A Texan For Christmas. Jules Bennett

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A Texan For Christmas - Jules Bennett

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She was none too happy with him and Colt earlier and he wasn’t too thrilled with the situation, either. Of all the people angry with him for his actions and for being away from home so long, Colt was by far the most furious. Ironic, he thought. He’d figure his own twin would try to have a little compassion.

      Unfortunately, there was so much more contention between them than just the missing years. Coming home at Christmas and thinking things would be magical and easily patched up had been completely naive on his part. But damn it, he’d been hopeful. They’d been the best of friends once, with a twin bond that was stronger than anything he’d ever known.

      Delicate footsteps slid across the hardwood floor, interrupting his thoughts. Beau shored up his mental strength and turned to face Scarlett. Why did she have to look like a walking dream? That curvy body, the dark eyes, her flawless dark skin and black hair that gave the illusion of silk sliding down her back.

      Damn those panties. Now when he saw her he wondered what she wore underneath her clothes. Lace or satin? Pink or yellow?

      “What do you want to talk about?” she asked, making no move to come farther into the living area.

      Beau gestured toward the oversize sectional sofa. “Have a seat.”

      She eyed him for a moment before finally crossing the room and sitting down on the end of the couch. She crossed her ankles and clasped her hands as if she were in some business meeting with a CEO.

      Beau stood next to her. “Relax.”

      “I’d relax more if you weren’t looming over me.”

      Part of him wanted to laugh. Most women would love for him to “loom” over them. Hell, most women would love him under them, as well. Perhaps that’s why he found Scarlett of the silky panties so intriguing. She truly didn’t care that he was an A-list actor with more money than he could ever spend and the power to obtain nearly anything he ever wanted.

      Beau didn’t want to make her uncomfortable and it certainly wasn’t his intention to be a jerk. It pained him to admit it, but he needed her. He was only a few weeks out on his own with Madelyn and he really didn’t want to screw up this full-time parenting job. This would be the most important job he’d ever have.

      “We probably need to set some rules here,” he started.

      Rules like keeping all underwear hidden in a drawer at all times. Oh, and maybe if she could get some long pants and high-neck shirts, that would certainly help. Wouldn’t it?

      Maggie sat straighter. “I work for you, Mr. Elliott. Just tell me the rules you had for Maggie.”

      Beau nearly snorted. Rules for Maggie were simple: help with Madelyn while Beau was out working on the ranch and trying to figure his life out. The rules for Scarlett? They’d go beyond not leaving your lingerie out. He mentally added a few more: stop looking so damn innocent and sexy at the same time, stop with the defiant chin that he wanted to nip at and work his way down.

      But of course he couldn’t voice those rules. He cleared his throat and instead of enumerating his expectations, he took a different approach.

      “I’m a hands-on dad.” He started with that because that was the most important. “Madelyn is my life. I’m only going to be at Pebblebrook for a short time, but while I’m here, I plan on getting back to my roots and helping to get this dude ranch up and running.”

      That is, if his brothers would let him in on realizing their father’s dream. That was still a heated debate, especially since Beau hadn’t been to see Grant Elliott yet.

      His father had been residing in an assisted-living facility for the past few years. The bad blood between them couldn’t be erased just because Beau had made a deathbed promise to the one man who had been more like a father to him than his real one.

      Still, Beau was man enough to admit that he was afraid to see his dad. What if his dad didn’t recognize him? Grant had been diagnosed with dementia and lately, more often than not, he didn’t know his own children. Even the sons who’d been around the past few years. Beau wasn’t sure he was strong enough to face that reality just yet.


      Scarlett’s soft tone pulled him out of his thoughts. Where was he? Right, the rules.

      “Yeah, um. I can get up with Madelyn during the night. I didn’t hire a nanny so I could be lazy and just pass her care off. I prefer a live-in nanny more because I’m still...”

      “Nervous?” she finished with raised brows. “It’s understandable. Most first-time parents are. Babies are pretty easy, though. They’ll pretty much tell you what’s wrong, you know, just not with actual words.”

      No, he actually didn’t know. He just knew when Madelyn cried he wanted her to stop because he didn’t want her unhappy.

      Beau had spent the past five months fighting with his ex, but she’d only wanted Madelyn as a bargaining chip. He’d finally gotten his lawyer to really tighten the screws and ultimately, Jennifer James—wannabe actress and worthless mother—signed away her parental rights.

      As much as he hated the idea of Madelyn not having a mother around, his daughter was better off.

      Beau studied his new, refreshing nanny. “I assume you don’t have children since you’re a nanny full-time.”

      Some emotion slid right over her, taking away that sweet, calm look she’d had since she’d arrived. He could swear an invisible shield slid right between them. Her lips thinned, her head tipped up a notch and her eyes were completely unblinking.

      “No children,” she said succinctly.

      There was backstory behind that simple statement. He knew that for sure. And he was curious.

      “Yet you know so much about them,” he went on. “Do you want a family of your own one day?”

      “My personal life is none of your concern. That’s my number-one rule that you can add to your list.”

      Why the hell had he even asked? He didn’t need to know her on a deeper level, but now that she’d flat-out refused to go there, he wanted to find out every last secret she kept hidden. He hadn’t asked Maggie personal questions, but then Maggie hadn’t pulled up emotions in him like this, either.

      Even though he’d just vowed to stay out of Scarlett’s personal business, well, he couldn’t help himself. If she was just standoffish, that would be one thing, but hurt and vulnerability had laced her tone. He was a sucker for a woman in need.

      Scarlett, though, clearly didn’t want to be the topic of conversation, something he not only understood but respected. He told himself he should focus on his purpose for being back home and not worry about what his temporary nanny did in her off time.

      Beau nodded in affirmation at her demand. “Very well. These three weeks shouldn’t be a problem, then.”

      He came to his feet, most likely to get away from the lie he’d just settled between them. Truthfully, everything about having her here was a problem, but that was on him. Apparently she didn’t care that his hormones had chosen now to stand up and pay attention to her. She also didn’t seem to care who he was. He was just another client and his celebrity status didn’t do a damn thing for her.

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