The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta: The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta. Yvonne Lindsay

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The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta: The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta - Yvonne Lindsay

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never been so daring or felt so exposed.

      But Ty’s appreciative gaze spurred her courage. “Bold, Laney,” he whispered.

      She straddled his thighs, fully naked in body and spirit and when he lifted her onto his erection, she sank onto him and he groaned with deep, unabashed pleasure. The sound spurred something wild in her and she moved on him, up and down, riding the tide of his passion. He reached up and touched her arms, her shoulders, guiding her until she found her pace. He cupped her breasts, weighing them with his hands, stroking her nipples with his thumbs.

      She rode him hard then, wanting more, wanting all of him. He shoved inside her harder, feeling her need. And she rode to the brink of her passion climbing to an orgasm that shook her entire body.

      Ty watched her release, his eyes grazing hers with intensity and amazingly she didn’t feel anything remotely resembling her natural timid nature. With him, she felt open and free.

      And then he rolled her over, their bodies and legs entwined and he pushed deeper inside her, his arms braced upon the bed as he reached his climax and thrust into her. Locks of his hair fell forward, perspiration coated his skin and his taut gorgeous body stiffened as he thrust into her one last glorious time, while his gaze pierced deep into her eyes.

      Ty bent to kiss her lips before rolling off of her onto his back. “You okay?”

      If she were a feline, she’d be purring loudly. “I’m definitely not bored.”

      He caught his breath before rolling to his side, his head braced on his hand. “As promised.”

      She rolled on her side to face him. “Ty, we don’t even know each other’s full names.”

      With his finger, he outlined her lips, swollen now from his passionate kisses. “I figured you wanted it that way.”

      She debated about a second then nodded. “I do. But how could you know that?”

      He shrugged. “Usually a woman asks more questions than a game show host when she meets a man. You didn’t ask, because you didn’t want any questions in return. I figured you wanted your privacy.”

      Don’t ask, don’t tell.

      “You’re very perceptive.” Yet Laney figured she owed him some sort of explanation. After all, they’d just had mind-boggling sex and he’d given her the best lovemaking experience of her life. She wouldn’t dwell on the reason for that right now. “I’m not married or…engaged. I mean, I was engaged and it…it didn’t work out. I came to the island to forget all about him.”

      Ty leaned back against the bed and chuckled. “If I helped in any way, I’m glad to be of service.”

      It wasn’t like that. Or was it? Either way, Ty didn’t seem the least bit upset about it. “You did. I haven’t been thinking much of him lately.” Just his betrayal. “But I’m glad I met you.” Whoever you are.

      Laney would never have imagined she’d give herself so fully and completely to a stranger—a hunky mystery man whom she’d never see again after she left the island.

      Ty kissed her again and fondled her breasts. “Babe, that goes double for me.”

      And he gave her an encore performance, doubling her pleasure into the night until they exhausted themselves.

      Evan finished his shower, taking a thick towel from the shelf in Laney’s bathroom and wrapping it around his waist. Finger combing his hair back, he winced in the mirror at his two-day beard. He wasn’t exactly on the clock this week, doing some business with pleasure on the island, but the “pirate” look was wearing thin on him.

      He needed a shave.

      But he needed something else more.

      He exited the humid room and walked into the fresh air of the master bedroom where he’d left Laney sleeping. She wasn’t in bed any longer.

      He found her out on the private lanai overlooking the blue Pacific, on her cell phone. She wore his shirt from last night, the hem barely covering her shapely bottom. He followed the line of her long tanned legs to her bare feet and her white-tipped toenails. Classy.

      Something raw tugged at him seeing her wearing his clothes like that.

      Ty put on his briefs and trousers, then stepped out onto the balcony watching her body move as she spoke into the cell. He leaned against the French door and listened.

      “Yes, I’m feeling a little better now.” Laney bobbed her head. “Yes, I know I’ve been gone almost a month. I miss you, too.

      “No, I wasn’t aware the problems were escalating, Daddy. I’m sorry I’m not there for you right now.”

      Laney let go a little sigh. “Of course I’ll come home soon. I—I think I’m ready. I love you, too. Very much.”

      Evan heard the whole conversation including another sigh once she clicked the phone closed. He walked behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her tight against him. “Problems?”

      She nodded, her blond waves tickling his chin. “It’s my father. He runs a big company and things are in chaos.”

      This was exactly what Evan wanted to hear. He pushed her hair aside and kissed the back of her neck. “What kind of chaos?”

      “Oh, that feels good.” She relaxed against his shoulder, fitting into him perfectly before she explained. “He’s losing money. It’s one mishap after another—fires, mechanical breakdowns, thefts and all kind of things. Now, his blood pressure is up. He wants people around him that he trusts. That means me,” she said quietly.

      “Go on,” he said, “get it all out, babe.” Evan continued to nibble on her neck, kissing the soft skin just above her shoulders.

      “I think he really needs me. He’s getting older and the stress is taking a toll on him. He hasn’t been the same since my mother died five years ago. It’s been hard on all of us.”

      “That’s understandable,” he said, thinking about his own mother and the devastating way his father had died. The memory of that day haunted him still, yet Rebecca Tyler forged on, raising three sons single-handedly. They never had much money growing up, but now she had a good life, living in Florida and enjoying her retirement. Brock, Trent and Evan had developed a successful hotel chain and Tempest had made them multimillionaires within the first four years in operation. Although Rebecca Tyler never asked for anything, her sons made sure she wanted for nothing.

      Yet, even knowing that, he couldn’t be too unhappy that Nolan Royal’s hotels were having trouble.

      “How can you help him?”

      She shrugged and her beautiful bottom wiggled against him. He was beginning to wish Laney Royal were any other woman. A woman he could pursue once they got back to the mainland.

      “I’m not sure I can really. Lately, I’ve only contributed to his worries instead of helping him. But what he really wants is for me to play a more active role in the business and relieve him of some of the burden.”

      “And you didn’t plan on that?”

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