Roping Her Christmas Cowboy. Rebecca Winters

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Roping Her Christmas Cowboy - Rebecca Winters

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      Nikki found them in the kitchen putting food on the table. “Good evening, gentlemen.” She put her bag down on the end of the counter. They both turned their heads toward her.

      A tangible silence filled the trailer’s interior.

      “Well, don’t all speak at the same time,” she teased. “Wasn’t I supposed to come for dinner?”

      Mills’s eyebrows lifted. His face wore the most comical expression she’d ever seen. “Good grief, Nikki.”

      “What’s wrong?”

      “Nothing,” he said quietly. “You look...nice.” He had a hard time getting that word out, making her want to laugh.

      “Thanks. Where do you want me to sit?”

      “Right here.” Toly galvanized into action and pulled out a chair for her. She felt his eyes taking inventory of her face and figure as she sat down. Maybe she had accomplished her objective and dazzled him just enough to make him choke a little on his own words.

      Mmm. Steak and potatoes. Biscuits too? “Isn’t this exciting? All three of us here in Las Vegas at last?” Nikki glanced at Toly. “By the way, did my Pony Pop do the trick?” she asked after they’d started to eat.

      He passed her the tossed salad. “I had to split it two ways, but they both seemed happy enough.”

      “Next time give them their own packets and see what happens. I’ve got a ton of them in my rig. You’re welcome to help yourself to as many as you want to sweeten things up.”

      “I’ll remember that. Thanks.”

      Mills eyed both of them. “What are you two talking about?”

      “Duchess was overjoyed to see your sister earlier. She gave me a Pony Pop and told me to feed it to Snapper. Maybe he’d be more excited to see me.”

      Nikki could tell her brother was bewildered, but she was quite enjoying herself and continued to eat. “This dinner is delicious.”

      “Thanks,” Toly said. The man didn’t sound happy and she couldn’t have been more thrilled. “Would you like a homemade biscuit?”

      So he had done all the cooking. “Much as I’m tempted, I don’t dare. You cowboys don’t know how hard we cowgirls and rodeo queens have to work to watch our figures. After trying for so long year after year to stand out in order to be noticed, I’m afraid I’ll always be worrying about how I look. It’s kind of what we live for, you know? But this steak and salad were perfect for me and have hit the spot.”

      Mills had stopped eating. He looked sick.

      She smiled at Toly. “My congratulations to the cook who’s a team roper too. Imagine me thinking you only knew how to make coffee when we were at the ranch.”

      Delighted to have delivered that last salvo, she pushed away from the table and got to her feet. “Now I’m afraid I have to go. Sorry I won’t be able to help you clean up, but I’m sure you understand I can’t be late for the photographers. This party is important because they’re setting up a special photo shoot that could open doors for me. You have no idea how eager I am to explore all my new possibilities. Good night, guys. Thanks again for inviting me.”

      With her cheeks hot from being so worked up, Nikki reached for her purse and left the trailer. She hurried behind her rig and got in the rental car. On her way to the MGM, Nikki relived the last half hour in her mind and was shocked by the way she’d acted. It was like another person had emerged and taken over.

      Obviously Toly’s conversation with her brother had gotten under her skin and tonight her anger had spilled over. She was incensed for all the women she’d competed with who loved the rodeo and wanted to enjoy every part and aspect of it.

      The men who lived and died for the rodeo were no different. They just didn’t line up on stage and get chosen as the best or the worst by a committee. Toly Clayton had been strutting his stuff around the country for a long time. His huge fan base fed his ego and was his judge. Who was he to put labels on the women who loved the rodeo and found fulfillment in their own way?

      But on the drive to the MGM Grand, her thoughts always came back to the Toly she’d gotten to know over the last year. That Toly had been so fun to talk to. Between rodeos, they’d come back to the ranch and sat around the table in the kitchen to eat after working out.

      He was a fascinating conversationalist. They’d exchanged stories about what had gone on while they’d traveled the circuit. He knew everyone’s scores and who to watch. So did she. She’d loved the times when the three of them could be together and share their lives. Nikki had grown to look forward to every meeting with him.

      But no longer...

      She blinked away the tears threatening and pressed on the gas, anxious to get tonight over with.

       Chapter Three

      Toly could no longer enjoy his meal while he was trying to put two and two together.

      Mills had stopped eating and threw his head back. “What in the hell was all that about? I could swear that wasn’t my sister who was eating dinner with us a few minutes ago.”

      “I hate to say it, but I think I know.”

      “Then you’re a prophet.”

      “Answer me one question. Is Nikki’s bedroom upstairs or on the main floor of the ranch house?”

      Mills blinked. “The main floor at the end of the...” He groaned and got to his feet. “That’s it! She came home the other night after leaving the dealership and overheard us talking about Denise on the way to her bedroom.”

      Toly closed his eyes tightly. “If she’d listened to our whole conversation, she wouldn’t have been angry.”

      His friend nodded. “You’re right. Hell. She heard just enough to send her off the rails. In my whole life, I’ve never seen this side of my sister.”

      “Except that she wasn’t mad at you. That whole performance tonight was for my benefit.” It explained how strangely she’d acted at the barn. Now that he knew the truth, he was horrified by the answer.

      “I’m positive she happened to overhear me give you Wymon’s advice. Taken out of context, his words would have dealt her a fierce blow and turned her inside out. As you said tonight, you didn’t recognize your sister. Neither did I.”

      He threw down his napkin and jumped up from the table. “I’ve got to find her at the MGM Grand and explain. Carrying this kind of pain has already caused her serious damage. She needs to know the whole truth so she can give the performances of her life out in the arena.” He reached for his own set of car keys.

      “I couldn’t agree more. She’s hurting bad, Toly. You go. I’ll clean up here.”

      Toly grabbed his cowboy hat and lightweight jacket, then flew out of the rig to the car. He was surprised he wasn’t pulled over by the police while he made his way through heavy

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