New Arrivals: His Expectant Mistress: Accidentally Pregnant! / One-Night Pregnancy / One Tiny Miracle.... Rebecca Winters

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New Arrivals: His Expectant Mistress: Accidentally Pregnant! / One-Night Pregnancy / One Tiny Miracle... - Rebecca Winters

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“To be honest, we’ve been so busy with Dino, there are many things we still need to explore. That’s why we’d appreciate two more weeks without anyone else around.”

      “Then enjoy them while you can because you’re going to be busy after that. I don’t have to tell you how relieved I am you’re going to be taking over, Vincenzo. As you found out when you looked over the books, we’ve had a downturn in profits over the last few years and we both know why.”

      “I agree the figures didn’t look good.”

      “Your cousins simply don’t have the grasp for business that you’ve always had. It’s providential you came to your senses when you did. I’m tired of keeping it all together.”

      Vincenzo had come to his senses for the sake of his son and no other reason. His father wouldn’t like all the changes he planned to make, but having been given two more weeks with Irena, he wasn’t about to get into a detailed discussion tonight.

      He thought ahead to tomorrow. Irena’s doctor appointment had been made for midmorning. After they finished there, he’d take her to lunch at Spoleto’s, one of his favorite spots. “We’ll be at your office around one. Ciao, Papa.”

       “Ciao, figlio mio.”

      His father hadn’t called him my son in seven years. All that time he’d held Vincenzo hostage over a title! Rage welled in his heart. He swore an oath that he would never allow anything like this to happen to Dino.

      Frustrated once more that she’d fallen asleep on him, Irena had awakened soon after Vincenzo had carried her in the apartment. She’d thought he would have taken her to his bedroom tonight. They hadn’t been intimate for over two months. Now that they were married and alone, she didn’t understand it.

      Anxious to ask him what was wrong, she’d padded down the hall, but his door was closed. She’d heard him talking to someone, but had no idea who it was or what they were saying.

      Feeling shut out emotionally as well as physically, she took a shower and got ready for bed. Her heart thudded as she left the bathroom, hoping he was there waiting for her. But the apartment was dark and quiet. Dino’s bed remained empty.

      A pain pierced her heart. When she’d first met Vincenzo, everything had happened so naturally, she hadn’t had to think about which foot to put in front of the other. Now here she was his wife and she didn’t dare tiptoe down to his room and climb into bed with him.

      No one could have been more loving and attentive than he’d been in California. There’d been great tenderness, but they were home now. She needed reassurance that he still wanted her the way he had before.

      After she climbed under the covers, she remembered something Deline had said several weeks earlier. Have you asked yourself why he’s willing to rush into marriage with you?

      Irena’s response had been immediate. He’d needed a wife to change the rules of visitation. Deep down she’d believed the attraction they had for each other portended something more significant. He’d said he’d gotten his heart’s desire.

      But if she was wrong and his desire for her was already fading, it was too late to do anything about it now because they were married. Dino was her stepson and trusted her. She had a baby coming. Although the paternity of the baby was still in question, Vincenzo had said he wanted to help her raise it.

      Her parents knew they were married. While they were in California, Vincenzo had talked to them on the phone and he’d managed to charm them in his own inimitable way. Tomorrow she had her first medical examination with Dr. Santi. She’d gone past the proverbial point of no return. This was her life, the one she had made for herself. There was no going back.

      This morning she took her time getting ready. Irena wanted to make herself look as beautiful as possible for her husband. She left her hair down the way he had said he liked it. After some deliberation she chose to wear a pale pink skirt with a shocking pink knit top. It had capped sleeves and a scooped neck. Combined with her tan and a new lipstick, she hoped she rated a second, even a third glance from Vincenzo.

      He didn’t disappoint her. She’d just finished her juice when he came in the kitchen and slid his arms around her. “You look good enough to eat.” Irena turned around, anticipating a deep kiss, but it only lasted a moment. “You taste out of this world. If I nibble any more, we won’t make it out the door to the doctor.”

      Another expectation dashed, but she hid her disappointment and reached for her purse. Following him out to the car, she could feast her eyes on his well-honed physique. Today he’d dressed in light tan chinos and a sport shirt in a brilliant blue that matched his eyes. Italian down to his hand-sown leather shoes, his dashing smile brought her senses alive.

      As he escorted her into the outpatient department a half hour later, his potent male charisma drew the gaze of every female in the waiting room. It had been like that in California. He had admirers everywhere they went, yet he seemed oblivious to all the attention.

      She had to concede he was more attractive than any film star or celebrity. It thrilled her that she was with him and could call this man her husband! Irena couldn’t believe she was feeling and acting like a teenager when in reality she was a pregnant, twenty-seven-year-old woman.


      Irena was so deep in thought, she didn’t realize her name was being called until Vincenzo stood up. “That’s you, esposa mia.

      She got to her feet and they walked back to a private examination room. After they sat down, Dr. Santi came in. She nodded to Irena. “You’re looking well, signorina.

      “Actually, it’s Signora Valsecchi now,” Vincenzo corrected her. “We were married two weeks ago and just returned from our honeymoon.”

      “Ah…that explains the tan on both of you. Congratulations.”

      “Thank you,” he answered for them.

      “So, signora, have you decided you want to go through with the testing in two weeks? If so, we’ll schedule it now.”

      “I made the decision the last time I was here. That hasn’t changed.”

      The doctor switched her gaze to Vincenzo. “Are you in agreement, too? No second thoughts?”

      “It’s my wife’s decision.”

      Vincenzo had said the words, but for some reason he didn’t sound like he backed her. Perplexed, Irena turned her head to look at him. “I thought you were okay with it.”

      He covered her hand and squeezed it. “I am because it’s what you want.”

      “But you still have reservations?”

      The doctor stood up. “I’ll leave you two alone for a minute to discuss it.”

      After she’d gone out, Vincenzo smoothed a lock of glistening hair behind her ear. “I told you before I’m not worried about you having a miscarriage, but I know that you are worried.”

      “Why do you say that?”

      “Because you had nightmares on our trip—four of them, and another one last night. Something is bothering you.”

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