Swan Point. Sherryl Woods

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Swan Point - Sherryl Woods MIRA

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die hard. He is a good man. I can appreciate that now.”

      “I imagine it can be hard growing up in someone else’s shadow,” she said. “I know Mitch is a local. We knew each other in school, but what about you? Are you from Serenity?”

      He nodded. “Born and bred here.”

      “Then I’m surprised we haven’t crossed paths before. We must be about the same age. I imagine we were in school around the same time. I’m Adelia Hernandez, by the way. I was Adelia Cruz before I married.”

      “And I spent more time suspended from school than I did in classes,” he admitted. “I left town for a lot of years after that. I just got back a week ago. Fortunately I got my act together during that time and picked up a diploma, then went on to college. I suppose I should say I took classes, since I never graduated. I was in too much of a hurry to get on with life.”

      “Did you regret that later?”

      He shook his head. “No point in regrets. It was the decision I made. I try not to look back, just focus on the here and now.”

      “I’m trying to work on that,” she told him. “And I’ve recently had to face the fact that human beings are an imperfect lot. What matters is how we deal with our mistakes. Sounds as if you’ve made up for yours.”

      “Not entirely, but I’m working on it.”

      She watched as he glanced around the very feminine shop, which was currently displaying summer dresses and a new line of lacy lingerie. His gaze landed on the lingerie. Color bloomed in his cheeks. His nerves definitely showing, he shoved his hands in his pockets and backed toward the door.

      “I’d better get back to the bakery. Mitch has a long list of projects he wants to go over with me. It’s officially my first day on the job.”

      Adelia nodded and held up the pastry bag. “Thanks for bringing this.”

      “Not a problem.”

      She watched him leave, admired the way his jeans fit snugly over a very excellent backside and felt heat climb up her neck. She thought of Elliott’s advice just the night before to keep her heart open and her own very adamant declaration that she was a long, long way from being interested in another relationship. She suddenly couldn’t help wondering if Gabe Franklin with the wicked gleam in his eyes and his flirtatious ways was about to make a liar out of her.

      * * *

      It was midmorning before Adelia was able to push all thoughts of Gabe Franklin aside and concentrate on work. Just as she was about to reorganize a display to show off a new shipment of colorful scarves, her cell phone rang. To her dismay it was the principal of Selena’s middle school.

      “Adelia, I’m so sorry to bother you at work, but we have a problem. Selena’s not in her physical education class. The teacher didn’t notice it until they were choosing sides for soccer. She’d taken attendance earlier and Selena was there, but she disappeared sometime between that and when they went outside.”

      “Are you sure she didn’t just stay in the locker room?” Adelia asked, trying to tamp down the panic that was already rising. “She hates soccer. Skipping it to sit in the locker room and read a book is something she might do.”

      “She’s not on the school grounds,” Margaret Towson told her. “I’ve had several people checking for the past twenty minutes or so. Do you want me to call Carter Rollins?”

      “The police chief? Do you really think that’s necessary?”

      “It’s standard procedure if a child disappears during the school day and the parents don’t know where they are, either. Do you have any idea where we might find Selena?”

      Adelia felt tears gathering in her eyes. “No.”

      “Perhaps I should check with her father then,” Margaret ventured, her tone tentative.

      “No,” Adelia said quickly. “I’ll handle this. I’ll call Carter and start looking myself,” she said. “Thank you for letting me know so quickly, Margaret.”

      “Adelia, I know Selena has been going through a difficult time. Her teachers are aware of it, as well. If there’s anything we can do to help, just ask.”


      She disconnected the call and immediately called her boss. Raylene Rollins, rather than Raylene’s husband, Carter. The minute she explained the situation, Raylene said, “Lock up the store and go. I’ll be there in a few minutes to take over, but don’t wait for me. I’ll call Carter and tell him what’s going on. Try not to worry. Selena can’t have gone far. She might even be at home. Have you tried her cell phone or the phone at the house?”

      “No. I wasn’t thinking,” Adelia admitted, completely shaken by the oversight. “I’ll do that now. Thanks for understanding, Raylene.”

      “Don’t thank me. Just go. And call me the minute you find her.”

      Adelia grabbed her purse from the office, put a closed sign on the door, then locked up the boutique. She opened the door to Sweet Things, drawing a startled look from Lynn.

      “Is everything okay?” Lynn asked. “You’re white as a ghost.”

      “The school just called. Selena’s missing.”

      Lynn had her own cell phone out before Adelia could finish the sentence. “Mitch will start looking, too,” she reported. “What can I do?”

      “Just call me if she shows up here or if your daughter has any idea where she might have gone. I know Lexie’s older, but kids hear things. I’m hoping this was just an impulsive decision, but with everything that’s happened lately, I can’t help worrying that she might have been planning to run away.”

      “I’ll check with Lexie right now,” Lynn promised just as Mitch and Gabe came rushing into the bakery.

      Mitch put steadying hands on her shoulders. “Stay calm,” he said quietly. “We’re going to find her. Gabe, why don’t you go with Adelia. I’ll start driving around town. Any place you think I ought to check first?” he asked.

      “I don’t know,” she said, fresh tears gathering in her eyes.

      She’d been so sure that Selena was handling the divorce okay. She was angry at her father, of course, but beyond that she seemed to be taking the move and all the rest in stride. The rebellion of a few months ago had seemingly vanished, replaced by resignation. Adelia should have seen through that. Apparently her mom-radar wasn’t as sharp as she’d thought.

      “I’ve got this,” Gabe told Mitch. “You start looking.”

      Mitch nodded. “I’ll start by the school and fan out from there. I’ll check with Carter, too, so we’re not duplicating our efforts.”

      Gabe turned to Lynn. “How about a cup of tea? Something herbal, maybe?”

      Adelia regarded him as if he were nuts. “I don’t have time to sit here and sip tea,” she said, starting toward the door.

      Gabe blocked her path.

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