New Arrivals: His Expectant Mistress: Accidentally Pregnant! / One-Night Pregnancy / One Tiny Miracle.... Rebecca Winters

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New Arrivals: His Expectant Mistress: Accidentally Pregnant! / One-Night Pregnancy / One Tiny Miracle... - Rebecca Winters

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wiped her eyes and pulled out her cell phone. It was time to stop dwelling on her own worries and ask Deline how she was doing. With both of them pregnant, they had a lot in common.

      “At last!” her friend cried after picking up. “It’s been a week since you called me. Are you still on your honeymoon?”

      “We’re at the tail end. I’m waiting in the plane for Vincenzo to take Dino back to his mother’s house before we fly to Genoa.” She could hear a lot of noise in the background. Children’s voices laughing and screaming. “Where are you?”

      “On Milos. Leon took the day off and we flew out here until tomorrow. All the families are in or around the pool.”

      “Then you can’t really talk.”

      “Actually, this is the perfect time. Leon’s causing most of the havoc.”

      “You’ve both needed a break. How are things between you?”

      “Believe it or not, we’re doing much better. Tell me about you and Vincenzo.”

      “We’ve had a wonderful time with Dino.”

      “Naturally, but I’m talking about the two of you, if you know what I mean.”

      Irena sucked in her breath. “We haven’t had a real wedding night yet. I guess we already had it two months ago, but didn’t realize it. Right now it’s important to make sure Dino’s secure.”

      “You’ve taken on a stepson. That’s a huge responsibility.”

      “True, but he’s adorable. If I’d given birth to him, I don’t think I could love him any more.”

      “I believe it.” There was a silence. “And what about the baby you carry…have you thought any more about that? Andreas isn’t back from his honeymoon. Leon thinks it will be another few days at least.”

      She lowered her head. “Tomorrow will be my first appointment with my new OB. She’ll draw blood for some tests. The CVS test I’m having done won’t take place for another two weeks.

      “I’ve made up my mind that if it’s Andreas’s baby, I’ll tell him the truth as soon as I have the DNA result in hand. I don’t want to think about that scenario too much, but if it does happen I was hoping I could call on Leon to help. I thought he might know the best way to handle it. He and Andreas have such a bond. However if you think that’s too much pressure…”

      “Not at all. He’s been where you are now. If anyone will have insight in how to break the news, it’s my husband.”

      Irena almost broke the phone clutching it so tightly. “I’m so worried about Vincenzo, Deline. He doesn’t talk about it a lot, but I have a feeling he is hoping this baby is his. I’ve never wanted anything so much in my life. But I’m trying to face reality now.”

      “I admire you for dealing with this situation as honestly and discreetly as you can. Now you’re married to an exciting man who has taken you on, warts and all.” Irena half laughed through the tears. “Is he still exciting?”

      “You have no idea.” However, there was so much Irena hadn’t told her yet. Vincenzo had glossed over everything to do with his family background. Until she had a better understanding of why he’d dismissed his illustrious heritage and wouldn’t talk about it, she couldn’t discuss it with anyone, not even her best friend.

      “Vincenzo’s so good to me, I can’t begin to tell you, but I’d better get off the phone now. He’ll be back soon. I’ll call you again before I have the test. Thank you for being the best friend on earth.”

      “The feeling’s mutual.”

       Chapter Six

      VINCENZO BOARDED THE JET and told the captain they could take off now. He found Irena in the club section, sitting back in one of the seats with her eyes closed. Even after the long flight she still looked fresh in her two-piece yellow linen suit. She had marvelous dress sense and a glow about her from being in the Californian sun, but some of it could be attributed to the fact that she was pregnant.

      He’d had two weeks to think about the possibility that the baby wasn’t his. He still found it difficult to accept and knew he would find it hard to let the baby go to its biological parent, especially after Vincenzo had been forced to go through the same experience with Dino all these years. But at this point in time he was much more concerned for Irena’s health and the baby’s.

      Sometimes when he allowed himself to believe the baby was his, the joy that filled him was almost too intense. He let out a ragged breath. Two weeks from now they’d know the truth and they would deal with it. Though she’d pretended everything was fine in front of Dino, Vincenzo sensed Irena’s anxiety was growing more acute.

      Unable to help himself, he walked over and kissed her exposed throat, one of her many delicious parts.

      “Vincenzo—” Her eyes flew open in surprise.

      “We’re about to take off. Let me help you.” He fastened the seat belt for her, then took the seat opposite her and strapped himself in.

      “How did it go? Was Dino happy to be home?”

      “I’m sure he was glad to see his mother, but Leo was there and it made things less natural for him.”

      “After these weeks of being together, I know it will be hard on both of you to be apart. Thank goodness you only have to wait until Wednesday.”

      He gave her another prolonged kiss, loving Irena for loving his son, for understanding.

      They’d already taxied out to the runway and were airborne. He waited until they’d attained cruising speed before undoing his seat belt. “Can I get you anything from the galley?”

      “No, thank you. I had a soda while I was waiting for you.”

      He went in search of a cup of coffee. When he returned, she looked worried and gave him a searching glance. “How did Mila treat you?”

      “Now that the tables have turned, she was unusually quiet.”

      Irena shook her head. “Surely she knows I could never replace her in Dino’s eyes. She’s his mother! If I can be his friend, that’s all I’ll ever be.”

      “There’s more to it than that, Irena.”

      “What do you mean?”

      “As long as Dino was our only child, Mila never worried that he wouldn’t inherit the title from my father one day.”

      “You said it was defunct,” she reminded him.

      “It is, but it’s still of symbolic importance to her and her family. I could see it in her eyes tonight. She’s almost apoplectic that there’s the possibility you and I will have a baby in the future. That will mean Dino won’t be the only one in line for the title and the money.”


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