Reunion By The Sea. Jo Leigh

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Reunion By The Sea - Jo Leigh Mills & Boon True Love

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      “Say what?”

      “That I’m here with you.”

      His eyebrows shot up. “I didn’t.”

      “You implied it.”

      “Sorry.” He shrugged. “I didn’t realize you liked him pawing you.”

      She could still feel his warmth slipping down her spine, as if she hadn’t broken contact. Her skin tingled from the roughness of his palms. Hugging herself, she rubbed her arms, trying to erase the feel of him.

      “We haven’t seen each other for a long time, and we were awfully young, so I can understand why you might make such a ridiculous comment,” she said, irritated by the smile lurking at the corners of his mouth. “However, let me assure you, I can take care of myself just fine.”

      “Don’t doubt it for a second,” he said, folding his arms across his chest.

      Why did he have to have so many muscles? More important, why was she reacting to him? A man’s intellect was of far greater interest to her. Not that she didn’t appreciate a good-looking man.

      She realized she was staring. “I really do have to go.”

      “Let me give you my number.”

      “Your— Why?”

      “In case you have time for a drink. Unless you prefer to give me yours.”

      Ginny shook her head, perhaps a bit too quickly. No, let him think she was brushing him off. Maybe then he wouldn’t stick around. But to be safe, she would make a point of getting Cricket alone to ask her about potential parental rights. She rifled through her handbag. The pen wasn’t in its usual place.

      “I can put it in your phone, if you like.”

      Looking up, she met his eyes. Something glinting from them sent a little shiver through her body. Her fingers brushed the pen. She pulled it out along with a credit card receipt that was blank on the back. “I’m ready,” she said, the pen poised to write.

      He recited the number.

      She repeated it to him and then stuck the receipt in an inside pocket. Feeling a bit more in control, she shook her hair back just as something troubling occurred to her. “Are you staying here at the resort?”

      “Nope. They’re booked.”

      “Right.” She tried to hide her relief. “Well, again, it was nice seeing you, Parker. Good luck finding Meg.”

      His penetrating gaze made her feel completely transparent. Naked. Too vulnerable. “You have no intention of calling me, do you?”

      “Would you blame me if I didn’t?” She tried to bite back the words but it was too late.

      Regret flickered in his eyes. Not that Ginny cared. He knew exactly what she meant. A week after Meg’s disappearance, he and his mom had pulled their own vanishing act. Overnight their home had been stripped of everything personal. The whole community had been stunned. Rumors had spread like wildfire. That they were in witness protection had been the most popular.

      All Ginny knew for certain was that her heart had shattered into too many pieces to count.


      STILL IN HER ratty old robe, Ginny left her makeup spread out across her bathroom counter and went to the kitchen to pour herself a third cup of coffee. She hoped the extra caffeine wouldn’t make her jittery, but without another dose she’d be nodding off by lunchtime.

      Ha. She should be so lucky.

      It had been a mistake talking to Cricket. Ginny felt awful for wasting her friend’s time. Not only had she jumped the gun, but she’d been unwilling to give Cricket all the facts. Ginny’s only excuse was that she had panicked the moment she’d seen Parker. And now, after a poor night’s sleep, she wasn’t any more ready to face the day. Just knowing he could show up at the resort at any minute wreaked havoc with her nervous system.

      This was supposed to have been a fun weekend, a time to catch up and relax with her friends. Social media was great in so many ways, but nothing beat seeing everyone in person. And being able to show them more pictures of Tilda.

      She’d been looking forward to the reunion for weeks.

      She’d actually made peace with the fact that Meg wouldn’t be making an appearance. Once Meg had hooked up with Danny all those years ago, her fate had been sealed. So Ginny had been prepared for her absence. Parker, though...nothing could’ve prepared Ginny for him.

      Her heart had actually raced with excitement, just like it had when she was eighteen. Then, as the ramifications of him finding out about Tilda had begun to sink in, panic and nerves had taken over. Now, even without adequate sleep, she realized she’d overreacted. Even if he were to meet Tilda, which she didn’t see happening, it didn’t mean he’d make the leap that he and Tilda were related.

      After filling her cup and adding sugar, she leaned against the counter, staring out the window. Jade had arrived late last night. When it came to causing trouble she’d always led the pack. Ginny smiled. Her mind wouldn’t have time to wander with Jade around.

      The doorbell rang.

      Sighing, Ginny took another sip before going to answer it. She knew it was Rodney from next door. Practically every Saturday he conveniently hit a ball over her fence and needed to enter the property. She had no idea what was so interesting about her side of the—

      It wasn’t Rodney. Through the long, narrow window she saw Parker standing at the door. And he most definitely saw her. No pretending she wasn’t home. But having the reunion as an excuse, she figured she could get rid of him quickly.

      Gripping the knob, she took a deep breath and then opened the door. “Parker. This is a surprise.”

      “I know,” he said, shrugging. “I would’ve called first if I’d had your number.”

       And he couldn’t have taken the hint?

      Instead of pointing that out, she held on to a polite smile. He wore jeans again, but they were dark blue and went well with the green polo shirt tucked in at his slim waist.

      “Mind if I come in?” he asked. “I won’t stay long, and I come bearing gifts.” He held up a white paper bag, probably from Gustav’s. Great. The bakery was off-limits to her.

      “Okay,” she drawled. “Honestly, I only have a few minutes. I was just on my way out.”

      As she stepped back, holding the door wide, his gaze slid down the front of her body.

      Wondering about the flicker of amusement in his eyes as he walked past her, she looked down at herself...

      Her faded, oversize granny robe had to be a hundred years old. On the left side was a hole you could drive a truck through, and it was so long the hem dragged on the floor behind her.


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