Single Man Meets Single Mum. Jules Bennett

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Single Man Meets Single Mum - Jules Bennett

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caught a glimpse of the passion she held beneath her vulnerability. And there wasn’t a doubt in his mind that her war with herself stemmed from some past hurt.

      Cassie attempted to cross her arms over her breasts, which only tortured him further, because she failed to cover the goods and actually ended up offering him an even more enticing view. Was she doing this as punishment?

      “Text Max and have him come to the main house and ring the doorbell. Dad won’t be in bed yet.”

      Ian shook his head. “Sorry. I only came over to apologize to you, so I left my phone in my trailer to charge.”

      Groaning, Cassie tipped her head back against the door and closed her eyes. “This isn’t happening to me,” she muttered. “This cannot be happening.”

      Ian had to smile. Of all the scenarios he’d envisioned on his short walk from his trailer to the main house, he hadn’t once thought of being stuck for hours with someone so sexy, so unexpected, and wearing a wedding dress to boot.

      This couldn’t have been scripted any worse...or better, depending on the point of view.

      Cassie lifted the dress and stomped back up the steps, her shoulder slamming into him as she stormed by.

      “Wipe that smirk off your face, Ian. Nothing about this is comical.”

      “Can’t you call someone with your phone?” he asked, turning to face her.

      Cassie propped her hands on her hips. “No. I came up here to be alone, to think.”

      Damn, she was even sexier when she was angry. But getting too wrapped up with Cassie Barrington was a dangerous move. She wasn’t a fling type of girl and he’d pushed too hard in the stables. Had she given in to his blatant advances, he knew she would’ve regretted it later.

      He needed to do the right thing and keep his hands off her. He was here for two main purposes: keep Max happy and sign Lily so she didn’t go to his rival. Period.

      But his hormones didn’t get the memo, because the more he was around Cassie, the more alluring and sexy she became. Of course, now that he’d seen a sample, he had to admit, he wanted to see more. That dress... Yeah, she looked like a 1950s pinup. Sexy as hell, with all the right curves and none of that stick-thin, anorexic nonsense, and she was even hotter with a slight flush from anger.

      For the past two days he’d seen her working with her sister, training the horses and driving him unbelievably mad with the way her lush body filled out a pair of jeans. He’d seriously had to get his damn hormones in check and then approach her with a much-needed apology for his Neanderthal tendencies.

      But now that he was here, those hormones were front and center once again, overriding all common sense and rational thoughts.

      “How did you know I was up here?” she asked. “I figured all the crew was either in their trailers or back at the hotel.”

      “I ran into Grant on my way to your cottage. He told me you were here. As I was coming in the back door, your cook, Linda, was going out for the night and she said you mentioned coming to the attic.”

      “You came all this way just to apologize? I’m sure you would’ve seen me tomorrow.”

      Ian shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. “True, but I knew too many people would be around tomorrow. I assumed you wouldn’t want to discuss this in front of an audience. Besides, I think we need to address this spark between us and figure out what to do with it since I’ll be here several weeks.”

      Cassie threw her hands in the air. “Could you at least turn around so I can put my clothes back on?”

      His eyes traveled down her body, darting to the pile of clothes behind her, zeroing in on the leopard-print bra lying on top.

      “Sure,” he said, trying to get the visual of her in that leopard bra out of his mind before he went insane.

      Fate may have landed him up here with the sassy, sexy Ms. Barrington, and fate also provided a window directly in front of him, where he was afforded a glorious view of Cassie’s reflection as she changed. Of course, that made him a bit of a jerk, but no man with air in his lungs would look away from that enticing view. This evening just kept getting better and better.

      Cassie would probably die before she asked for help with the zipper, so he didn’t offer. And she didn’t have any trouble. As the dress slid down her body, Ian’s knees nearly buckled.

      Lush didn’t even begin to describe her. Her full breasts, rounded belly and the slight flare of her hips were a lethal combination.

      “As I was saying,” he went on, cursing his voice when it cracked like that of an adolescent. “I realize that neither of us was prepared for the instant physical attraction—”

      “You’re delusional,” she muttered as she tugged her jeans up over her hips and matching bikini panties.

      “But just because I find you sexy as hell doesn’t mean I can’t control myself.”

      Her hands froze on her back as she fastened her bra. Apparently his words had struck a chord. She glanced up and caught his gaze in the reflection. Busted.

      “Seriously?” she asked with a half laugh. “Why did you even turn around?”

      “I didn’t know the window was there.” That was the truth.

      “And you weren’t going to say anything?”

      Ian spun around—no point in being subtle now. “I’m a guy. What do you think?”

      Rolling her eyes, Cassie shrugged into her shirt and buttoned it up with jerky, hurried motions.

      Fighting the urge to cross the room and undress her again, Ian slid his hands into his pockets and met her gaze.

      “You are stunning,” he told her, suddenly feeling the need to drive that point home. “I’m not sure why that statement caught you off guard.”

      Most women in Hollywood would pause at such a comment, try to deny it in order to hear more pretty words in a vain attempt to boost their own egos, but Ian knew Cassie was different. She truly didn’t believe she was beautiful, and he had a feeling all that insecurity circled back to whatever the basis was for her vulnerability.

      Damn, he didn’t have time to delve into distressed damsels. But there was a desire in him, something primal, almost possessive that made him want to dig deeper, to uncover more of Cassie Barrington. And not just physically.

      That revelation alone scared the hell out of him.

      “I don’t need to be charmed, Ian.” She propped her hands on her hips. “We’re stuck up here and lying or trying to make me want you isn’t going to work.”

      “I don’t lie, Cassie.” When she quirked a brow, he merely shrugged. “I find you sexy. Any man would be insane or blind not to.”

      Cassie shook her head. After zipping the dress into a white garment bag, she headed over to a storage box and popped off the lid. She flopped down on the floor, crossing her legs and offering him the view of her back.


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