Reunion By The Sea. Jo Leigh

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Reunion By The Sea - Jo Leigh Mills & Boon True Love

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bureau predicted it wouldn’t happen until next week.

      “Thanks for your concern,” he said, “but I’m in no hurry. Besides, what about having that drink we talked about?”

      “Did we?”

      Parker smiled. “Tell you what, your friends will only be here for...what...two more days? You go have fun with them. I’ll entertain myself, visit some of my old haunts, then we can meet up after everyone’s left. How does that sound?”

      “I work for a living. It was hard squeezing in the reunion. I can’t just—”

      “That sounds like a great idea.” Tilda stuck her head into the kitchen. “She never goes out. Ever. Okay, I’ve got my charger and we’re off. See you on Monday.”

      Ginny’s glare included both of them.

      Parker waited until he heard the front door close. “Tilda’s a smart kid. Very pretty too.”

      Avoiding his eyes, Ginny opened the dishwasher, forcing him to back up. She put both cups on the top rack and closed it.

      “How old is she?”

      After washing her hands and drying them, she muttered, “Thirteen.”

      He watched her hang up the towel, her hand trembling, and in that moment he knew. “Is she mine?”

      Ginny straightened and faced him. Her eyes and voice clear as could be. “No. She isn’t.”

      “You expect me to believe that?”

      “What you believe is irrelevant. It’s the truth.”

      If he hadn’t seen the girl and then Ginny’s reaction with his own eyes, he probably would’ve believed her. “Is she really thirteen?”

      Ginny let out a sigh. “No. Fourteen. I lied because I knew you’d think exactly what you’re thinking, which would turn into a big hassle for nothing.” She shook her head. “I swear to you, Tilda isn’t yours.”

      Parker frowned. They’d used protection, he’d made sure of that. But something wasn’t adding up here. Before he could open his mouth, she walked past him toward the hallway.

      She stopped, looked back. “By the way, this doesn’t give you the right to ask any personal questions about my dating history after you left town. Now, I really do need to get going and so do you.”

      He had to admit, she was being calm now. But he sure hadn’t imagined her nervousness earlier. “So I’m supposed to just take your word for it?”


      “Mind if I see her birth certificate?”

      She lifted a brow. “Yes, actually, I do.”

      “Why? You have nothing to hide, right?”

      Staring at him, Ginny tilted her head slightly. “Even if you were her father, do you honestly think I’d name a man who’d suddenly disappeared without a word? No letter. No phone call. Nothing. A man who could’ve been dead for all I knew.”

      “Ah, so this is payback?”

      “Not at all. I’m just pointing out the facts.”

      “I’ve already explained to you why I couldn’t make contact at the time.”

      “And I answered your question. Tilda isn’t your daughter.” Ginny held his gaze without blinking or giving any indication she was lying. “But she is mine. And I won’t allow you to disrupt her life in any way. Have I made myself clear?”

      Parker studied her determined green eyes, the lush shape of her mouth, waiting for her to falter. She was a rock. Generally he was good at reading people, and rarely found reason to second-guess himself. But he was starting to do just that. Whatever had made Ginny nervous earlier might’ve had nothing to do with her daughter. Yet something still bothered him.

      Finally he nodded. “I’m sure you understand why I had to ask.”

      “I do. Just as you must understand my first duty is to protect Tilda. She’s a sweet, compassionate girl and gifted student with a bright future ahead of her. The last thing she needs is an emotional upheaval that would only lead to disappointment.”

      “Does she know her father?” Parker saw the fire reignite in her eyes. “And yes, I know it’s none of my business.”

      Ginny smiled a little. “No, it’s not. And no, she doesn’t know him. Now, I hope you have a safe trip back to wherever it is you live.”

      For a second he’d thought she might be softening. “I have to say, you sure are anxious to get rid of me.” He walked toward her and she seemed to shrink back, into the hall. She didn’t look all that confident now. He stopped short, not wanting to spook her further. Ironically, he’d been heading for the front door, about to give her what she wanted. “Do you hate me that much?”

      “I don’t hate you, Parker.” Her voice dropped to a whisper. “Actually, I’m glad you came. The not knowing was hard. It’s been a while since I’ve thought about you and that last night before you left, at least consciously, but it feels good to have some closure.”

      He put his hand out to her. She looked at it, hesitant, confusion swirling in her eyes, then she laid her palm on his. “I’m sorry I caused you any pain,” he said, tugging her closer.

      “I don’t know what you’re expecting but—”

      “Expectations are for suckers.” He’d learned that the hard way, but the lesson had stuck. “Just one drink, okay? I promise not to grill you, and I’d like to catch up before I leave. You name the time and place.”

      She gazed up at him, her confusion giving way to a flicker of excitement. He hoped it was more about the electricity that still arced between them than about him mentioning leaving. “Maybe,” she said. “That’s the best I can do.”

      Parker nodded. “It’s more than I deserve.” He lowered his head, and before she could protest, he planted a quick kiss on her forehead. Then he continued on to the front door before he did something stupid.

      If anyone knew why he wanted to see her again he wished they’d explain it to him. He’d made his apology. Got his answer about her daughter. He should be relieved. His life was in Alaska. He was never going to leave there. The rest of the world revolved just fine without him. And luckily, he’d managed to find some peace in his life. Everything about living in his cabin, miles from civilization, suited him to a T. It was safe, free of emotional entanglements, less messy.

      He and his business partner Mark Schwartz flew cargo, primarily to the outlying districts and small villages near waterways. They both flew out of Fairbanks, although they rarely ran into each other. Mark did most of the Anchorage deliveries. Parker liked delivering to the outliers.

      He’d be a fool to allow anyone or anything to rob him of that life. Including the feelings building inside him. He’d felt the spark long before seeing it in Ginny’s eyes seconds ago. He’d thought about her over the years, generally with a mixture of fondness and shame. But the ache to hold her

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