The Rancher's Unexpected Family. Myrna Mackenzie

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The Rancher's Unexpected Family - Myrna Mackenzie

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his name, Blue’s ears perked up a bit, but he was still looking like some lovesick fool, slobbering all over Kathryn’s hand. What was it with the woman?

      “So you think I should help you get this clinic built?” he asked, stalling while he tried to think of some good idea. She was looking at him as if he’d been the one who’d slipped and maybe hit his head on a rock. And why not? The woman had been all but begging him to help her for days.

      “I do. I really do.”

      “How do I know you’re not just some Goody Two-shoes who gets fired up about causes and then drops them to move on to the next one? You just said that you weren’t staying.”

      “I’m not. I’m an urban planner. The jobs I’m looking for will be in cities and I have a baby to support, but I assure you that I won’t run out on this project.”

      “How do I know that you’re truly dedicated?”

      She raised that pretty chin. “You could try taking my word on it.”

      He shook his head slowly, almost sadly. “Kathryn, Kathryn, I’m a businessman. I can’t just take your word on things.” Even though he did that every day. But she couldn’t know that. And anyway, he didn’t really know her. There was a good chance she might bolt and he would be left with a mess on his hands.

      “And this project will take time away from my ranching duties. I might have to set a few things aside. Like …”

      He paused.

      “Like …” she prompted.

      “Well, like Blue here. He’s used to me having time to put him through his paces. What if I don’t have time for that stuff?”

      She raised one pretty brow. “You’re telling me that the only thing holding you back is that you’re worried you won’t have time to exercise Blue?”

      The dog moaned when she said his name as if he’d been waiting for her to do that all his life.

      Holt gave him the evil eye. Which Blue ignored.

      “A man’s dog is his best friend.”

      “You have friends, then?” she asked, still in full tigress mode.

      Holt looked taken aback. “That seems like a snotty thing to say to a man when you’ve asked him to do you a favor.”

      She blushed that pretty pink that started somewhere beneath her clothing, and Holt swallowed hard. “You’re right. Of course,” she agreed. “What if—if you get bog down and can’t take care of Blue, I could, er, put him through his paces?”

      “And you think it’s my duty to the town to take care of getting this clinic?”

      “Just to help. I’ll be doing a lot of it, too.”


      “Are you trying to intimidate me?”

      He shrugged. “Is it working?”


      “Good. Because I was really just testing you to see how dedicated you are. So you’ll do a lot of the work, you’ll walk my dog and you’ll—what?”

      Kathryn raised herself up to her full height. Despite being shorter than him and very pregnant, she somehow managed to look down her nose at him. “I’ll make sure that your town has a first-rate clinic, Mr. Calhoun.”

      He nodded, then turned to the dog. “What do you think, Blue?”

      The dog turned sad eyes on Kathryn and nudged closer, obviously hoping for more of that rubbing. Then to Holt’s surprise, Blue gave a little woof. That wasn’t like him. He was well trained, and he didn’t bark unless there was a reason to bark.

      Kathryn crossed her arms. “I suppose you’re going to tell me that Blue doesn’t think the clinic is a good idea.”

      Holt wanted to smile, but he managed to refrain. Kathryn Ellis was pretty cute when she was miffed. Why had he never noticed that before?

      “Not at all. Blue thinks I should sleep on what you’ve said and then I’ll give you my reply tomorrow.” If they were going to work together, he was going to call the shots. He wasn’t going to risk a repeat of Lilith.

      “I see.”

      She didn’t, of course, but he had to give her credit for being a good sport about the whole thing.

      “This isn’t a joke,” she said quietly.

      She was right. “No, ma’am, it isn’t. I’ll be in touch. Real soon. That’s a promise.” And for some reason he couldn’t fathom, he held out his hand. It was, possibly, the dumbest thing he’d done in a long time.

      Kathryn placed her hand in his and he closed his big palm around her much smaller one. As her skin slid against his, he was more aware of her as a woman than he’d been when he was undressing other women.

      Quickly, she pulled away. Good idea.

      Not like this business of him and Kathryn working together, he thought after she’d gone. That had bad idea written all over it. Unfortunately, he was already in. Now all he had to do was tell her. For real this time. Maybe he’d be lucky and she would decide he was a crazy man and find someone else to ask her favors for her.

      But he knew that that was a long shot. Kathryn was determined to get her clinic, even if she had to put up with a man like him to get it.

      Still, he bet it would be a long time before she would let him shake her hand again. That was a shame. And a blessing. At least one of them was thinking straight. It sure wasn’t him. Or Blue.

      A short time later his phone rang. It was his sister Jess. His other sister Meg and his brother, Nate, would probably have been in on the call, too, but Meg was living in California now and Nate was still overseas with the army.

      “I heard that Kathryn Ellis went out to the ranch today,” Jess said. “What did she want?”

      He hesitated. “Mostly I think she just wanted to pet my dog.”

      “I doubt that,” Jess said, laughing. “Secretive as ever, Holt? Are you going to help her with that clinic?”

      “Haven’t decided yet.”

      “Did she give you her reasons for wanting to build it?”

      Oh, no, he wasn’t going there. Jess didn’t know exactly how much their father had suffered or about the nightmares that kept him awake at night about their father’s last days. She certainly didn’t know the horrors that his friend Hank had faced and she knew nothing at all of what had gone on between himself and Lilith. “We discussed a few things,” he said.

      Jess sighed loudly. “You are the most frustrating man. Some day someone is going to get you to open up and talk.”

      “I talk.” They saw each other frequently.

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