It Started In Paradise. Nicki Night

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It Started In Paradise - Nicki Night The Chandler Legacy

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get to see anyone since I moved to Miami.”

      “Tell Adriana I said hello and good luck with the wedding.”

      “You’re going to come down for it, aren’t you?” Keenan asked.

      “I wouldn’t miss it.”

      Donovan and Keenan walked out together. Both had drivers waiting to take them back to their respective hotels, where Donovan headed straight to the lobby bar in search of Chloe and Jewel. He checked his watch and then texted the ladies.

      Jewel responded first, letting him know that they were still in their meeting and should be done soon. They agreed to meet up in an hour. That gave Donovan enough time to freshen up and change into casual clothing.

      Donovan walked through the lobby, stepping in time with the rhythm of the music floating from the lobby bar. The day had been productive and he felt good about that. Now it was time to relax and enjoy the evening essence of beautiful Puerto Rico and he looked forward to doing that with the Chandler sisters—especially Chloe.

      Since they were children, he’d always been aware of her. Donovan chuckled. What would his mother think? She would certainly be upset, but as much as he loved his mother, Donovan was his own man. Besides, tonight would be nothing more than an opportunity to unwind with friends—friends that just happen to be quite beautiful despite their familial history.

      In the hotel suite, Donovan got dressed and slipped into a pair of slacks and a button-down shirt before squirting on a few splashes of cologne. This time, he opted for the tiki bar outside of the hotel.

      Salsa mixed with the sounds of the waves offered audible splendor. A cool breeze caressed his arms. Donovan smiled in response. Finding a table that provided the best view of the moonlit ocean, he sat facing the water as he waited for his server. A young man with a long ponytail, untamed facial hair and a floral shirt approached shortly after.

      “I’ll take your best scotch,” Donovan said.

      “Sure.” The waiter scribbled Donovan’s order on a pad.

      “Wait. No.” He thought better of his decision to indulge in his signature selection. He was in the tropics. Why not order accordingly? “What do you recommend?”

      “Rum, of course!” His accent made his words sound like music. “I’ll bring something you’ll like. Trust me?”

      “I’ll go for it.” Donovan nodded in agreement.

      “Be right back.”

      As the waiter walked off, Donovan sat back in his chair, allowing the tropical breeze to soothe him. His mind drifted. What was it going to be like when Jewel and Chloe joined him later?

       Chapter 3

      “Great meetings. I’m really excited about the renovation now. I can’t wait to get back and share this information with Mom,” Chloe said to Jewel as she headed toward her room. She stepped out of her dress and laid it on the bed.

      A few minutes later, Jewel joined Chloe in her room. “Technology is an amazing thing. We’ll be able to produce more pies using the same amount of space. We’ll never have a problem meeting demand now—especially during the holidays.” Posing in the mirror, Jewel checked out the flowing jumpsuit she’d just put on.

      “How’s this?” Chloe presented herself to Jewel, twirling in the floral strapless sundress she’d selected for the evening.

      “Oh! Very pretty.” Jewel offered a wide smile. “Donovan’s going to love that,” she teased.

      “I’m not thinking about Donovan.” Chloe waved her off and slipped her feet into a pair of beaded flip-flops.

      “You should be. It’s been months since you’ve dated—about a year, actually.”

      “And I’m fine with that. Who’s counting anyway?” Chloe shrugged.

      “Me! And so should you. It’s time to get back in the game.” Jewel put her hand on the doorknob. “Ready?”

      “Yeah.” Chloe walked through the open door. “Truthfully, Jewel, I’ve been so into work I’ve hardly thought about it. I’m thrilled about taking the restaurant to another level. Chandlers can really become the sought-after venue for events once we start working with this consultant. It’s time to elevate our brand. When you love what you do, it’s easy to be caught up. After my breakup with Alan, the days and months have just rolled right on by.”

      “Mom loved that guy for some reason.”

      “I know. She just knew that he was going to be her son-in-law. At first, I thought that he would be the one, too. He seemed refined, debonair and worldly. He relished living up to the image of what we represented—two successful people with all the appropriate fixings and a glamorous lifestyle. I wanted genuine romance. I didn’t care what we looked like. Warm hugs, kisses, cozy movie nights and long walks are the things that I craved. He wanted to be seen at every major function. We just couldn’t seem to find our middle ground. I’d end up at home while he attended his high-profile parties. Eventually, we just grew apart. As much as it hurt, we both knew it was best to end the relationship. Mom will never get it.”

      They had arrived at the elevator. Jewel pressed the call button and sighed. “I completely understand but I still think it’s time that you get out. I know it’s easy to get so involved in what you’re doing that you forget to have a life and I don’t want to see that happen to you any longer.”

      “You’re right. I can’t remember the last time I had dinner with someone and it wasn’t about business.”

      The elevator doors opened and the two of them stepped on.

      “No better time to start than the present. Let’s go have some fun, girl. Woo!” Jewel raised a fist in the air.

      Chloe shook her head at Jewel’s loud hoot, but laughed. She had to agree, it was time to begin carving a little extracurricular fun into her life. Loving what she did for a living shouldn’t prevent her from enjoying a fuller existence. Perhaps she’d start with a girls’ night out with her sisters and friends when she got back to New York.

      A bustling lobby greeted them when the elevator doors opened. A festive vibe had taken over now that the evening had given way to the night. Music, laughter and jovial conversations in various languages blended like a symphony. Shorts, floral shirts and casual dresses replaced the business attire from earlier in the day.

      Chloe and Jewel snaked through the crowd toward the outdoor bar that Donovan had directed them to via text. Chloe’s stomach clenched when she spotted Donovan’s handsome profile outlined by the glow of the moon. He was seated with his head resting against the back of the chair. He was gorgeous from every angle.

      Chloe looked forward to hanging out with him. Though they’d operated within the same social circles for many years, they’d never spent much time together. Tonight, she’d get to know him a little better.

      Donovan stood as they approached. Kissing both their cheeks, his lips lingered against Chloe’s for just a moment longer. His hand gently pressed against her lower back, causing shivers inside her core. She stepped back

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