One Day to Find a Husband. Shirley Jump

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One Day to Find a Husband - Shirley Jump

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to end my day with some one-on-one conversation instead of an endless stream of small talk.” She wagged a finger at him and a tease lit her face, made her smile quirk higher on one side than the other. “But I’ll have tea, not tequila, while I hear you out on whatever it is you want to tell me.”

      “Excellent.” He could only hope she was as amenable to his proposal. Surely such an auspicious beginning boded well for the rest. He pushed on the door and waved Ellie through with one long sweep of his arm. “After you…Cinderella.”

      “My goodness, Finn McKenna. You certainly do know how to make a girl swoon.” She flashed him yet another smile and then whooshed past him and out into the night, leaving the faint scent of jasmine and vanilla in her wake.

      Get back to the plan, he reminded himself. Focus on getting her to agree. Nothing more. He could do it, he knew he could. Finn wasn’t a distracted, spontaneous man. He refused to tangle personal with business ever again. He would get Ellie to agree, and before he could blink, his company would be back on top.

      But as he followed one of his biggest competitors into the twinkling, magical world of Boston at night, he had to wonder if he was making the best business decision of his life—or the worst.


      SHE had to be crazy.

      What else had made Ellie agree to midnight drinks with Finn McKenna—one of her competitors and a man she barely knew? She’d been ready to go home, get to bed and get some much-needed sleep when Finn had approached her.

      There’d been something about his smile, though, something about him charmed her. He wasn’t a smooth talker, more a man who had an easy, approachable way about him, one that she suspected rarely showed in his business life. The “Hawk” moniker that magazine—and most of the people in the architecture world—had given him didn’t fit the man who had teasingly called her Cinderella. A man with vivid sky-blue eyes and dark chocolate hair.

      And that intrigued her. A lot.

      So Ellie settled into the red vinyl covered seat across from Finn McKenna, a steaming mug of tea warming her palms. So far they’d done little more than exchange small talk about the weather and the party they’d just left.

      She’d never met the fabled architect, the kind of man talked about in hushed tones by others in the industry. She’d read about him, even studied a few of his projects when she was in college, but they’d never crossed paths. If she hadn’t been at the helm of WW Architectural Design, she wouldn’t even have been at the event tonight, one of those networking things designed to bring together competitors, as if they’d share trade secrets over a few glasses of wine. In reality, everyone was there to try to extract as much information as they could, while revealing none of their own.

      “Was that your brother you were talking to in the ballroom?” she asked. Telling herself she wasn’t being curious about the contradictory Finn, just conversational.

      Finn nodded. “Riley. He’s the youngest.”

      “He looks a lot like you.”

      Finn chuckled. “Poor guy.”

      “Is he in the industry, too?”

      “Definitely not. He tagged along for the free drinks.”

      She laughed. “I can appreciate that. Either way, I’m glad that cocktail party is over.” She rubbed her neck, loosening some of the tension of the day. “Sometimes it seems those things are never going to end.”

      “You seemed to fit right in.”

      “I can talk, believe me.” She laughed, then leaned in closer and lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “But in reality, I hate those kinds of events.”

      “You and me both. Everyone trying to pretend to be nice, when really they just want to find out what you’re up to and how they can steal that business away from you,” Finn said. “I think of them as a necessary evil.”

      She laughed again. “We definitely have that in common.” She’d never expected to have anything in common with Finn McKenna, whose reputation had painted him as a ruthless competitor, exactly her opposite. Or to find him attractive. But she did.

      “I don’t know about you, but I’m much happier behind my desk, sketching out a design. Anything is better than trading the same chatter with the same people in an endless social circle.”

      “You and I could be twins. I feel exactly the same way. But…” She let out a sigh and spun her teacup gently left and right.

      “But what?”

      “But I stepped into my father’s shoes, and that means doing things as he did.” People expected the head of WW to be involved, interactive and most of all, friendly, so Ellie had gone to the event and handled it, she hoped, as her father would have. She had thought taking over her father’s position would be a temporary move, but after the news the doctor gave her yesterday…

      Ellie bit back a sigh. There were many, many dinners like that in her future. Henry Winston’s heart attack had been a bad one, leaving him with greatly diminished cardiac capacity. The doctor had warned her that too much stress and worry could be fatal. A return to work was a distant possibility right now. If ever. It all depended on his recovery. Either way, Ellie was determined to keep WW running, and not worry her father with any of the details. He came first.

      “Have you ever met my father?” she asked Finn.

      He nodded. “I have. Nice guy. Straight shooter.”

      “And a talker. I inherited that from him.” Ellie smiled, thinking of the father she’d spent so many hours with in the last few years, chatting about design and business and life. Her father had worked constantly when Ellie was young and been gone too much for them to build any kind of relationship. But ever since Ellie went to college, Henry had made a more concerted effort to connect with his daughter. Although she loved her mother dearly, Ellie wasn’t as close to Marguerite, who had moved to California shortly after divorcing Henry when Ellie was eighteen. “My father likes to say that he never knows where his next opportunity might come from, so he greets the cashier at a fast food place as heartily as he does the owner of a bank.”

      “People like that about him. Your father is well respected.”

      “Thank you.” The compliment warmed Ellie. “I hope I can live up to his example.”

      “I’m sure you will.”

      The conversation stalled between them. Finn turned his attention to his coffee, but didn’t drink, just held the mug. Ellie nursed her tea, then added more sugar to the slightly bitter brew.

      She watched Finn, wondering why he had invited her out. If he wanted to talk business, he was taking his time getting to it. What other reason could he have? For all the joking between them earlier, she had a feeling he wasn’t here for a date.

      Finn McKenna was younger than she’d expected. Surely a man with his reputation had to be ten feet tall, and ten years older than the early thirties she guessed him to be? Heck, he seemed hardly older than her, but his resume stretched a mile longer. What surprised her most was that he had sought her out—her—out of all the other people in that room. Why?


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