It Started In Paradise. Nicki Night

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It Started In Paradise - Nicki Night The Chandler Legacy

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      “Donovan.” She nodded in a refined manner, just as her mother would have.

      Jewel and Donovan engaged in small talk for the short ride. To Chloe, the air in the elevator seemed to have thinned. She cleared her throat, painted on a regal smile and held her head high until the doors opened on the lobby level.

      Donovan stepped out first. With his back against the door, he held his hand out. “After you.”

      “Thank you,” the women said in unison.

      “My pleasure,” Donovan said with a sexy glance directed at Chloe.

      “We should get together for drinks while we’re out here,” Jewel said.

      “We should.” Donovan stepped aside to keep from blocking the elevator. “What are you doing later tonight?”

      “We don’t have anything planned after our meetings,” Jewel said.

      Chloe just smiled.

      “Me neither.” Donovan reached inside his suit jacket and retrieved his cell phone. “Take my number. Let’s confer when we’re done. I know a great place.”

      “Cool!” Jewel took out her phone and tapped in his number.

      “Chloe, what’s your number?” Donovan’s voice warmed her ears.

      Chloe swallowed and gave it to him.

      “Good! I’ll see you ladies later.” Donovan’s light touch to Chloe’s shoulder sent slight tremors down her back.

      “Damn, that man is gorgeous,” Jewel said as he walked away.

      Chloe winced, hoping Donovan hadn’t heard her. “Come on. We have people waiting for us,” Chloe said, dismissing Jewel’s acknowledgment of the obvious.

      “Maybe he could be your first one-night stand,” Jewel teased.

      Chloe stopped walking and swatted Jewel’s arm. “You’re unbelievable.” She laughed. “That’s not going to happen.” She continued walking.

      “Never say never!” Jewel sang.

      Chloe kept her mouth shut but allowed the possibilities to roll around in her mind even though she couldn’t see it happening in real life.

       Chapter 2

      Donovan peered across the dim, busy restaurant and spotted his friend. Merengue blared through speakers tucked into the ceiling. The volume elevated to a level that made it difficult for him to hear his own thoughts. Donovan snaked through tables sideways and then weaved through a crowd of dancers yelping and winding their hips to the rhythm pulsating through the restaurant like a collective heartbeat.

      “You made it!” Keenan tapped the stool next to him. “I saved you a seat.” The two shook hands.

      “Great to see you! I think someone touched my behind on the way over here.” Donovan looked back toward the dance floor. A woman in a white ruffled blouse and red flowing skirt winked as she three-stepped from one side to the other. “Yeah, I’m pretty sure that happened.”

      “There’s a good chance that it did in here.” Keenan laughed. “How’s the conference going?”

      “I haven’t done much yet.” Donovan lifted his hand to signal the waiter. “My flight got in early. After settling in, I did a little sightseeing and spent the rest of the afternoon at the pool. I tried to take advantage of what little downtime I have. How’s business coming along?”

      “The deal looks like it’s going to happen.” Keenan took a sip of amber liquid after swirling it in his glass.

      “That’s great!” The waiter arrived and Donovan ordered his drink in Spanish. “I’m glad we were able to get together for a drink before you left.”

      “I know. We’re like two vessels crossing. You come the day before I leave.” Keenan sat back and gave Donovan a pensive look. “The offer still stands.”

      Donovan sighed. “I appreciate it but my plate is full.”

      “I know the resort would do well with you heading up the events department. It’s a great venue for weddings and conferences. I’d like to see you take on a larger role than just being an investor on this project. And the money.” Keenan whistled. “We’re going to make a ton. The seller got into some legal trouble and he’s offloading his properties for ridiculously low prices.”

      “You make an attractive offer, but to be effective I’d have to stay here for extended periods of time. Right now my father’s relying on me to expand our business back home. We’re contemplating renovations, hiring consultants, ramping up our PR efforts and all kinds of stuff. I almost didn’t make it here for this conference, but I worked it out and was able to schedule a few important meetings.” Donovan looked down the bar for the bartender. “You just make sure I have a special suite for when I visit Puerto Rico. Let the staff know they have to treat me well. Ha!”

      “That will certainly be taken care of.”

      The bartender finally arrived, set Donovan’s drink in front of him and napkin beside it. He waited for Donovan’s nod of approval before leaving. “How’s the family?” he asked Keenan.

      “Everyone is great. My parents are moving to Miami. My dad said he’s done with New York winters. Jackson opened a private investigation company and he’s doing extremely well. He didn’t expect all the disgruntled spouses but they pay well.” Keenan’s laugh settled into a wide smile. “I’m getting married.”

      “Wow!” Donovan sat back and patted Keenan’s shoulder. “Congratulations, man! I haven’t seen Adriana since graduation. Is she still in banking?”

      “She runs a brokerage firm now. Miami has been good to her.” Keenan placed his empty glass on the bar top. The waiter held his finger up, questioning if Keenan wanted another. Keenan held his hand up in return, letting the bartender know he was done. “Graduation,” he said reminiscently. “So much has changed since then.”

      “Yeah.” Fond memories of days in their Ivy League graduate program flashed across Donovan’s mind. “All good things.”

      After catching up, they went back to talking business. Keenan shared the renovation plans and reviewed the finances for the resort his company was in the process of purchasing. Even though Donovan’s only role was that of an investor, Keenan gave him a thorough update, promising to keep him informed through the entire process.

      Donovan felt confident about the money he’d invested in the endeavor and looked forward to gaining a robust return. If this went well, there were resorts in other areas of the island they wanted to explore. After that, they’d see about getting property in other tropical cities as well.

      When business had been handled, Keenan stood and Donovan followed his lead.

      “Great seeing you, man,” Donovan said. They hugged.


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