Sexy Beast III. Morgan Hawke

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Sexy Beast III - Morgan Hawke Sexy Beast

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her ass and her clit. Jake had found a rhythm now, pressing against her sphincter with his fingers as he thrust his cock slowly between her legs. Bay’s tight grasp on her nipples made them ache, but the pain sent a constant pulse of pleasure directly to her clit.

      She tightened the muscles in her sex against the hollow, needy sensation growing in the pit of her belly. Jake’s fingers pressed tighter against her ass, Bay twisted her nipples, and their cocks slipped one over the other against her swollen sex.

      The tension grew. She needed penetration, anything to take her over the edge. Shannon’s breathing turned choppy; her eyes closed as she absorbed the pleasure. Her whole body shivered with growing arousal.

      Jake’s fingers penetrated her ass just as Bay pinched her nipples. Shannon jerked and screamed, her back arching as she spasmed through her first climax, shuddering and shivering, her pussy awash in a liquid orgasmic release.

      Without even breaking rhythm, Jake entered her with his next stroke, burying himself all the way to the hilt on a single thrust. Shannon’s muscles clenched around his cock. Her sex still rippled with aftershocks as Jake rolled over to his back and took her with him.

      Bay quickly knelt between their legs and pressed the broad crown of his cock against her bottom. Still relaxed from Jake’s fingers, Shannon tilted her hips to make Bay’s access easier. He circled the puckered entrance with his fingers first, relaxing her even more, then pressed harder with his cock. Shannon pushed out as Bay moved forward. He was so damned big and it burned when he stretched her, slowly pressing in and out, a little farther each time as he worked beyond her tight sphincter. Once his broad crown passed beyond the loop of muscle, the pain disappeared, melding swiftly into a dark slide of pleasure. Shannon groaned as Bay entered her slowly, carefully, deeply.

      Jake sighed as well. Sex-drugged, drifting in waves of sensation, Shannon opened her eyes and stared into his, into the deep amber eyes shaded in inky lashes so much like Bay’s. Jake took her hands in his and stretched her arms over his head, pulling her down until her nipples rubbed the thick hair on his chest. Bay stretched out over her body and covered the backs of her hands, linking his fingers with Jake’s.

      Connected now, with Shannon sandwiched between them, their bodies linked but their thoughts still private, Bay slowly began moving his hips. He was the one who directed them, sliding deep inside Shannon, his erection slipping past Jake’s, separated by nothing more than the thin membrane dividing her passages.

      She imagined their cocks: smooth skin over muscle, swollen with blood and hard as baseball bats, slowly penetrating and retreating, one past the other deep inside her body. She tried to imagine the sensation, what her men were feeling with each pull and thrust. It was something she’d shared with both of them before.

      Imagination was good, but Shannon wanted reality. She opened her mind to her lovers, slipping quietly into their thoughts and feelings, grasping at once the deep, lush sensuality of two men, lovers and friends, slowly but surely fucking each other through the woman they loved.

      They didn’t so much make love to Shannon as they loved each other within her body. Feeling as much like a beloved vessel as a participant, Shannon lost herself to sensation, to the coarse hair on Jake’s chest scraping her tender nipples, to the hard muscles of Bay’s chest and the softer, silkier hair that spread over his. She loved the way it brushed against her back, loved the small tremors she felt in his body as he fought the rising level of excitement threatening his control.

      She slipped into Bay’s mind, awash in his love for Jake and for herself, a pure, unquestioned love for both of them, and the hope he had to satisfy their needs and desires. She allowed herself a moment of pure sensation, the tight slide deep inside her rectum and the way her body pulled at Bay’s cock, the way her muscles clenched tightly around the base of his penis like a hot, wet fist.

      Bay felt it from his spine to his balls, that tight, needy pull against him, but the sensations were secondary to the solid contact between his cock and Jake’s. Shannon realized she was clenching her muscles even tighter, responding to Bay’s need to be closer to Jake, closer to her.

      She slipped her searching thoughts free of Bay then, concentrating instead on Jake. His love was unquestionable, his pride in her almost undoing her. As caught in sensation as Bay, Jake still made love to Shannon first, to Bay second. He held on to control by a thread. Each rhythmic contraction of Shannon’s sex brought him closer to the edge, but he fought it with everything he had.

      Bay’s cock slid past Jake’s, and Jake shuddered beneath her. Shannon rubbed her taut nipples across Jake’s chest and felt his pectoral muscles jerk in response. She tightened her sex, clenching both men in her velvet clasp.

      Short gasps escaped them as the breath hitched in their throats. At the same time, she sensed a silent communication pass between her lovers; she felt their muscles tense and their huge cocks, if possible, grow larger.

      Jake let go of Shannon’s hands, tilted his hips, and drew his knees up on either side of her, lifting her higher, dragging the full length of his cock over her clit on both retreat and entry. Bay shifted just a bit, driving deeper inside with every well-aimed thrust. Shannon felt the solid pressure against her perineum and knew their sacs pressed tightly together with each stroke, knew their trembling bodies fought the need to come.

      Shannon fought it as well, even as the intensity of their loving grew, as her body shivered and her legs trembled with pleasure. Sensory overload flooded her mind. The combination of both Jake and Bay, of their arousal, of their overwhelming desire, of their love in all its myriad forms filled her thoughts, became Shannon’s thoughts and she cried out with the unbelievable surge of sensations.

      Her scream was the trigger, the key that sent both men into climax. Jake’s thrust lifted her into Bay. Bay’s cock drove deep, but he didn’t hold at the point of orgasm.

      Instead he thrust harder, sliding deep into her with Jake, both of them going in and out in tandem, each one filling her with their seed. Their groans enveloped her senses; their semen, hot and thick, filled her body.

      Her eyes refused to focus, and her thoughts scattered. Shannon’s entire body clenched in one spasmodic tremor with muscles locked, holding both men inside. Her heart pounded in her chest and sweat covered her body front and back, soaking the bedding. Hers? Bay’s? Jake’s?

      Shannon’s legs trembled beneath Bay’s; her breasts, swollen and tender, throbbed in time with her racing heart. Her vision refused to clear. Little black spots wavered in front of her eyes.

      Lungs heaving, she dragged in deep, ragged breaths of air. Her breasts pressed against Jake’s rising and falling chest; her back felt compressed by Bay’s weight. When she finally thought to open her thoughts to her men, there was a sense of surprise in both their minds, that the sex could be this good, this hot, time after time, two men with one woman.

      Their woman.

      Hadn’t they always fantasized two women, one man?

      Shannon would have smiled if she’d had the energy. Enervated, she lay there, compressed between Bay and Jake, welcoming Bay’s weight, Jake’s strength.

      Her vision cleared slowly, the spots fading as her heart settled once again into its normal rhythm. Still she sprawled bonelessly over Jake’s body, loving the feeling of both men and the knowledge they loved her, and that, after so many years searching, she’d finally found love.

      Jake swept her tangled hair back from her forehead. “Anyway,” he said, as if he’d not once again rocked her world, “I really think it would be an adventure to take the bike

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