His Secret Baby Bombshell. Jules Bennett

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His Secret Baby Bombshell - Jules Bennett

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      Déjà vu swept over Eve Winchester. Not again. This cannot be happening again.

      The two pink lines mocked her denial.

      Eve clutched the pregnancy test, gripping the side of her white pedestal sink with her other hand.

      Sheets rustled in the bedroom. Through the crack in the bathroom door, Eve could see Graham Newport lying in her bed.

      Now that she knew her predicament, she had no idea what step to take next. For someone who prided herself on plans, on spreadsheets and following through on details in a timely fashion, she was completely lost.

      But her unknowns stemmed from the fear of what Graham would do. How would he react? How would their families, whose rivalry was legendary in Chicago, deal with this shocking news? The Newports and the Winchesters had enough drama on their hands lately. The Newport brothers’ paternity had been thrown into question earlier this year. Graham and his brother Brooks were still up in the air after their paternity tests came back negative, but their other brother, Carson, had discovered who his real father was—Sutton Winchester, who happened to be Eve’s, too.

      Yeah, they were all in a state of upheaval right now and this unexpected pregnancy would just toss a stick of dynamite into the fire.

      With shaky hands, Eve quickly put the test back in the box and shoved it beneath some trash in the can under the sink. Finally, risking another glance over her shoulder, she peered through the slight opening in the door and noted that Graham was still asleep. He had one toned leg thrown over white sheets, one arm stretched out to the side. Eve closed her eyes and pulled in a deep breath. After the paternity test had proven Graham wasn’t related to her in any way, they’d finally given in to the feelings they’d fought so hard against. They’d been so careful to keep this heated affair a secret. But when their instant attraction had become evident, they’d both gotten backlash from their siblings. Fine, they could sneak around and leave the siblings out of it, right?

      Yeah, that had worked for the past six weeks. So much for keeping their families out of their private lives.

      Now she was having a baby. A second pregnancy...this one much scarier than the last. This time she knew the ugly horrors that could happen. She’d lived through them, still bore the internal scars, and now she’d have to find a way to push through again. Could fate be that cruel?

      Eve slid her hand over her silk chemise. Her flat stomach had once been round, once held another life taken all too soon. As much as she wanted to take her father’s company global and focus on being in charge, she refused to let an innocent baby feel anything but loved and secure. And above all, this child would not be a victim in the war between the families.

      That is, if she made it to full-term.

      Fear coursed through her. The fear of telling Graham weighed heavily on her, but the fear of losing another child was absolutely crippling. Going through such grief again might very well destroy her. Added to that, her father was terminal. How much pain could one woman endure and still keep going?

      The sheets rustled again and Eve knew she couldn’t hide in the bathroom forever. Graham had come over late last night and they’d quickly tumbled into bed, as was their habit. No sweet-talking, no romantic walks for them. Eve had a passion for Graham and the family feud between the Winchesters and the Newports had no place in their affair.

      Unfortunately, their worlds were about to collide in ways they never dreamed.

      Stepping back into her bedroom, Eve pulled in a deep breath. Even though her entire world was completely turned upside down, she still had obligations, and Elite Industries needed their new president to be in top form at all times. The man in her bed would have to go because she had a meeting shortly and she needed to prepare. Plus, she needed some time alone to process her situation.

      The second Eve crossed the room, Graham’s intense aqua eyes were on her. That heavy-lidded gaze did amazing things to her body. Just one stare, one simple touch, and the man had her under his spell. The potency he projected was unlike anything she’d ever known.

      With a cockeyed grin, he jerked back the sheet in a silent invitation for her to join him. He never had to say a word to get her right where he wanted her. There had been an unspoken agreement that this was sex only. Clearly they didn’t want more because they were both married to their jobs and the intensity of their passion was off the charts. A committed relationship couldn’t be this hot this fast. But they were about to enter a committed relationship of a totally different nature.

      Eve shook her head. “As much as I’d love to take you up on your offer, I need to get some work done.”

      He raised one dark blond brow. “On Sunday morning? I can make you forget all about work.”

      Graham Newport could charm the crown from a queen...which was why he was one of Chicago’s finest lawyers. Despite his young age of thirty-two, Graham had made full law partner at Mayer, Mayer and Newport. And it wasn’t just the charm that catapulted him into his prestigious position. That reserved, quiet, yet lethal strength had him soaring to the top.

      “Maybe so,” she agreed, trying to sound casual, though the hidden pregnancy test mocked her. “But I have an online meeting later with a group from Australia because it will be their Monday morning.”

      Graham sat up, the sheet pooling around his bare, sculpted waist. Raking a hand through his disheveled hair, he sighed. “I hate when you want to be responsible.”

      Eve nearly cringed. If he thought she was responsible now, wait until he discovered the pregnancy. But that would have to wait. She needed to cope with this shock first, needed to make sure everything was all right. Granted, everything had appeared to be fine with her last pregnancy...then suddenly it wasn’t.

      Even though she and Graham had a physical relationship only, he had every right to know. But until she saw a doctor, she was keeping this news to herself. The last thing she’d ever want anyone to feel was the empty void and crushing ache of losing a child.

      “You okay?”

      Eve blinked, pulling herself back to the moment. Graham’s aqua eyes held hers. Pasting on a smile, she nodded. “How could I not be after last night?”

      Get it together, Eve.

      Graham jerked the sheet aside and stalked across the room to gather his

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