Roping Her Christmas Cowboy. Rebecca Winters

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Roping Her Christmas Cowboy - Rebecca Winters

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      He pulled in to the short-term parking area. The first hour was free. He had no idea how long he would be there and kept the ticket to pay later. Once inside the hotel festively decorated for Christmas, he saw that the WPRA party was meeting in the Vista room on the second level and went upstairs.

      Men weren’t part of this exclusive crowd of women who were the best barrel racers in the world. From the doorway Toly took in the dressed-up finalists who mingled and chatted with organizers and sponsors. Nikki blew everyone away. She stood talking to several of the finalists he recognized. He found her so breathtaking, he wondered if he would ever get it back. Earlier tonight when she’d walked in the kitchen, her beauty had almost caused him to pass out.

      Toly had no idea how long she would stay at the party, but it didn’t matter. He planted himself by the entrance to wait for her. Photographers took pictures, but she ignored them and moved around the room. He got the distinct impression she couldn’t wait to leave and had only put in an appearance because it was expected.

      That was fine with Toly, who couldn’t wait to get her alone so they could have a long talk. Another ten minutes and it turned out his instincts had been right. She was the first woman to move away from the crowd and head out the main doors. When she walked past him without seeing him, he called her name.

      She turned her head. “Toly?” Her expression changed to one of pure fear. “What’s wrong? Has something happened to Mills?”

      He hadn’t seen that coming. The twins had a special bond of love and were close, but he’d just witnessed for himself how close. She would never have expected to see Toly here. Naturally her shock was genuine and it touched him how much she cared for her brother.

      But it also caused something to twist in his gut because of the painful reason for seeking her out. She shouldn’t have to deal with anything but the coming events out in the arena.

      “Mills is fine, but I’m not. We have to talk.”

      Her jaw hardened. “Not tonight. I’m tired.”

      “It has to be tonight, but not here,” he insisted. “We can do it in your rig or at your hotel.”

      He could see the pulse throbbing at the base of her creamy throat. “What will you do if I don’t cooperate? Tie me up like one of your Corriente steers and haul me off?”

      Her sarcasm came as a surprise. “If I have to. It’s up to you if you don’t want a scene.”

      Color swept into her cheeks. She started walking. He followed her all the way out of the hotel to her car in the parking lot where she sustained a barrage of whistles from every male in sight. When she unlocked it and got in, he climbed in the passenger side.

      “How did you get here?” she blurted.

      “I drove our rental car.”

      “Tell me where it is and I’ll take you to it.”

      “I’ll worry about it later.”

      She turned on the engine. “You don’t trust me not to take off and leave you standing there?”

      “Frankly no. Not in your state of mind.”

      “What state is that?” She wheeled around before finding the exit.

      “The one that brought you close to clipping the end of that car when you turned too fast just now.”

      She pressed on the accelerator. “There’s no way I’m letting you in my hotel room.”

      “That’s fine with me. As you know I’m allergic to them and much prefer our rigs.”

      Even having to weave through heavy traffic, it didn’t take her long to reach the RV park. She wound around to her rig and parked behind it. He got out and reached the trailer door before she did.

      The interior of the Dobson rig was every bit as luxurious and comfortable as his. Mills had told him their parents had invested in it for their children several years ago. It was a damn shame they were no longer alive.

      He took off his hat and removed his jacket, putting both on the love seat next to him. She disappeared to her bedroom and came out a minute later without her hat.

      “I’ve already told you I’m exhausted.” She sat down opposite him. “Please say what you have to say so I can get to bed.”

      He learned forward with his hands on his thighs. “During dinner, it was obvious to me you overheard Mills and me talking in your family’s den on Friday night. I’m sorry you only heard part of it, the part that offended you. For that I’m deeply sorry and want to apologize.”

      She crossed her long, elegant legs. “There’s no need. You didn’t know I was outside the door and you’re entitled to your own opinion. I was about to say good-night to you, but I heard you talking and—”

      “And you found out enough to—”

      “To know your opinion of my kind is held by most of the male population,” she interrupted him.

      * * *

      TOLY SUCKED IN his breath. “You know that’s not true and you’re wrong, Nikki. What you heard was an opinion voiced by my oldest brother, Wymon, years ago when I started competing in the rodeo. He’d been hurt by the woman he’d thought loved him and hoped to marry. In his pain, he gave me advice so I wouldn’t get destroyed.

      “That speech you heard was his speech, not mine. I was trying to comfort your brother who’s been knocked sideways by Denise. To be honest, I was hurt for him that she chose to break up with him this close to Finals. Of course, it’s none of my business and I’m sure the timing wasn’t planned, but he has suffered and it has affected his performance.”

      Nikki averted her eyes.

      “By the time you left for the MGM Grand, I realized you had to have heard enough of my conversation with Mills to infuriate you. In fact, it shows great character that you didn’t tell me to go to hell to my face before leaving the rig.”

      “I came close,” she admitted.

      He smiled. “I knew that. It’s why I took after you and wouldn’t let you get away from me before I was able to explain what you overheard. The last thing I want is to see you thrown off during the competition because of the cruel remarks you attributed to my feelings. You couldn’t be more wrong, Nikki. In my opinion, no other woman comes close to you in any way, shape or form.”

      She laughed sadly. “You don’t have to go overboard.”

      “Actually I do.” No matter how friendly the three of them had been over the last year, Nikki didn’t have a clue how he really felt about her. “What’s vital to me is that you believe me. I won’t rest until I know I have your forgiveness.”

      Her luminous gray gaze lifted to his. “Of course. I’m afraid I’m the one who needs to ask forgiveness. It proves how much damage can be done by only hearing part of a conversation I wasn’t privy to. My reaction does me no credit, especially when you were trying to help my brother. Let’s be honest. Neither you nor Mills had any idea I’d come home.”


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