A Texan For Christmas. Jules Bennett

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A Texan For Christmas - Jules Bennett

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girl. That was all fine and good. Scarlett wasn’t here to make friends or ogle the superstar, no matter how delicious he looked early in the morning.

      A baby’s cry pierced the awkward silence. With a muttered curse, Beau spun around and disappeared. Scarlett slowly stepped through the open door and shut it behind her.

      Clearly the invitation wasn’t going to happen.

      “I feel so welcome,” she muttered.

      Scarlett leaned her suitcase against the wall and propped her small purse on top of it. The sounds of a fussy baby and Beau’s deep, calming voice came from the bedroom to the right of the entryway.

      As she took in the open floor plan of the cabin, she noted several things at once. Beau was either neat and tidy or he didn’t have a lot of stuff. A pair of shiny new cowboy boots sat by the door and a black hat hung on a hook above the boots. The small kitchen had a drying rack with bottles on the counter and on the tiny table was a pink-and-white polka-dot bib.

      She glanced to the left and noted another bedroom, the one she assumed would be hers, but she wasn’t going to put her stuff in there just yet. Across the way, at the back of the cabin, was a set of patio doors that led to another porch. The area was cozy and perfect for the soon-to-be dude ranch.

      The lack of Christmas decorations disturbed her, though. No tree, no stockings over the little fireplace, not even a wreath on the door. Who didn’t want to celebrate Christmas? The most giving, joyous time of the year?

      Christmas was absolutely her favorite holiday. Over the years she’d shared many Christmases with various families...all of which had been more loving and fulfilling than those of her stuffy, controlled childhood.

      Scarlett continued to wait in the entryway, all while judging the Grinch’s home. She didn’t want to venture too far from the front door since he hadn’t invited her in. It was obvious she wasn’t what he’d expected, and he might ask her to leave.

      Hopefully he wouldn’t because she needed to work these three weeks. Those extra funds would go a long way toward helping her afford housing when she left Stone River to start her new life.

      Even so, the next twenty-one days couldn’t pass by fast enough.

      Beau came back down the hall and Scarlett’s heart tightened as a lump formed in her throat. A full assault on her emotions took over as knots in her stomach formed.

      She couldn’t do this. No matter how short the time span, she couldn’t stay with this man, in this confined space, caring for his daughter for three weeks and not come out unscathed.

      She wasn’t sure which sight hit her hardest—the well-sculpted shirtless man or the baby he was holding.

      Being this close to the little girl nearly brought her to her knees. Scarlett knew coming back as a hands-on nanny would be difficult, but she hadn’t fully prepared herself for just how hard a hit her heart would take.

      She’d purposely given up working in homes only a year ago. She’d requested work in the office, even though the administrative side paid less than round-the-clock nanny services. She’d been Nanny Poppins’s most sought-after employee for eight years, but after everything that had happened, her boss completely understood Scarlett’s need to distance herself from babies and families.

      Fate had been cruel, stealing her chance of having kids of her own. She wasn’t sure she was ready to see another parent have what she wanted. Working for Beau Elliott would be difficult to say the least, but Scarlett would push through and then she could move on. One last job. She could do this...she hoped.

      The sweet baby continued to fuss, rubbing her eyes and sniffling. No doubt she was tired. From the looks of both of them, they’d had a long night.

      Instinct had Scarlett reaching out and taking the baby, careful not to brush her fingertips against the hard planes of Beau’s bare chest.

      Well, she had to assume they were hard because she’d stared at them for a solid two minutes.

      The second that sweet baby smell hit Scarlett, she nearly lost it. Her eyes burned, her throat tightened. But the baby’s needs had to come first. That’s why Scarlett was here. Well, that and to get double the pay so she could finally move to Dallas.

      She could’ve turned down this job, but Maggie was in a bind, the company was in a bind, and they’d been so good to Scarlett since she’d started working there.

      Scarlett simply couldn’t say no.

      “Oh, sweetheart, it’s okay.”

      She patted the little girl’s back and swayed slowly. Maggie had told her the baby was a joy to be around.


      Scarlett blinked. “Excuse me?”

      “Her name is Madelyn.”

      Well, at least they were getting somewhere and he wasn’t ready to push her out the door. Scarlett already knew Madelyn’s name and had read all the pertinent information regarding this job, but it was nice that Beau wasn’t growling at her anymore.

      Still, she wished he’d go put a shirt on. She couldn’t keep her eyes completely off him, not when he was on display like that. Damn man probably thought he could charm her or distract her by flexing all those glorious, delicious muscles. Muscles that would no doubt feel taut beneath her touch.

      Scarlett swallowed and blinked away the erotic image before she could take it too far. At least she had something else to think of other than her own gut-clenching angst and baby fever. Hunky heartthrob to the rescue.

      Scarlett turned away from the distracting view of her temporary boss and walked toward the tiny living area. The room seemed a little larger thanks to the patio doors leading onto the covered porch, which was decorated with a cute table and chair set.

      The whole cabin was rather small, but it wasn’t her place to ask why a billionaire film star lived in this cramped space on his family’s estate. None of her business. This would just be a quick three weeks in December—in and out—in the most un-festive place ever.

      Maybe she could sneak in some Christmas here and there. Every child deserved some twinkle lights or a stocking, for heaven’s sake. Definitely a tree. Without it, where would Santa put the presents?

      “She’s been cranky all night,” Beau said behind her. “I’ve tried everything, but I can’t make her happy. I’ve never had that happen before.”

      The frustration in his voice softened Scarlett a bit. Beau might be a womanizer and a party animal, if the tabloids were right—which would explain his comfort level with wearing no shirt—but he obviously cared for his daughter.

      Scarlett couldn’t help but wonder where the mother was, but again, it was none of her concern. She’d seen enough tabloid stories to figure the mother was likely in rehab or desperately needing to be there.

      Madelyn let out a wail, complete with tears and everything. The poor baby was miserable, which now made three of them, all under the same roof.

      Let the countdown to her move begin.

      * * *


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