The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta: The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta. Yvonne Lindsay

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The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta: The Corporate Raider's Revenge / Tycoon's Valentine Vendetta - Yvonne Lindsay

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Sitting in his oversize tufted leather swivel chair, she felt small, diminutive. Her father had been a large man, six feet tall and built like a linebacker. Space was something he valued. His chair, his desk, his office, his dreams were all on a grand scale.

      She massaged her forehead and stretched her neck, making head circles to work out the kinks. “A computer glitch in San Diego,” she muttered, closing her eyes. The entire reservation system had bleeped off for half a day, causing The Royals undue losses in potential revenue at the height of the summer season. “What next?” she whispered, tossing her head back against the comfort of the cushioned chair.

      When Preston walked into her office, she felt a little better. His dedication had been a godsend these past few weeks. And true to his word at her father’s graveside, he’d been right by her side, assisting her in every way he possibly could.

      “Is it quitting time?” she asked.

      Preston smiled, glancing at his watch, playing along. The day had just barely started. Sunshine streamed into the penthouse office suite bringing morning warmth that hinted at a very hot, humid July day to come. “It could be—you’re the boss.”

      She allowed herself one last moment of relaxation, then leaned forward in the chair, bracing her arms on the desk. “If only,” she said, not exactly in jest. She’d been stressed lately and extremely tired, but it was all part of the grieving process, she’d been told. “I’ve got meetings throughout the day, I could use your input.”

      Dressed in a light suit coat that fit his form perfectly and made his blue eyes stand out, Preston was the epitome of competence and efficiency. “I heard about the computer glitch in San Diego. I think I need to check it out personally today. I’d planned on being back tomorrow evening.”

      Inwardly, Laney cringed. Whenever Preston was out of the office, she constantly second-guessed herself. Having him here to bounce ideas and solutions off, gave her the confidence she needed. Though she worked for Royal before, during and after college, she’d never really taken on a significant role. Suddenly, she was thrust into the driver’s seat. “If you think it’s necessary.”

      “I do. We need to find out what caused the problem and make sure it doesn’t happen again. It’s just two days, but if you’d rather I didn’t go—”

      “No, no. You should go. I’ll hold down the fort.”

      Preston nodded. “Okay, but have dinner with me tomorrow night. You look like you could use a break.”

      Dinner? She hesitated. He’d been rather obvious about his desire to date her a few years ago and she didn’t want to encourage anything again. The last thing she needed now was to complicate her life at the moment. “I’m not eating much these days, Preston.”

      He cast her a warm, encouraging smile. “Your father wouldn’t want you to be alone so much. Besides, I should make you eat something. You gave us all a scare when you fainted that day.”

      “I won’t faint again.”

      “Darn right. Because we’re going to have a nice peaceful meal tomorrow night and I’ll fill you in on my findings from my trip.”

      “Okay,” she agreed, finally. She was being foolish. Preston was only looking out for her welfare and they did have to spend time together after hours some of the time until Laney felt more confident about her position here. “Call me when you get back tomorrow.”

      “I will,” he said, satisfied. “I’m off now. You know how to reach me if you need anything.”

      Laney watched him leave, closing the door behind him. When her cell phone rang, she glanced at the number and immediately answered. “Julia, thank God. Your timing is perfect. I need my best friend right now.”

      “Oh, Laney, I think I sensed it. We haven’t spoken much this week. How’re you doing? Still not eating?”

      “I can’t. My stomach’s not right. It’s from all the stress I’m sure. And believe me, you can cut the tension with a knife around here. The employees aren’t thrilled at having me take up where my father left off. Most of them think they know more than me. And guess what, they just might.”

      Julia chuckled, the same girlish laugh she remembered when they went to private school together. “No, they don’t. They’re just used to taking orders from your father. Don’t let them push you around.”

      “Many of them were working here when I’d come around selling candy bars for school fund-raisers. It’s hard to gain their respect. But I am my father’s daughter. I’ll prove to them I know what I’m doing. It’s just going to take a little while.” Laney hoped so, anyway. She’d gotten a degree in business and had a good background, but she’d been thrust at the helm so suddenly, while still reeling from a broken engagement and her father’s death. Yet, she was the go-to person. The buck stopped with her. “I’m managing, Julia.”

      “I know you are. Your father would be proud.”

      Laney sighed with relief. “Thanks, hon. You always know how to cheer me up.”

      “I’ve got another cheer or two in me. Our days at SC weren’t that long ago.” Laney flashed an image of the two of them at USC, cheering for the Trojans. Both had crushes on the quarterback. “So let me take you to lunch today.”

      Laney groaned. The mention of food brought queasiness to her stomach. “Why does everyone try to feed me?”

      “Because we’re worried about you. I’ve been over at your place enough lately to see what you’re eating, which is next to nothing. Are you sure you’re fine?”


      “I know that tone, best girlfriend. You are not okay.”

      “It’s just all this turmoil in my life. Really, I appreciate the offer, but I’m not taking lunches these days.” Laney wouldn’t admit to Julia that maybe something more was wrong with her. She didn’t want to worry her best friend. Her suspicions were unfounded at the moment. She’d been through a world of grief and upheaval in her life lately. That had to be the reason she didn’t feel quite like herself.

      “Okay, then, but I’m holding you to lunch this weekend. You need to get away from the office, get your mind off business. We’ll go down to the beach and have a peaceful meal, clear your head.”

      “Sounds great,” she answered truthfully. Julia was the one person who really understood her. Spending time with her always helped her forget her problems. “I’m looking forward to it.” She hung up the phone feeling much better.

      * * *

      An hour later, Laney looked up from the pile of reports on her desk when someone knocked briskly on the office door. Before she could acknowledge the knock, the door pushed open and a man strode into the room.

      Laney rose immediately, startled.

      “Hello, Laney.”

      Ty? Her mystery man was here, standing in her office? Laney swallowed and stared in disbelief. That deep, sensual voice reminded her of romantic nights and sizzling sex. Her first thought was: he looked gorgeous. Her second: she was overjoyed seeing him. She hadn’t forgotten the glorious days they’d spent together last month.

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