His Secret Baby Bombshell. Jules Bennett

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His Secret Baby Bombshell - Jules Bennett

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want to?

      What was going on and why was he doing this to her?

      “You have to see what your father is, Eve.” Graham’s bright eyes held hers. Those same eyes that had devoured her body just yesterday now held so much anger, resentment. “Carson is entitled to his share of the inheritance. Plus, our PI has uncovered some other nasty facts regarding Sutton.”

      As much as Eve wanted to close her eyes to battle the pain, she couldn’t. Her father may not be a popular man, but he was still her father and she wouldn’t let anyone stand in her office and throw ugly rumors around. Yes, he’d admitted to affairs while married to her mother, but that was in the past. Couldn’t people change? Did he have to pay for his sins forever? He was dying. Couldn’t everyone just let him live out his last days in peace?

      Enough. She refused to allow this to happen, let alone in her own office...her father’s old office. Reaching for her phone, Eve started to dial her assistant. Instantly Graham’s fingers encircled her wrist.

      “What are you doing?”

      She glared at him. “Having security escort you out.”

      The pressure around her wrist increased, but not to the point of hurting. “Hang up, Eve. Hear me out for two minutes and I’ll go.”

      Still gripping the phone, Eve stared into his eyes, and her first thought was whether their child would have those mesmerizing baby blues. How could she resist him and tell him no when she couldn’t get her own hormones in check?

      And, how could she fault his loyalty for standing up for his brother? Wasn’t she standing up for her father? They both held family bonds high and she had to admire that, but she still couldn’t allow him to shove his weight around. Not here on her turf.

      She hung the phone up and pulled away from his touch. Crossing her arms over her chest, Eve tipped her chin. “Two minutes.”

      A hint of a smile danced around those kissable lips. No. She couldn’t think of him in those terms right now. The way he came barging into her office, forcing this subpoena on her had nothing to do with what they did in the bedroom. Right this minute, they were enemies...and soon to be parents. Talk about a conflict of interest.

      “Carson is your half brother, too,” Graham began in that steady, low tone of his that no doubt always had the judge and jury hanging on his every word. “He deserves part of your father’s assets.”

      “Considering my father is very much alive, that’s not my call,” she argued. Eve hated discussing the fact that her father’s health was failing, but the harsh truth was always at the forefront of her mind. “Is that all you barged in here for?”

      “Eve, you have to see this is the right thing to do for Carson. Don’t let Sutton’s hatred and hardheaded notions trickle down to you. You’re too good for that.”

      For a split second, Eve wanted to melt at his words, but then she recalled who she was dealing with. Chicago’s youngest, fastest-rising attorney who marched through court and came out with a victory every time. He had Charm with a capital C. He oozed it and exploited it in order to get what he wanted.

      “I have no hatred toward Carson,” she stated firmly. Carson was just as much an innocent as she and her sisters were. “I simply don’t feel it’s my decision to say what happens to my father’s things. He has a will, Graham.”

      “One that was implemented before he knew of Carson’s existence.” Graham pressed his palms on her desk and leaned forward. “Regardless of what you want to do, you’ve been served, Eve.”

      Part of her wanted to applaud him for holding his ground and having his brother’s back. The other part of her wanted to slap him, tear this subpoena to shreds and toss it like confetti in his face. But she refused to let her emotions show.

      “I believe your two minutes are up.”

      His eyes held hers for a moment longer, but he finally turned and walked out, his exit much less dramatic than his entrance. Once the doorway was clear, Eve’s legs gave out and she sank back to her chair. With shaky hands, she unfolded the document and stared at the date she was due in court. Whatever was going on with the Newport brothers, she sincerely wished they’d leave her out of it. Her father was dying, she was pushing to acquire another real estate company in Australia and now she was expecting the baby of a man who should be her enemy.

      What more could life throw at her?

      “Ms. Winchester?”

      Eve glanced up to see Rebecca standing in the doorway. “Do you want me to have security make sure Mr. Newport is out of the building?”

      “No, Rebecca. That won’t be necessary. Mr. Newport’s business is done here. He won’t return.”

      There. Hopefully that would help quash any rumors about Graham’s unexpected visit. Rebecca wasn’t one to gossip, though. Eve wouldn’t have her as an assistant if she were, but she still wanted the utmost respect from her staff.

      “We had a mutual client and he was dropping off some paperwork,” Eve added. “Thank you.”

      With a slight nod, Rebecca stepped back out and closed the door.

      So much for telling Graham about the baby soon. Now she had to figure out where they stood because he’d drawn a battle line the moment he’d opted to show up at her office. He could’ve had anyone on his staff deliver that subpoena.

      Again, this proved how his family loyalties and his career were his top priorities. Which only made Eve wonder: Once he knew they’d created a baby, would she and the child be included in that inner circle?

      * * *

      The following morning, Eve’s patience had run out. Graham hadn’t contacted her since he’d burst into her office yesterday, and now the glaring headline mocked her from the front page of the paper: Chicago Kingpin Sutton Winchester’s Infidelity Produces More Heirs.

      She began reading the article and literally had to take a seat on a stool at her kitchen island when she hit the line about his “fathering numerous children out of secret affairs.” Her stomach churned, and the nausea had nothing to do with the baby.

      Tears pricked her eyes as anger rushed through her. There was only one family who wanted to stir the proverbial pot and that was the Newports. Brooks may be the ringleader in this agenda to bring down her father, but Carson and Graham were right there with him. And no doubt Graham had known all about this little media exposé when he was in her office yesterday.

      Betrayal was a sickening feeling. But how could she feel betrayed? He’d never pretended to be on her side when it came to their families. They had sex, plenty of sex, but that didn’t make them a couple. That didn’t mean he had to be loyal to her or defend her to his family.

      Eve knew very well who Graham was when she’d gotten together with him, so if blame was to be placed, she needed to point the finger at herself. She just wished she weren’t getting so personally wrapped up in a man who was 100 percent wrong for her.

      And what the hell was this about her father having “numerous” other children? Carson was the only child she knew of. Perhaps now that his secret son had come to light, others wanted a share of her father’s holdings. The man was worth billions. Vultures would be

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