Single Man Meets Single Mum. Jules Bennett

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Single Man Meets Single Mum - Jules Bennett

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at her mouth and Cassie really tried to remember why she was putting up such a fight.

      Had her husband ever looked at her like this? As though he was so turned on that all that mattered was the two of them? Had he ever made her tingle like this or feel so feminine and sexy?

      No to all the above.

      Cassie swallowed. If she was really going to do this, she needed to be in control. She’d been dominated enough in her marriage and right now she wanted something totally different. She wanted sex and she wanted Ian.

      Mustering up all her courage, Cassie looked up at him with a wide smile and said, “Strip.”


      It wasn’t often Ian was shocked—he did live in Hollywood, after all. But that one word that had just slid from Cassie’s lips truly took his breath and left him utterly speechless.

      “Excuse me?”

      Raising a brow, she crossed her arms as if she dared him to refuse. “I said strip. You want this, fine. But on my terms.”

      “I don’t do sex with rules.”

      Cassie shrugged. “I don’t do flings, but here we both are, stepping outside of our comfort zones.”

      Damn, she was hot. He never would’ve guessed the shy, quiet sister had this vixen streak. Of course, she admitted she was stepping outside her comfort zone, so perhaps this was all new territory. He had to hand it to her—she was doing a spectacular job. But he couldn’t let her have all the control.

      Reaching behind his neck, Ian fisted his shirt and tugged it off, flinging it to the side. Hands on his hips, he offered a grin.

      “Now you.”

      Cassie laughed. “You’re not done yet.”

      “No, but I’m ahead of you.” He met her gaze, the silent challenge thrown down between them. “I’m waiting.”

      Even though her eyes never left his, he didn’t miss the way her hands shook as she reached beneath the dress and pulled her panties down her bare legs.

      Just that simple piece of silk lying discarded at her feet had his pulse racing, his body responding.

      She quirked a brow again, as if waiting for him to proceed.

      Without hesitation he toed off his shoes and ripped off his socks. “Looks like you’re down to only one garment now,” he told her, taking in the strapless dress she’d donned.

      And it was about to get a whole hell of a lot hotter in here.

      She eyed the lamp across the room and started for it.

      “No,” he told her. “Leave it on.”

      Glancing over her shoulder, she met his stare. “Trust me when I say you’ll want that off.”

      “And why is that?”

      Turning fully to face him, she pointed to her body. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m not one of those Hollywood types who starve themselves for the sake of being ultrathin.”

      Crossing the narrow space between them, Ian ran both his hands up her bare arms and tucked his fingers in the elastic of the top of the dress, causing her arms to fall to her side.

      “Oh, I’ve noticed.” He yanked the dress down until it puddled at her feet, leaving her bare to him. “And that’s precisely why I want that light on.”

      Her body trembled beneath his. No way did he want her questioning her gorgeous curves or the fact that he wanted the hell out of her.

      Without a word he shucked off his pants and boxer briefs and tossed them aside.

      Her eyes drank him in, causing the same effect as if she’d touched his entire body with her bare hands. Dying to touch her, to run his fingers along her curves, Ian snaked his arms around her waist and tugged her against him.

      “As much as I want to explore that sexy body of yours, I’m hanging on by a thread here,” he admitted as his mouth slammed down onto hers.

      Cassie wrapped her arms around his neck. Their damp bodies molded together from torso to thigh, and she felt so perfect against him.

      Perfect? No, she couldn’t be perfect for him. Perfect for right now, which was all either of them was after.

      They were simply taking advantage of the moment...of the sexual attraction that had enveloped them since she’d literally fallen into his arms only a few days ago.

      Ian gripped her waist and lifted her.

      “Ian, don’t—”

      “Shh,” he whispered against her mouth. “I’ve got you.”

      Her lips curved into a smile. “What about a condom? Do you have that, too?”

      Condom, yes. They needed a condom. His mind had been on the subtle moans escaping from her lips and getting those curves beneath his hands.

      He eased her down his body and went to his jeans, where he pulled a condom from his wallet and in record time had it on.

      When he turned back to her, he fully expected her to have her arms wrapped around her waist, maybe even be biting her lip out of nerves. But what he saw was a secure woman, hands on her hips, head tilted and a naughty grin on her face.

      “Your confidence is sexy,” he told her as he came back to her.

      “You make me feel sexy.”

      Yeah, she wasn’t a Hollywood size zero. Cassie Barrington was more old-school Hollywood starlet. She was a natural, stunning, vibrant woman, and now that she’d agreed to leave the light on, he could fully appreciate the beauty she was.

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