Judgment Plague. James Axler

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Judgment Plague - James Axler

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sense?” Brigid asked.

      “Not sure,” Kane said, running the beam of his flashlight over the tunnel-like walls before them. He cocked his head, listening. “There’s something moving out that way,” he murmured, taking another step.

      Without warning, he disappeared, sinking beneath the waters in a rush of movement.

      “What th—!” Grant spit as he waded through the water after Kane’s disappearing form.

      “Grant, wait!” Brigid called, reaching for the big man’s arm.

      Although her strength was nothing compared to his own, he stopped when he felt her hand touch him. “Kane’s in there....” he began.

      “I saw,” Brigid confirmed, “but we have to be logical about this or we’ll all get dragged under.”

      Grant knew she was right.

      “Kane, do you copy?” she called, activating the subdermal commtact. “Kane, I repeat—do you copy?”

      Grant frowned as he looked at her.

      “Nothing,” she admitted. She looked at the dark water in the harsh beam of her xenon flashlight. “I’d estimate this is less than two feet deep,” she reasoned.

      “Maybe eighteen inches,” Grant agreed.

      “Where we stand,” Brigid continued. “But Kane dropped, which means it’s deeper ahead.”

      Grant nodded, passing her his flashlight. “Here, hold this,” he said. Then, following her logic, he sank down on his knees and crawled forward, hands sluicing through the water as he felt his way. “Hard floor,” he reported, “with a little give, like carpet maybe.” He reached forward, moving slowly. “Still floor, still floor...there!” He turned back to Brigid, smiling. “There’s a drop here, stairs maybe.”

      She watched as he dipped lower, still reaching forward, testing the terrain. “Careful,” she said, when his face came close to the water.

      “It’s all right,” Grant assured her. “I think I feel somethi—”

      At that moment, Grant felt something wrap around his arm, and in an instant he, too, was dragged under.

      Brigid splashed forward, playing the beam of the flashlight over the dark surface. “Didn’t I just say to be careful?” she muttered, gazing into the murk.

      * * *

      GRANT WAS SINKING. There was something dragging on his right arm, using its weight to pull him down in the water, deep down into the gloom. He had at least had foresight enough to take a breath as he’d felt the thing grab him, wrap around him, pull him down. Now he circulated that breath in his lungs as he was dragged ever onward.

      He couldn’t see a thing, it was so dark. The only light was back up at the surface: Brigid using the xenon flashlight.

      He would drown. That’s what was going to happen.

      Forget about finding Kane for a moment, just save yourself, Grant told himself. You ain’t no good to Kane dead.

      The thing held tightly to his right wrist like a manacle, a dark shape dragging him down and down and down. For a moment Grant saw something flash in the darkness, a row of teeth wide as his forearm.

      As the creature opened its mouth for a better grip, Grant pulled his arm away, then kicked as hard as he could, simultaneously stunning whatever it was and propelling himself away, back toward the surface.

      * * *

      TOPSIDE, BRIGID BAPTISTE was standing at the edge of the deep well beneath the redoubt floor. It should not be there, she knew—redoubts were designed to be impregnable, and the mat-trans located at the base.

      She wondered how big the gap was. Could she step over it, if she managed to locate the far rim? And how deep was it? A few feet, or a quarter mile or more? Most importantly, where did it lead?

      She tried her commtact again, desperately hoping for an answer from Kane or from Grant, wishing that one of them could hear her and respond.

      “Come on, Kane, come on, Grant—one of you say something already,” she hissed into the hidden mic.

      Then she spotted a dark shape materializing beneath her in the depths, and a moment later the waters surged and Grant came lunging to the surface, gasping for air.

      “Grant, you’re okay,” she called, wading over to him.

      He winced as she shone the light over his face, one thousand candles of wattage blasting into his eyes like a nuclear explosion.

      “Sorry...sorry,” Brigid began, turning the beam away. As she did so, she saw the figure looming behind her, also emerging from the water, twin rows of teeth gleaming as they caught the flashlight’s ray. The creature’s skin looked dark and rippled in the harsh glare of the xenon light, almost like armor, and for a moment Brigid’s mind whirled, fearing that this was another Annunaki overlord, reemerged on Earth to enslave mankind. But it wasn’t Annunaki; it seemed more animal than human, a wild thing.

      The creature pulled itself out of the water into a position that Brigid guessed was a close approximation of standing upright. It was unclothed and taller than a man, about seven feet at full extension, with a long snout like a dog and lips pulled back from vicious pointed teeth. The teeth followed the jaw around from sides to front, each one the length of Brigid’s pinkie finger. The being had a thick, muscular tail, as long again as its height, curling across the floor, just visible in the water. Brigid figured it had been a crocodile once, a few iterations of DNA ago. It was a mutie now.

      “Brigid,” Grant gasped from behind her, “get down.”

      She responded automatically, ducking low as Grant began firing on the emerging creature. Two bullets flew, racing to the target, drilling against the chest of the croc-like mutie. The sin eater sounded loud in the confines of the corridor, echoes reverberating with the swish of the water. In the aftermath, the croc staggered back a step, then plunged back down, disappearing with a splash of its enormous tail.

      Brigid spoke angrily, still watching the location where the creature had disappeared. “What are you thinking? We don’t know if that thing’s a friend or foe.”

      “Yeah, we do. One of them just pulled me down under the surface,” Grant declared. “I’m calling it.”

      Brigid flashed him a look before scanning the vicinity. “Any sign of Kane?” she asked.

      “I couldn’t see shit down there,” Grant told her. “But I can tell you this much—it’s a bastard long drop.”

      “What is it?” Brigid asked. “A well? Sinkhole?”

      He glared at her. “I was too busy fighting for my life to check.”

      “Humph. It happens,” she retorted, playing the xenon beam about once more.

      Suddenly there was movement all

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