Light Me Up. Isabel Sharpe

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Light Me Up - Isabel Sharpe Friends with Benefits

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looked like a college friend, or whatever the party line was. Not because he was overcome by her, too.

      Darn it.

      “Are you Jack Shea?”

      “I am, yes.” He laughed nervously, ran his hand over his head, which would explain the sexy tousle. “And you are—I mean, I think I’ve seen—”

      “I know.” She held up her hand. “I look like your college friend.”

      His eyes shot wider. “My what?”

      Hmm. He obviously had no idea what she was talking about. “Bonnie and Angela told me about her?”

      “Oh. Yes. Okay.” He continued staring, clearly more rattled by whatever the hell she represented than Bonnie and Angela had been.

      Unless … maybe that college friend did exist and had meant something to him?

      Melissa’s imagination went straight to a picture of Jack Shea passionately entwined with this woman who was apparently her twin. Which meant she was, in essence, picturing herself sleeping with him.

      Good lord.

      She made her body relax and smiled beatifically. “I was just passing by. Wondered if you had a card and a price list. My sister’s getting married and hasn’t settled on a photographer yet.”

      “Sure. When’s her big day?” He reached under the counter and came up with a sheet, which she took, smiling her thanks. A smile that went on life support when she saw how high his prices were. As expected, but still disappointing.

      “End of the month.” Melissa nodded at his surprised expression. “I know, practically tomorrow in bride time. She and her fiancé wanted to do it simply and soon. They settled on the twenty-ninth.”

      He was already checking his BlackBerry. “Morning, afternoon or evening?”

      “Oh, I’m not sure we can—” She waved the sheet Jack had given her, not wanting to admit he was out of her league.

      “Just checking the date for you.”

      “You don’t—” Melissa sighed. Easier to play along. “Late afternoon.”

      “I had a cancellation last week, so I could do that.” He grinned at her, charming as hell, and quirked an eyebrow meaningfully. “In fact, I’d love to do that.”

      Ah. She’d just bet he would. It wouldn’t surprise her if a majority of his clients were females who’d fallen for how much Jack would love to work with them, too.

      “Okay. Good to know.” She stepped back to leave, more disappointed than she cared to admit that a guy of his talent was free on Gretchen’s wedding day and they couldn’t use him. “We’ll give you a call if—”

      “What’s your name?”

      She stopped in surprise. Why did he want to know? Had Angela sent her to cult headquarters after all? “Sorry, but I really need to get—”

      “You live around here?” He leaned against the counter, consummately casual.

      She was immediately suspicious. Something wasn’t right. “Not far. Listen, thanks for the—”

      “I was wondering why I haven’t seen you around more.”

      Oh, for heaven’s sake. “Because I haven’t been around more?”

      He chuckled, watching her, the intensity of those brown eyes making it hard to maintain her calm—as if it wasn’t hard enough anyway. “That would explain it.”

      Melissa looked pointedly at her watch. Whatever was going on in this building, she really didn’t like being the only one who didn’t know what it was. “I need to get to work. Thanks for the price sheet.”

      “Let me get you a brochure with more information.” He looked under the counter and frowned. “Hang on, I’ll get one from—”

      “No, it’s not necessary.” She waved the sheet. “I’ve got this, it’s all I need.”

      “I have more in back.” He was already turning away.

      “Seriously, don’t bother.”

      He dismissed her with a wave. “It’s no prob—”

      “We can’t afford you, Mr. Shea.”

      There. Embarrassing, but that would put an end to it and she could make her escape.

      He turned back with a half smile, eyes warm. Very warm. “Call me Jack. And you are …?”

      She sighed impatiently. “Melissa.”

      “Melissa.” By now the eye-warmth was positively inappropriate. “I’m sure we can work something out….”

      What the—Melissa drew in a sharp breath. Was her insta-crush messing with her brain, or was this guy about to teach Bob Whatsisname what real sexual harassment sounded like?

      She drew herself up into her best attitude of icy disapproval. “What kind of ‘something’?”

      “Let me get the brochure. We can discuss it. Maybe over coffee.”

      Coffee! Melissa was flabbergasted. Never had her icy disapproval so totally failed her. Jack hadn’t even noticed. In fact, he’d acted as if she was dying to take him up on whatever offer he flung at her. Good God, the arrogance. “You’re asking me out?

      “Just to talk.” He winked and disappeared into the back, leaving Melissa halfway to exploding her arteries with outrage. If he thought she was going to sleep with him so her sister could have him photograph her wedding at a discount, he had another think coming.

      She was about to whirl around and stomp her way out when the door he’d pulled shut behind him swung slowly open. Behind it, the line of prints again caught her attention. Melissa stepped closer, frowning. Why did they seem—

      She gasped. The bakery bag dropped from her hand.

      Hanging from a wire were print after print after print of a woman dressed in different outfits, which meant they’d been taken on different days. A lot of different days. The woman was doing yoga. In Cal Anderson Park.

      They were all pictures of Melissa.


       Blood Pressure: High

      WHAT THE—

      Melissa put a hand to her chest to calm her breathing, not sure whether to be outraged or terrified, so she settled on both, heart pounding, ears buzzing.

      With one glance, all that good yoga relaxation this morning was shot to hell. This was exactly the type of upset Dr. Glazer had cautioned her to avoid. But she didn’t see any other way to react. Jack had been taking pictures of her—without her knowledge.

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