Claimed By The Rancher. Jules Bennett

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Claimed By The Rancher - Jules Bennett

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Mr. Wright asked quietly.

      Pepper crossed her arms over her chest. “You can just tell me now.”

      “We have some...devastating news.” Mrs. Wright swiped at her eyes, and Nolan knew that expression. He’d been a doctor long enough, had seen grief too many times to count. He took another step toward Pepper but resisted the urge to reach out and touch her. He wasn’t sure what the Wrights were going to do and he didn’t want to show his hand this soon and reveal that he and Pepper had a past. They didn’t need to know.

      “Matt had a heart attack two nights ago,” the woman whispered as if speaking through the tears clogging her throat. “He didn’t make it.”

      “” Pepper reached a hand out for support and Nolan grabbed it right away, the worry for her far outweighing the need to keep his distance. “But he was so young,” she murmured in disbelief.

      Again, Nolan knew from experience that age meant nothing in the medical field.

      “I know he told you he wanted nothing to do with this baby, but we do.” Mr. Wright wasn’t quite as emotional as his wife, and he seemed to be ready to get down to business. “We want full guardianship rights for the baby now that our son gone.”

      “What?” she whispered, her eyes widening in shock.

      “We’re filing for sole custody. It just... It makes sense given how stable we are and the financial backing we can provide.”

      Pepper’s hand tightened in Nolan’s. “No, you can’t do that. I don’t even know you. Matt paid me. He gave me money to leave him alone and to invest however I wanted for the future of the baby, provided I never contact him again. He signed his rights away right before I left...”

      Pepper seemed to be rambling out of fear, and Nolan knew in that second he’d do anything to keep this baby in her life. Forget what happened between them years ago. Pepper needed someone in her corner and he damn well wasn’t going to leave her to face these vultures all alone. He owed her that much at least.

      His chest constricted with guilt as realization struck. This Matt guy had treated Pepper like she was a burden...the same way Nolan had done years ago.

      “Matt’s gone now,” the lady sniffed. “And we want to raise our grandchild. We’ve already contacted our team of attorneys.”

      “What?” Pepper gasped.

      “We aren’t questioning your parental skills, but we feel the child would be better off with us,” Mr. Wright reiterated. “We know our rights. We’re determined to have a DNA test done to prove we’re the grandparents. You have to be realistic here and see that we’re more financially stable.”

      Nolan wrapped his arm around Pepper, which drew the attention of the other couple. “Pepper isn’t going to discuss this any further without talking to her attorney. If you’ll leave me your lawyers’ information, I’ll be sure to have someone contact them.”

      Because he had his own team on retainer and he would be calling them before the Wrights pulled away from the curb.

      Mrs. Wright’s eyes narrowed. “And who are you?”

      There was no good way to answer that question and it was none of his concern anyway. “The contact information, please, and then you can go. Neither Pepper nor I will be discussing this any further without our attorneys present.”

      Beneath his touch, Pepper trembled. If she could hold it together long enough for him to usher them out the door, she could break down all she wanted later. Nolan just needed to get her alone.

      Mr. Wright gave the name of a high-powered attorney in Houston. Nolan knew his team was better, more ruthless, and there was no way this couple would take Pepper’s baby. Not as long as Nolan was in charge...and he had every intention of seeing this through.

      Between the fire, the renovations and now this, Nolan didn’t see himself pulling away from Pepper anytime soon. Which was fine in the grand scheme of things. He owed her more than he could ever repay. So somehow he’d just have to find a way to resist temptation and keep his hands to himself.

      Nolan released Pepper long enough to open the door and gesture for the Wrights to leave. “Don’t call or come back. Someone from my law firm will be in touch.”

      “Pepper, don’t push us away,” Mrs. Wright said over her shoulder. “You’re carrying the only piece of our son that we have left.”

      Nolan closed the door and slid the lock back into place. Pepper continued to stare at the spot where the older couple had just stood. He gently gripped her arm and guided her toward the back room, where he eased her down onto an old wooden chair at the desk as he propped his hip along the edge.

      “What am I going to do?” she muttered aloud as she continued to stare at nothing in particular. “I don’t have an attorney and I can’t compete with them anyway. Their money, their power. I can’t let total strangers have custody of my baby.”

      She never once looked up at him as she rattled off her concerns. But Nolan was taking all of this in. He leaned down over the desk, bracing his weight on his hands.

      “Look at me,” he demanded. “I pay my lawyers a hefty fee. They’ll be on this case today and we’ll make sure they don’t take your child.”

      Pepper blinked, sending a tear spilling down her cheek. “I used all the money Matt gave me to invest into this place. I wanted a secure future.”

      A wave of fury surged through him. He hated this guy. Who the hell paid a woman to leave him alone?

      Shame seized him once again. How had he been any different? He’d pushed her away with his actions, his harsh words. He’d been hurt from the loss of their baby—a baby he hadn’t realized he’d wanted until it was gone.

      “My team will take care of this. I’ll put the call in now.”

      Pepper shook her head. “No. I’ll handle this. I’m not leaning on you or anyone else.”

      While Nolan admired her determination, he wasn’t about to argue with her idiotic logic. He shoved his hands in his pockets and rocked back on his heels.

      “You have enough on your plate with this building and you said your funds were tied up here. How can you pay for an attorney? A good one you don’t have to second-guess about whether he’s doing what should be done to secure your child’s future with you? How are you going to do that?”

      Pepper’s lips thinned as she shrugged one slender shoulder. “The same way I’ve gotten along these last ten years without you. I’ll find a way.”

      He jerked in a breath. She was hurting, he understood that, but the jab she delivered had no doubt been bubbling below the surface just waiting to come out. He deserved that, but he wasn’t about to stick around for more verbal punches.

      “My contractor is due here any minute to get an estimate ready for your insurance. I’ll have my attorney call you today, too. Don’t hold back with either guy and don’t worry about the money.”

      “Says someone who’s never worried about money,” she muttered.

      Nolan pulled

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