth of her womb, she realized just how very much she’d missed this connection. Even more, how much she missed the powerful sexual union they shared as wolves.

      Her nether lips kissed the thick mat of hair at the root of his penis and she sighed, settling her hips on his upper thighs, tightening her inner muscles around his length and breadth.

      Anton sighed as well. She heard him swallow, and she opened her eyes and saw tears at the corners of his. Keisha reached down and swept the moisture away with her thumbs. “No fear, okay? Make love to me. I’ll tell you if it’s too much. Right now I need you. I need to feel you rocking my world. You make me feel like a woman instead of Moby Keisha.”

      “Moby Keisha? Is that how you see yourself?” He finally smiled, clasped her hips even tighter in his long fingers, and helped her as she lifted herself slowly off his cock then just as carefully slid back down his hard length. He groaned, but there was laughter in his voice when he whispered, “You’re the prettiest whale I ever made love to.”

      “Gee, thanks.” She flicked her nails over his nipples and dragged a choppy “Ah” from his lips. Then she curled her fingers in the dark hair covering his chest and continued her slow rise and fall along his silky cock.

      She wondered what she felt like to him, how it was to have his cock squeezed into a space made much tighter by their growing child. As she let herself wonder, suddenly she knew. Anton opened his thoughts, brought her into his with a facility that never ceased to amaze her. Brilliant, mentally more powerful than any other Chanku, Anton shared the sensations as he experienced them in a link of scintillating clarity.

      Not only was she hotter, tighter, and wetter than usual, her inner muscles seemed to ripple with a new purpose. She clasped him in slick, wet silk, binding him inside her, holding him so that he struggled not to tip over the edge.

      She wanted to tip. Hell, she wanted to fly, wanted that lightness of being only Anton could give her. Faster, deeper, Keisha rode him almost to orgasm, sliding up and down his smooth shaft as sensation built upon sensation, as even Anton’s eyes took on that glazed, pre-orgasmic glow.

      He turned loose of her hips, slipped a thumb beneath her swollen belly and found her clit. The bud was slippery with her juices, more receptive now to his touch. He stroked her, matching the sweep of his thumb to her quickening pace, but it was the flat of his hand, his palm pressed against her belly while he stroked her, that brought a strangled cry to Keisha’s lips, a surge of electricity from deep inside her body, and the sweet, all-consuming rush of orgasm.

      Anton came with her, though she sensed his struggle for control all the way through to the last spasm of his cock. There was no lunging thrust at the end, no endless penetration.

      Instead, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close against his chest. Kissed her sweat-tangled hair and nuzzled the soft swell of her ponderous breasts. Moments later, once their breathing slowed, he nuzzled her ear. “I hate to change the subject, my love, but the plane leaves at ten in the morning.” He leaned over and licked the sharp point of her nipple. “I hope you and Xandi know what you’re doing.”

      Keisha kissed him long and hard. When she came up for air, Anton looked a bit shell-shocked. Good. It was nice to know she hadn’t lost her touch. “If you can make me come like that without setting off any contractions, a little flight to San Francisco will be a snap.”

      “If you say so,” he answered, but there was no smile behind his words.

      Tala rested, stretched out half-asleep in the back seat of the rented SUV. She always felt so keyed up during a job, but now she knew she could finally relax. All was as it should be—they’d rescued the child and both her men were safe. AJ was at his usual place behind the wheel with Mik riding shotgun.

      It was still hard, sometimes, to realize how her life had changed since she’d first stowed away in the back of their car so many months ago, since she’d first learned of her Chanku heritage and the amazing abilities her genetics made possible. From streetwalker to private detective was one hell of a leap.

      Tala still wasn’t sure exactly who Pack Dynamics answered to, whether they were a government agency or merely took jobs no one else could handle. She only knew to follow orders, get her assignment done safely, and high-tail it back to San Francisco for another job.

      She absolutely loved every minute.

      Of course, she hadn’t minded her life as a whore all that much, though her pimp had been a jerk. At least she’d had steady work doing what she loved. Thank goodness Mik and AJ understood her over-the-top libido.

      They had the same problem…if you could call it a problem. Tala hoped they’d find a place soon to stop for the night. Damn, but she was so horny after a job, and there was something special about sex in a motel room with these two.

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