One Day to Find a Husband. Shirley Jump

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One Day to Find a Husband - Shirley Jump

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had vowed not to think about Finn’s surprise offer. He was only out for number one, she had decided last night during the cab ride home, and she’d be a fool to even consider it. But as the morning’s staff meeting progressed, she found her mind wandering back to that diner conversation.

      You’re at a vulnerable juncture.

      Losing this project could mean irreparable damage.

      A partnership benefits us both.

      Had he meant what he said? Could it be a genuine offer? And if she accepted, would the benefits outweigh the drawbacks? Or was he trying to get in—and then take over her company? She’d heard how many times he’d done that to other firms.

      She had floated Finn’s name with a few of her colleagues this morning, trying to get more of a read on the man everyone dubbed “the Hawk.” To a person, they’d urged caution, reminding her Finn “preferred to eat the competition for lunch rather than lunch with them.”

      That meant any sort of alliance with him required serious consideration. Was his proposal all a way for him to take over her father’s company? Or would his proposal be a true two-way benefit?

      She thought of what lay ahead for her life, about the child about to become a part of her life, and wondered how she could possibly juggle it all. Was a partnership a good idea?

      “I’m worried, Ellie.” Larry, the most senior of her remaining architects let out a long breath. “We really need a strong leader on this project. Even though we have a lot of great architects here, without either your dad or Farnsworth to head this, well…”

      “We don’t have anyone with enough experience and that means we’ll be in over our head from day one,” Ellie finished for him. She’d known that going in, but had hoped that when she called the staff meeting someone would step up to the plate and produce a resume rife with medical design experience. Hadn’t happened. “We have a great team here, I agree. But no one who has direct experience with medical institutions.”

      Larry nodded. “If we were building a bank, a resort, a hotel, we’d be fine. We could do those in our sleep. And I’m sure we could handle this project, too, but we’d be a whole lot better off with a good senior architect to oversee all those details. As it is, we’re stretched thin with the new mall out on Route 1 and the condo project in the Back Bay.”

      Ellie knew Larry made sense. Between the integrated technology, clean environment requirements and strict government guidelines, a hospital build was so much more complex than an ordinary office building. Farnsworth’s specialty had been in that arena, and without him, the team would be on a constant scramble to check regs, meet with contractors and double check every element. “I’ll find someone.”

      “By the end of the week?” Panic raised the pitch in Larry’s voice. “Because the initial drawings are due by the fifteenth.”

      Just a few short days away. “Did Farnsworth get anything done on them?”

      Larry shook his head. Ellie’s gut clenched. Farnsworth had lied and told her he’d done the initial work, but clearly his disgruntled attitude had been affecting his work for a while. Her father had designed several hospitals and medical buildings over the years, but Ellie certainly couldn’t go to him for help, and no one on the current staff at WW had the kind of experience her father and Farnsworth had. She’d just have to hire someone.

      But by the end of this week? Someone who could step right in and take the project’s reins without a single misstep? And then produce a plan that would meet the critical eye of the hospital owners? She needed someone with years of experience. Someone smart. Someone capable, organized. And ready to become the team leader at a moment’s notice.

      “I’ll find someone,” she repeated again. “By the end of the day. I promise.”

      Ellie gave her team a smile, and waited until everyone had left the room before she let the stress and worry consume her. She doodled across the pad in front of her. It was a good thirty seconds before she realized she hadn’t sketched a flower or a box or a stick figure. She’d written a name.

      And maybe…an answer. The only problem was right now, this was more of a win for Finn, who would reap the benefits of a partnership, the prestige of the project and a cut of the profits, than for Ellie, who risked looking like a company that couldn’t do the job and had to call in outsiders.

      She tapped her pencil on the pad. There had to be something Finn could give her that would make a partnership worth the risk of an alliance with the predatory Hawk. It would have to be something big, she mused.

      Very big.

      * * *

      Finn sat at his massive mahogany desk, the same one he had bought ten years ago at a garage sale, refinished by hand then installed on his first day at McKenna Designs. Back then, he’d had an office not much bigger than the desk, but as he’d moved up, the desk had moved with him. Now it sat in the center of his office, his headquarters for watching the world go by eleven stories below him. Friday morning had dawned bright and beautiful, with a spring sun determined to coax the flowers from their leaf cocoons. It was the kind of spring day that tempted people to call in sick and spend the day by the Charles River, picnicking and boating and jogging on the Esplanade. The kind of day that drew everyone out of their winter huddles, spilling into the parks and onto the sidewalks, like newly released prisoners.

      But not Finn. He had called an early meeting this morning, and had been snowed under with work every second since then. Sometimes he felt like he was just plugging holes in a leaky water bucket. They’d lost another client today, a corporation that said they’d “lost confidence” in McKenna Designs after hearing of the defection of two other major clients. Apparently Lucy’s betrayal was still hitting his bottom line, even more than a year later. He sighed.

      He’d turn this company around, one way or another. He’d hoped that Ellie Winston would hear his offer and jump at the opportunity for some help. She was out of her league on the Piedmont project, and definitely didn’t have anyone on her staff who could handle something of that magnitude. When he’d considered his offer, he’d seen it only as a win-win for her. Yet still she’d said no.

      It was a rare defeat to a man who had won nearly everything he put his mind to. The refusal had left him surprised, but not for long. He would regroup, and find another way to convince Ellie that his proposal was in her best interests.

      Could she be thinking of hiring someone else? He hadn’t heard rumors of anyone considering a job at WW, but that didn’t mean there wasn’t a prospective candidate. Finn had always prided himself on having an ear to the ground in Boston’s busy and competitive architecture world, but that didn’t mean he knew everything.

      “Knock, knock. Time for lunch.”

      Finn glanced up and saw his brother standing in the doorway, grinning like a fool. Every time he saw Riley, his brother looked as happy as a loon. Probably because he didn’t have a care in the world. Or maybe because things had gone better for Riley with women last night than they had for Finn. “Sorry. Maybe another time. I have a ton of work to do.”

      “Yeah, yeah.” Riley waved that off. “And last I checked you were human…”

      Finn dropped his gaze to his hands, his feet, then back up to Riley. “It appears so.”

      “And that means you need to eat on a regular basis. So come

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