Swan Point. Sherryl Woods

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right now and avoid the powerful temptation to reach out to her. Heaven knew, he had nothing to offer a woman, not yet, anyway.

      “Darlin’, could you make that pizza of mine to go?” he asked his waitress.

      “Sure thing,” Debbie said readily.

      She brought it out within minutes. As Gabe paid the check, she grinned. “I imagine I’ll see you again tomorrow. Maybe you’ll try something different.”

      “Maybe so,” he agreed, then winked. “But don’t count on it. I’m comfortable in this rut I’m in.”

      She shook her head, then glanced pointedly in Adelia’s direction. “Seems to me that’s just when you need to shake things up.”

      Gabe followed the direction of her gaze and found the very woman in question glancing his way. His heart, which hadn’t been engaged in much more than keeping him alive these past few years, did a fascinating little stutter step.

      No way, he told himself determinedly as he headed for the door and the safety of his comfortable, if uninviting, room at the Serenity Inn. He’d never been much good at multitasking. Right now his only goal was to prove himself to Mitch and to himself. Complications were out of the question. And the beautiful Adelia Hernandez and her four kids had complication written all over them.

      * * *

      “Looks as if somebody has an admirer,” Elliott commented to Adelia. Though his tone was light, there was a frown on his face as he watched the stranger leaving Rosalina’s.

      “Hush!” Adelia said, though she was blushing. She leaned closer to her brother. “That is not the sort of thing you should be saying in front of the kids. The ink’s barely dry on my divorce papers.”

      Elliott laughed. “The kids are clear across the restaurant playing video games. You’re only flustered because you know I’m right. That guy was attracted to you, Adelia. I recognize that thunderstruck expression on a man’s face. I wore it a lot when I first met Karen. I saw it in the mirror when I shaved. It happened every time she crossed my mind.”

      Adelia smiled at the memory of her little brother falling hard for a woman no one in the family had approved of at first simply because she’d divorced a deadbeat husband. Elliott had fought hard to ensure that they all came to accept Karen and her kids and love them as much as he did. After her own marital troubles, Adelia had come to admire her sister-in-law’s strength.

      “You were a goner from the moment you laid eyes on her, weren’t you?” she said.

      “No question about it,” he said. “I still am, and I don’t see that ever changing. I want that happily-ever-after kind of love for you.”

      “Maybe someday,” she said, not really able to imagine a time when she’d be willing to risk her heart again.

      Elliott nodded in the direction of the door. “So, any idea who your admirer is?”

      “Stop calling him that,” she ordered, blushing again.

      “Just calling it like I see it,” he teased. “And it’s nice to see some color in your cheeks.”

      She gave him a mock frown. “Don’t make me sorry I called you tonight,” she scolded. “There are some aggravations I can’t avoid, but you’re not one of them.”

      He grinned. “You needed me here to help you corral those kids. And don’t even try to pretend that you didn’t enjoy the way that man was looking at you. You’re not just a mom. You’re a woman. You’ve seen far too little of that sort of appreciation in recent years.”

      “That may be so, but I’m not even remotely interested in dating anytime soon,” she repeated emphatically, though she knew she was wasting her breath. Her brother loved getting under her skin and he’d just found a new way to do exactly that.

      “You didn’t recognize him?” he persisted, proving her point that he didn’t intend to let this drop. “You work right downtown. You’re involved in every activity in the school system. You see people all day long.”

      She shook her head. “I’ve never seen him before. He must be new in town.”

      “And Grace Wharton hasn’t sent out a news bulletin?” he asked, only partially in jest. Grace, who ran the soda fountain at the local drugstore, prided herself on knowing all the comings and goings in town and being the first to spread the word. “Or are you just pretending that you missed the latest edition?”

      Adelia tried a stern look that on rare occasions worked with her kids. “Drop this, please. There’s been enough turmoil in my life these past months to last a lifetime. These days I’m a mom first and foremost. I need to get the kids settled in our new house and on an emotional even keel. That’s my only focus for now.”

      “You’re still a vibrant, attractive woman,” Elliott reminded her, clearly undeterred by her expression or her words. “You deserve to find a man, the right man, who’ll appreciate and respect you in a way that Ernesto never did.” His expression darkened. “I still wish you’d let me teach him a lesson about mistreating my big sister.”

      She almost smiled at his zealous desire to stand up for her but didn’t because she didn’t want to encourage him. “I dealt with Ernesto. Thanks to Helen Decatur-Whitney, he’ll be paying for his misdeeds with those generous support payments for the kids for years to come. Every penny is going in the bank. They’ll have enough money tucked away to attend any college they choose when the time comes.”

      “I still don’t get why you refused any alimony,” Elliott told her, his frustration plain. “The man owed you, Adelia. You have a business degree, but you never used it so you could concentrate on being the perfect wife and mother. Who knows what you might have achieved by now if you’d started a career after college?”

      “Being a wife and mother was the career I chose,” she told him. “I don’t regret that for a second. Now that I’m a single mom, I’ll put just as much energy into working and being a good parent. Being independent is important to me, Elliott. I need to know I’m in control of my life.”

      “I’m just saying that Ernesto’s money might have made it easier,” he argued.

      “Don’t forget that Helen got enough money in a lump sum to pay for the new house and to keep our heads above water for a year, longer if I’m careful. I’m making decent money at the boutique, especially since Raylene made me the manager. I want to show my girls they can grow up to take care of themselves.”

      “I guess that’s an admirable goal,” he said, though his tone was doubtful.

      She smiled at him. “Isn’t that what your wife did after her husband left her with a mountain of debt? Karen made a life for herself and her kids. It was a struggle, but she persevered. That’s one of the reasons you fell for her, because she was strong in the face of adversity.”

      “I suppose.” He grinned. “But then she found me and now it’s my mission to take care of her and our family.”

      “Funny,” she said. “Karen seems to think you have a partnership.”

      Her brother winced at the reminder. “Sorry. Apparently the Cruz macho tendencies die hard.”


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