Single Man Meets Single Mum. Jules Bennett

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Single Man Meets Single Mum - Jules Bennett

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missing the opportunity to keep Max Ford happy and allow prospective client Lily Beaumont to witness just what a kick-ass, hands-on agent he was. Given his young age, the fact that he was known as a shark in the industry happened to be good for business.

      Ian glanced to the ladder that stretched up into the loft of the spacious stables. His eyes narrowed in on the rung that hung vertically, the culprit of the lady’s fall.

      “Looks like your ladder needs repairing,” he told her, looking back to those big, expressive blue eyes.

      “I’ve been meaning to fix it,” she told him, studying his face, his mouth. “You know, you can let me down now.”

      Yeah, he was probably freaking her out by keeping her in his clutches. But that didn’t stop him from easing her down slowly, allowing her body to glide against his.

      Hey, he may be there to concentrate on work, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t enjoy the samplings of a tempting woman when an opportunity presented itself.

      Keeping his hand on her arm, Ian allowed his gaze to sweep down her body. He justified the touch by telling himself he was looking for signs of injury, but in all honesty, he simply wanted to get a better look. If this was what they called taking in the local scenery, then sign him up.

      “Are you hurt anywhere?” he asked.

      “Just my pride.” Stepping back, forcing his hand to fall away, she brushed her fingers down her button-up plaid shirt. “I’m Cassie Barrington. And you are?”

      He held out his hand. “Ian Shaffer. I’m Max Ford’s agent.”

      And if all went well, he’d be signing Max’s costar Lily, too. There was no way he’d let her go to his rival agency without one hell of a fight first. And then maybe his very unimpressed father would see that Ian had become a success. He was a top agent in L.A. and not just hanging out at parties with women for a living. He’d become a powerful man in the industry.

      Though the parties and women were a nice added bonus, Ian enjoyed stepping away from the glamour to be on set with his clients. And it was that extra touch that made him so successful. Between forging connections with producers and getting to know the writers and actors better, he could place his clients in the roles best suited to them.

      The role Max was playing was perfect for him. The top actor was portraying the dynamic Damon Barrington, famous horse owner and former jockey. And for Ian, escaping L.A.’s hustle and bustle to spend time on a prestigious Virginia horse farm was a nice change of pace.

      “Oh, Max mentioned you’d be coming. Sorry for falling on you.” Her brows drew together as she gave him a quick assessment. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”

      Ian shoved his hands into his pockets, offering her a smile. She could assess him anytime she wanted. “Not at all,” he assured her. “I rather enjoyed the greeting.”

      Her chin tilted just enough to show defiance. “I don’t make a habit of being clumsy...or throwing myself at men.”

      “That a fact?” he asked, trying not to laugh. “Such a shame.”

      “Do you make a habit of hitting on women?” she asked.

      Unable to resist the gauntlet she’d thrown before him, Ian took a step forward, pleased when her eyes widened and she had to tip her head up to hold his gaze.

      “Actually, no. But I’m making an exception in your case.”

      “Aren’t I lucky?” Her tone told him she felt anything but. “Max should be in his trailer. His name is on the outside, and I believe another trailer was recently brought in for you.”

      Apparently she was in a hurry for him to be on his way—which only made him want to stay longer. Finding someone who didn’t care about his Hollywood status, someone who wasn’t impressed with his power and money, was a refreshing change. The fact that someone was curvy, wore jeans as though they were made to mold those curves and had expressive baby blues was the icing on the proverbial cake.

      “So you’re the trainer and your sister is the famous jockey?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest.

      The warm late-spring sun beat against his back as it came through the wide doors of the stable. Summer blockbuster season was just around the corner and, hopefully, once the film wrapped and he’d signed Lily, his agency would still be on top. His ex-partner-turned-rival would no longer be an issue.

      He’d started working for an agency right out of college, thanks to a referral from a professor he’d impressed, but some lucky breaks and smart business sense had had him quickly moving to open his own. Unfortunately, he’d taken on a partner who had stabbed him in the back and secretly wooed most of their clients in the hopes they’d work exclusively with him in a new venture.

      For the sake of his pride, he had to win Lily over and get her under contract. But how could his mind be on business with this voluptuous distraction before him?

      “You’ve done your homework,” she commented. “I’m impressed you know about me and my sister and our different roles.”

      “I do my research. You could say I’m pretty hands-on as an agent.”

      “Apparently you’re hands-on with everything.”

      Oh, that was such a loaded statement—one he wouldn’t mind exploring if he had the time. His eyes held hers as he closed the gap between them. The pulse at the base of her throat quickened and her breath caught as she stared, unblinking, at him.

      Damn work responsibilities. But surely a little flirting, hell, even a fling, would make this an even more riveting trip.

      “Everything,” he whispered. “Let me know if you ever want an experience.”

      When her gaze dropped to his mouth again, Ian resisted the urge to grab her, to taste her. There would be plenty of time for...anything she was willing to give. Besides, wasn’t the chase half the fun?

      “I think you know where my trailer is.”

      And because he’d probably crossed some sort of moral, ethical boundary, Ian turned and walked from the barn, leaving her with her mouth open.

      Well, this was already the most exciting movie set he’d ever visited and he hadn’t even seen his client yet.

      * * *

      Cassie tightened her grip on MacDuff’s lead line. He was still new, still skittish, but she was working with him every single day and he was showing improvement. Every now and then he’d let her father, Damon Barrington, ride him, but he had a touch that every horse seemed to love.

      At least MacDuff had quit trying to run from her. Now, if she could just get him to understand her silent commands that he had to mimic her pace and direction when they walked.

      Her work with MacDuff and the other horses was just one of the many issues that had ended her marriage. Derek had wanted her to stop spending so much time with the “strays” she brought in. He’d insisted she stop trying to save every animal, especially when she’d become pregnant.

      Cassie would never stop trying to save animals...especially since she hadn’t been able to save

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